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  • RMweb Gold

Mate, that pub is seriously brilliant.


I can't believe you saying it's just a mock up as a placeholder! :O


If that's what you turn out as a temporary mock-up, I can't imagine what you consider would be the real thing...


You said to me, and to Jaz, that you were a bit diffident about posting your modelling on this forum, as you didn't think it was up to scratch, well I've got news for you: what you've done so far can hold its own against anything I've seen elsewhere on here.


Superb mate,



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Thanks very much, Al & Jaz.  While not indulging in false modesty or fishing for compliments I do still have a way to go!  My key issue is impatience as for the last year or so my modelling opportunities are few & far between so I end up rushing a bit with knock-on effects on the models.


With regard to the pub I am really quite pleased with it.  When I say it is a mock up that was the original plan, but as I started working on it I thought it a pity to start again! Essentially I had been sitting in the garden one lunchtime & thought it might be fun to make so took four photographs, paced out the front and side & then just drew it in 4mm scale. Were you to see the original you would notice that there are pen lines at various edges where I had drawn the outlines of the wrappings straight onto the printed sides of the brick paper.  


What I would do if building this again (and I still have photocopies somewhere of my construction drawings for the main walls which could be traced onto card/paper, so I wouldn't be starting from scratch & it may well happen) is the following:

  • Build the whole structure so the angles of walls are covered by the textures.  If you look you will see each wall is covered with brick paper folded over the ends and the resulting walls then stuck at right angles.  This doesn't matter on the hanging tiles above The Planetarium as that's how the real thing looks. See the square tower by my walls for how I wrapped the corners & further disguised with stone!
  • Pay more attention to the joins betwen roof & chimneys.  The "lead flashing" works OK, but it would be nice to be able to make the thing a bit neater.
  • Build the chimney caps up by another couple of layers.
  • Look again at how I built and mounted the central chimney.
  • Make the windows and doors out of styrene & transparancies rather than card and also recess them a little.
  • Weather the roof a bit more convincingly.

Otherwise as I've said it was a fun build & I'm quite happy with the result.  It's also found a rather suitable place on Wallington.

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Great pub - both in prototype and model form :)

Thanks, mike. At a guess from your user name you probably know it for real!


Here's where it is likely to sit, transported to near the seaside:




Not sure what the good people of Aldworth would make of this stuff thundering by their pub:




Suspect they would be rather glad that a station in the village would be a logistical impossibility, unless a rack & pinion was built up Streatley Hill & that would have disturbed the Golfers...


Note to non-Thames Valley readers:


The pub, which has been in the same family for hundreds of years and consistently in The Good Beer Guide. It is completely unspolit; does not attempt to serve anything beyond excellent beer (I gather there may be other drinks ;) ) and simple fileld rolls with the odd bowl of soup or a ploughmans; has a ban on mobiles on the premises including the lovely garden; games consist of darts, cards, shove ha'penny dominoes & the like; and if there is music it's because someone is playing an instrument, not because the landlord has turned up the speakers as there are no speakers.


It is completely in the heart of the community, but welcoming to outsiders like me and random walkers & dogs, providing refreshment to cricketers from the nearby club; hosting visits by the Mummers at Christmas; various (and sometimes impromptu) vintage car rallies in the paddock out the back; and raises money for local charities. Don't know why I'm telling you all this as it's difficult enough to get a seat at a weekend, although the spirit is that everyone shares tables & company.


It can be reached via Goring & Streatley station up a very steep hill, hence the comment about an Alpine railway! My Father who was brought up in the area tells how even post-war some cars were forced to reverse up the hill as the forward gearing wasn't up to the task & even now a fluffed gear change at the wrong moment can be hugely embarrassing.

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Bury the Hachette?


There has been a lot of debate about the Hachette "coaches for £3.99".  I really wan't going to, as BR Maroon just isn't my period, but the more I couldn't get hold of them the more I wanted them.  I then discovered a couple in a tiny corner shop thanks to the sharp eyes of The Small Controlelr who said, "is that the wagon you wanted, Daddy?";  a motherlode was pointed out on here and thanks to The Long Haired Controller who went past this shop I got some more; and then when passing through a WHS that didn't have them first time round I ended up with a last couple.  


Not many, but all of a sudden I had seven new coaches in need of some work.  What I wanted to do was build a rake which made vague sense, possibly purchasing a brake of some sort, and ending up with FK-CK-SK-SK-SK-BSK.  That would leave two in reserve, and also six coaches and motive power is the absolute maximum my current layout will take.


The purists will hate this, but I decided to make the FK and CK purely by changing the livery.  To be quite frank no one I know would spot the incorrect positioning of windows, doors etc & from a distance they would do!  First off I decided to make the numbers on the doors by masking and painting in with a gold pen The Small Controller uses for writing kisses on birthday cards:




So far so good, so then for the reveal:




Feck!  Erse!  In my haste to remove the maskers, or possibly because it hadn't stuck down properly in the first place, the gold had run.  Not a problem, I thought, it's only a gold marker, this will come off easily so I set to work:




White spirit, The Long Haired Controller's nail varnish remover and even drastic measures like scraping with a scalpel wouldn't touch the stuff.  On closer examination it also appeared the pen had eaten into the actual bodywork.  Using T-Cut to remove them was suggested, but I finally decided to order a Fox Transfers blanking patch sheet.  Another reason for buying the Fox stuff was that I had seen the work big jim, a member here, had done on coaches & really liked it, it also became evident that with even a gentler gold paint I was unlikely to be able to mask up the I signs on the doors delicately enough and Fox do a set for Mk1s.


I had also bought Precision Decals window markings so I could to the blue First Class hot dogs & red No Smoking triangles.  This set was lovely, but only had enough symbols to do one CK (albeit that I was left over with loads for models I really will never build) and also as I was a clumsy buffoon I also destroyed every single First Class transfer before it made it onto the windows, sometimes managing to do so in the soaking water.


Another quick Google search threw up Replica Railways as a supplier and I gave them a call.  Even though it was Friday and he was loading the van for Scalefourum the gentleman I spoke to took time out to process my order and get it on the post on the same day - this was really appreciated as they arrived on the Saturday morning and as I had had to work all day I was cheered up by a package & the chance to do some work.

Cutting a long story short here's what I came up with:








Not bad, I thought.  I then read on another forum a method of making something to represent corridor connectors.  Raiding The Small Controller's crafts box I found some heavy paper/light card & did some cutting out:




Put it in place:




In close up (sorry, awful pic-as ever I took this in a rush about an hour ago in very poor light & despite very good camera, tripod & Andy Y's tips this is what came out):




It's a bit small and rough, but then again I spent all of ten minutes making it!  Here it is hanging out of the end of a coach:




I'll make more of these, including for all my other stock from the ancient GWR stuff via HST & DMU to possibly (if I can find the right coloured sugar paper) my Class 220.  They cost pence, take no time & from a distance look good, although I will measure the size more carefully to make sure they fill the whole space and also so the rounded tops are a bit neater.

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  • RMweb Gold

For what they cost - even taking into account the extra's you've had to buy - that's a cracking job.


They're certainly passable as a rake together, and your additions have made a big difference.


Nice job, mate.



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Cheers, Al.  Apologies for a financier's post coming up, but I am a School Bursar & it's my job!


If you discount my time and things like masking tape & card I had in stock already & a few lots of postage but then remembering that I have a whole load of resources left over the project has cost me:


  • 5 x coaches = £19.95
  • WHS Gold Pen (part of set) = £3.95
  • Precision Window Decals (not used as damaged) = £3.99
  • Fox Blanking Patch = £6.25
  • Fox Coach Decals = £4.60
  • Replica Railways Window Decals (two sheets) = £5.40
  • Replica Railways Rub Down Numbers = £3.95

That is £48.09 for five coaches, giving a cost each of £9.62.  If I count the cost of the other two coaches then that's £56.07, meaning £8.01 apiece.


If I go wild with regard to detailing the other two I would consider another Fox coach detailing pack (only for the Emergency Lighting Point decals as I have shed loads of loading gauge markers left over from this and another set) bringing the total cost to £60.67, or £8.67 per coach.


I also bought a second hand Mainline Warship to pull the things & this cost me £32. which by the time I've bought a detailing pack & etched nameplates (I know the old expression about polishing a poo, but one can dip it in glitter ;) ) and allocated this cost to the coaches that's £16.03 each but I have a nicely detailed loco in with it.  To be honest I thought I'd spent a lot more...


Above all I have something I find aesthetically pleasing, that I will enjoy running, and that has given me a tremendous amount of fun in the making!

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This comment got me to thinking


..............bringing the total cost to £60.67, or £8.67 per coach.


I had a look to see what sort of cost your project might have been if sourced from new  .............

Similar coaches and the cheapest Warship, I could see..........  at a quick look  ............

RRP -  ........                        £282.67

Discounted at G*****r.com  £253


Above all I have something I find aesthetically pleasing, that I will enjoy running, and that has given me a tremendous amount of fun in the making!

Plus  ................................ :yes:  :imsohappy:

Theoretical savings of between  ...........   £172.24 and  £201.91

Well done that man  ....   and an even bigger, Bursar, smile, whilst watching them run  ...........



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I can tell you're not a Bursar, Julian, my total cost including detailed loco is £112.87, (£131.22 if I get the BSK I'm looking at) but it's still one heck of a saving ;)  


Well apart from the fact I didn't need a rake of maroon coaches & a Warship & they don't fit in with any of my eras...

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Oops  ...........................   normally more switched on than that  .....   


........ Warship to pull the things & this cost me £32. which by the time I've bought a detailing pack & etched nameplates.....



Do you have a picture of the Warship?



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  • RMweb Gold


Well apart from the fact I didn't need a rake of maroon coaches & a Warship & they don't fit in with any of my eras...


Oh, picky, picky! :D


They'd go very nicely behind a Peak on Bakewell, too...



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I agree, you had fun sourcing and making them, your family took an interest (massive bonus) visitors to your layout probably wont know or care about the details, I'm sure the small controller, not only thinks your the cleverest dad ever but has been watching and learning skills, and I bet a number of normally picky modellers have gone and invested in these, and the price of the locos might well rise as more people do the same........bonus. And several of your peers think your a complete smart ass (not a silly donkey) LMAO

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Thanks, everyone. No pic of Warship yet as she's en routefrom the eBay seller.


Logging off now as I'm cooking dinner having ahem celebrated a bit after London Irish beat Harlequins today. I'm very glad I made the meal last night & am just warming it up tonight. Need to coach 30 Under 8s tomorrow morning before this season's first match...

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coach 30 Under 8s tomorrow morning


the morning after  ...???

having ahem celebrated a bit after London Irish beat Harlequins today.


:mosking:   .....   AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..................................................  !


Oh, sorry  ........    SSSSSsssssshhhhhhh..............


Their enthusiasm will break through the pain  .....   it will be fine  ...............................................................  eer, honest  .....


One fine day a while ago, I had to teach a yr 7 class, lesson one, after a very heavy night with the other staff in my PE Dept.  [it is no co-incidence that the other male was Irish, so I do mean heavy.]

The other 3 were on a free lesson in the PE Staffroom next to the Sports Hall entrance.

I entered the lesson with more than a little trepidation, I will freely admit, as all was not well with the little grey cell, but did enter with determination that they wouldn't get the advantage, so went at it like the "proverbial Bull".

Upon returning to the Staffroom, after the lesson finished, I was greeted by the other 3, who said what a terrific, enthusiastic active lesson it had been and how the kids enjoyed it. [they weren't taking the wet effluent either]

I replied with thanks   ....................................   but had to admit that there would be little chance of repetition, as I hadn't the faintest idea what I had done  .........    :pardon:


Enjoy the session tomorrow. .. :imsohappy:


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school....pe........we had a girl called deborah who was supposed to jump the horse using a trampoline and fluffed it, the pe teacher started to get annoyed because she said her foot hurt and she was NOT going to try again..."You will go agai"n....".I WONT".........it turned out she had broken her ankle.....one very embarrassed teacher.

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Ah, locomotive arrived today.  It's a Lima Warship, not Mainline so I hope there will be no traction problems - all my Lima stuff seems to run really well so fingers crossed.


Now tring to decide whether to have one of my hamfisted attempts at detailing.  I will need to change the couplings I suspect as I've fond the old & new styles don't get on with the track on Wallington-Super-Mare...

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Here you go, Julian, Warship 828 Magnificent with my rake of Hachette Jobs which I finished the decals on tonight:




Sadly I have no layout right now, and wasn't going to get the track in from the garden hence the rear coach being a bit wobbly.  I also now know that a Warship in this livery would almost certainly not have pulled a rake of maroon Mk1s,  However I am very satisfied with the longest rake of similar coaches that I have ever owned, and eventually a BSK and possibly RMB will join them.  To paraphrase Jaws, I'm going to need a bigger track...

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That looks like a first class buy.  It looks great, along with the work you have done on the coaches.


I would guess that there is no reason why your 828 Magnificent shouldn't be moving coaches from one Preservation Line to another  .......   :angel:



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I also now know that a Warship in this livery would almost certainly not have pulled a rake of maroon Mk1s,


Not so - a complete rake of maroon Mk1's survived until around 1972 - "The Derby Red Set", which I have seen reports of in the West Country. A final version blue Warship could easily have hauled it

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Not so - a complete rake of maroon Mk1's survived until around 1972 - "The Derby Red Set", which I have seen reports of in the West Country. A final version blue Warship could easily have hauled it


Fabulous, thanks very much!  I must have got my history wrong, but then again I was relying on that beacon of accuracy Wikipedia.  I have found plenty of pics of maroon Warships with maroon coaches and all sorts of other variations so this is heartening.


I'm also delighted that the rake may have been in the West Country.  That is notionally where my railway is.

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