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Spalding Model Railway Exhibition 2013 - 9th and 10th of November

Thomas Wright

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Hello Roy & Thomas,

many thanks for the information regarding paint. Glad also that it was a good show,but then it always is. Mr D does a great job as do the rest of the club members.I should have realised that Shawplan sell Precision Paints as I know Brian & Michael pretty well. Always worth avoiding any talk about Sheffield United or "The Blades" these days as it is not unknown to upset a certain person on the stand. :no:

Regards, Derek.

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Having picked him up from school in South Devon last night, we changed our plan to visit the Lord Mayor's show owing to the poor weather and Thomas Ivor's overriding desire to see (and take up the very kind offer to help operate) County Gate:




Having missed out on having breakfast with the Lord Mayor of London at my wife's office this morning, he instead met the Mayor of Spalding, who presented him, on Ivan and the layout's behalf, with a trophy for best layout!




An exhibition and venue hitherto unknown to me - Hall 2 felt a little crowded near the door but a really good club exhibition with a good mix of layouts (no complaints here about the proportion of N gauge - there was some lovely modelling to be seen in several scales and eras).


A very great privilege for my little lad, who has had the most wonderful day, and as his Dad, who only sees him for one full day every three weeks, the making of the kind of precious memories that keeps one going on difficult days. Many thanks to Ivan and his team for their kindness and patience towards us both.


If you haven't seen 'County Gate' yet and don't have a holiday home near Utrecht, get yourself over to Lincolnshire tomorrow. There is even a place next door to deposit SWMBO when you get there - not only have we had a good day but my wife and daughter replaced some breakages in our dinner service!

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  • RMweb Premium

Well my first visit to Spalding and its show was great.  However the drive over via A1 the A151 was easy going but a little complicated on the way back by impatient idiots overtaking slow lorries from the back of a patient queue on the A151 and the A1 at a standstill just north of the Newark Junction where I was very lucky to 'escape'. Didn't really see much of Spalding town but did see the level crossing and then the station - nice building. Saw some very interesting villages on the 'diversion' back to 36E :mail:

I honestly can say I did not see a layout that I didn't like the look of. OK so I don't really have an interest in Continental or G gauge (is that the term?) but the whole set up was magnificent. I particularly enjoyed seeing some for the first time: Kiln Road, Llwydd Town; Woodhead (2mm) & County Gate. I've seen Rowlands Castle many times but it still impresses me.

I think the way the halls are laid out is something many other venues could use as 'best practice'.

I do like the venue as well. Warm, comfortable and not like a show barn at all! Carpeted floor makes such a difference.

The Cafe was crowded but with a really good selection of very reasonably priced food. Lovely staff despite being run off their feet.

I met a RMWebber by arrangement and I hope he doesn't mind me saying how enjoyable that was; chat and stories including spotting memories and modelling 'histories'! Great fun - thanks buddy.

Succumbed at long last to getting some 'bits' from Shawplan (I'm creating a trackplan for my layout this very evening - honest) to 'enhance' a Heljan 47 and collected some bits from Digitrains. Almost had a weak moment when I hovered over a Baccy 'Twin', but I managed to suppress the totally irrational want; did look very nice though.

Was very impressed with Mr. Chetter's DCC Sounds set up; bit of a revelation to a DCC Sound beginner (me that is). Thanks Paul for your friendly chat.

I'm going to say this again! This show was great; well done the SMRC lads and lasses, I can understand now why this show has become so popular.

Phil @36E

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Me first time visitor as well - and yes a great day out. All layouts, yes all layouts, I really enjoyed.  County Gate was a revelation with the way the foreground and background merged so well to give us a real landscape. Not really an American fan but all the American models were really good and having very recently returned from a 5-week trip in the Colorado Rockies really liked Purgatory Peak wihich pressed all the buttons.  Have seen Rowlands Castle a couple of times but still marvel at the expertise. Even better Mrs Geoffers was with me and it has fired her up as well. Could take advantage of this with a lot of pre-approved spending. :laugh:

Fantastic day ourt and well worth the 141 mile round trip.

Thanks guys.

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  • RMweb Premium

I enjoyed my regular visit to the Spalding show, Although I must admit I'm not that interested in the American and continental layouts of which there seemed to be a lot this year, although most of them seemed well made. SWMBO came this year but not to the show she had a wander around Spalding and the Springfield Centre but wasn't that Impressed. I might give it a rest for a year as it is a round trip of 180 Miles from the  coast of Norfolk on often not very good roads.

The Q

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I thoroughly enjoyed the show, as did my wife. As was the case last year, the quality of layouts was very high and there would have been something for everyone whatever their specialism.


Whilst the mere 50 mile round trip makes me almost a "local", this show IMHO ranks as one of the best on a national basis.


John Tomlinson.

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Well my first visit to Spalding and its show was great.  



Was very impressed with Mr. Chetter's DCC Sounds set up; bit of a revelation to a DCC Sound beginner (me that is). Thanks Paul for your friendly chat.


Phil @36E




When you come back next year as a 'DCC Sound expert' you will be able to test me thoroughly! Ha Ha.


Thanks for taking the time to comment, it's good to get some feedback.


I agree, the rest of the show was great too.


Kind regards,



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 Didn't really see much of Spalding town but did see the level crossing and then the station - nice building. 


A club member turned up with this last week, he is building a home layout based on Spalding and Littleworth:






Apparently done on a home made 3D printer, built by his son-in-law! I don't think it was done as one piece but a collection of sections which were then fixed together, although I understand the hipped roof is one print as are the chimney stacks. The pictures from my phone don't really do it justice.

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I have to say that from the other side of the barriers, I had a great weekend. The organisation was superb, the access brilliant and the public numerous yet orderly.   


I look forward to next years show exhibiting "Cliffhanger"



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I have to say how impressed I was with the Spalding show. It was a great venue for me to finish exhibiting model railways and for a last showing of County Gate in the UK. I thank the organisers for their patience and helpfulness.

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If I am honest I did not think this years show was as good as past years. Of course it's a very personal thing and in my opinion the Spalding Model Railway Exhibition has been one of the best shows I have visited in many years, very close run with Wigan. However it was slightly below par for me this year, and I must have been going for about 20 years.

No wish to upset anyone,but just my opinion. :friends:

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The mix of layouts always is very personal. For me, I thought the standard was extremely good although a few layouts were presented without additional lighting which IMO is very bad in exhibition. Some of the best food I have ever eaten at a show and the centre staff could not have been more charming and helpful. I suspect that the recession leaves its mark everywhere now. The halls were well filled though but it is a show that could do with a bit more space.


It was the first show in a long time where Sunday seemed as busy as Saturday.

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If I am honest I did not think this years show was as good as past years. Of course it's a very personal thing and in my opinion the Spalding Model Railway Exhibition has been one of the best shows I have visited in many years, very close run with Wigan. However it was slightly below par for me this year, and I must have been going for about 20 years.

No wish to upset anyone,but just my opinion. :friends:

Hi Cutler, without sounding upset, because I'm not, and as one of the Spalding club's committee, I'd be interested in why you didn't think it was as good as previously and what improvements you think we could make. The show is very important to the club and while it's impossible to make everyone happy, we do appreciate constructive feedback.


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