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Reviving an old project of mine...

Sir Madog

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For a number of family-related reasons I had to put my layout project "Schietwedderooger Kleinbahn" - 7mm narrow gauge layout in a box - to sleep. I am now able to pick it up again, reworked the plan a little and am now in the process of securing the material I need to start construction.


Here is what it is going to look like:



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The plan says 800mm by 500mm - I assume this is the scenic part?

Yes, this is correct! The fiddle yards can be disconnected, for ease of transport.


I have got all the track and points for this layout. This may be a stupid question to ask, but this is my first time of using Peco "Electrofrog" points - I did not get the "Insulfrog" kind. How on earth do I wire those? I do not intend to use the Peco point motors, but operate them manually.

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2 mm plywood and  DAS modelling clay are on order now - I should get them by mid of next week.


Here is an update on my little Deutz Diesel:






I am not yet happy with that red of the chassis, but with a good dose of grime and rust I think it´ll look OK. The body will also see quite a lot of rust - those critters were never well kept!

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