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My layout 'Stafford'


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Hello, I will be showcasing my layout which is loosly based on Stafford in the late 90s. I am currently installing OHLE to finish off the realism of the layout and then run my modern era rolling stock 'under the wires'.

My pictures will show the work in progress and encourage fellow modellers to take on the catenary task in a market which currently is deviod of fit and go products.

I was initially hesitant to bite the bullet and scratch build, however due to the Dapol let down it has spurred me on to give it a try!


Pics and text to follow......

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sounds interesting I remember going to Stratford on days out and remembering it was a maze of tracks going everywhere

Can't wait for the pictures I'll be watching with interest



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sounds interesting I remember going to Stratford on days out and remembering it was a maze of tracks going everywhere

Can't wait for the pictures I'll be watching with interest



Erm, methinks you are getting confused bri.s, andy is talking about Stafford which is in the Midlands on the WCML.

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Erm, methinks you are getting confused bri.s, andy is talking about Stafford which is in the Midlands on the WCML.

Quite right really need to get the glasses on when I read off of phone

But still should be a good project will still be watching for updates






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Hello everyone, thanks for your kind words re my post.

I have a few initial photos to share with you. These are of the south of the station complex (up & down lines) and feature both old and new rolling stock. Note the OHLE which is very fiddly and a little costly - but very rewarding when complete.

Pictures to follow of the station etc.....


Thanks for looking and showing your interest!!






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As promised some more pics.....


BR Class 87 005 'City of London' awaits its next turn of duty on the south station spur. OHLE is still in the process being installed at this location.





BR Class 47 'Fire fly' in pristine condition awaits on platform ready to take a rake of stock to the sidings.




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