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Windley, Derbyshire - All Change (again!)


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What can happen in the space of just a couple of days! I must suffer from some sort of illness or something!

I've been doing a lot of pondering over the past few days and the way I feel about things has changed considerably. I've lost the "spark" with German railways, my previous sheer fascination has simply disappeared which I feel sad about but, hey ho!

I also seem to have lost my mojo concerning P4, but as Jeff said earlier, I just can't be doing with all that fiddling about! Don't get me wrong, I love the look - just can't be bothered with it any more. I've contemplated going EM but realise that would only be more of the same.

So, what now?

I'm going to stick with 00 as I now understand some of the reasons why 00 works like correct cylinder/wheel/frame spacings plus, when weathered and ballasted it's looks pretty darn good anyway. A look at the fine 00 layouts on here is proof of that, indeed I have sometimes wondered why I bothered with broader gauges.

My current fascination nay, obsession is with British steam locos once again and I have decided to take up where I once started going - 1930's Southern steam as I have always loved the Maunsell olive green. I simply have to have some more of the wonderful Hornby lined olive green coaches! Unfortunately that precludes the use of the later Bulleid designs and certainly the lovely BR standards, maybe I might do a later period sometime?

I don't really know where in the 'south' I want to base my model - it will 99.9% likely be an entirely fictional location as I would like to keep with the theme/s I had been working with, a small BLT with an attached industry. AFAIK there was never a great deal of 'industry' in the south just occasional coal mines, a sand pit or two, gravel pits or fuel oil.

Can any more knowledgeable members point me in any particular direction here, please?

Cheers for now,

John E.

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Hold on John, what about Windley? Is that for the "chop" too?


My neck of the woods (East Dorset) has a good mix of LSWR and SDJR. No coal mines but in the steam era there was ball clay, sand, incoming house coal, general goods to/from Poole port, pottery goods, military traffic, etc




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John, how about North Cornwall with China Clay out of Boscarne Junction and the like, from Wadebridge and above.


Have a look at Ray's (Tender) Camel Quay, or going the other way, Westerhamstation's Westerham Station for some wonderful track and scenics.


I can't believe I posted in Kirkby Luneside this morning predicting this would happen, ahhah

And that was tongue in cheek.

Edited by Andrew P
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  • RMweb Premium

John, no need for soul-searching. It's apparent that you just enjoy modelling ALL kinds of countries and gauges.


As I've just pointed out in KL, since it was you who started the S&C section, maybe you should go S&C in your "new" adventure in 00?!


As you well know, we'll all be watching to see what you come up with. And - since you've done the hard work - why not stick to your existing plan for Windley?



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Hi guys,

Many thanks for the supportive comments!

Peter, for now - Windley is for the 'chop' but never say never as it may well re-appear in good time - it's too good a plan not to! Thanks for your help with it mate!

Andy, cheers mate! Good prediction! (now for the lottery No.s, please!?!) I'll be having a good look around to see what & where takes my fancy.

Jeff, Thanks mate! While I have certainly been strongly tempted to do a 'Jenkinson' and invent a little S&C BLT (I even have the Hornby buildings!) but, . . I've just got to feed my current obsession! I've a strong feeling that the track plan will look quite similar though. Again, never say never!


John E.

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  • RMweb Gold


What part of the 'South' are you thinking of?  Depending on where also depends on what pre-grouping stock will need to be included.


The way people dressed, well mostly the men I suppose, hardly changed from the mid-thirties to the fifties and an out of the way BLT may not have got repainted so you just need to be able to change the signs to cover quite a period.


What is going to happen to that lovely little loco and carriages you paid an arm and a leg for?

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Hi guys,

Thanks Richard, yes - I now have a fair bit of P4 bits & pieces that will probably stagnate for a while, we'll see!

Thanks Chris, not quite sure just where in the south I'm thinking of yet! On my work computer, there is a view of the lovely white cliffs, near Dover I suppose and I always loved seeing them when I came back from my many trips abroad - it just does something to me!

I'm currently thinking somewhere that might incorporate or invoke chalk hills? I'm not very well up on southern topography but I read somewhere there was sand traffic from Kent? I must incorporate some freight besides the usual 'general goods' or pick up goods.

As to the little Bavarian tank, well it will join it's Teutonic stablemates in my stock cupboard, my thinning out will not include anything sound fitted!


John E.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi John,


Obviously I'm a little sad to see Windley go, it was a great plan and it's in Derbyshire... What more can you ask for? ;)


I'm sure whatever you settle on (ooh, no pun intended) will look great, and I wish you all the best.


Can't wait to see what you come up with next.



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  • RMweb Premium

Hi guys,

Thanks Richard, yes - I now have a fair bit of P4 bits & pieces that will probably stagnate for a while, we'll see!

Thanks Chris, not quite sure just where in the south I'm thinking of yet! On my work computer, there is a view of the lovely white cliffs, near Dover I suppose and I always loved seeing them when I came back from my many trips abroad - it just does something to me!

I'm currently thinking somewhere that might incorporate or invoke chalk hills? I'm not very well up on southern topography but I read somewhere there was sand traffic from Kent? I must incorporate some freight besides the usual 'general goods' or pick up goods.

As to the little Bavarian tank, well it will join it's Teutonic stablemates in my stock cupboard, my thinning out will not include anything sound fitted!


John E.

British Industrial sand for glass making there is a topic in standard gauge industrials I think.


rail served glass industry I can't make the link work page 3 of std gauge industrial.

Edited by skipepsi
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys,

Well! That love affair was short! Windley - in close to it's original form but in 00 is back on again!

Next week, who knows?

I hasten to add that I still love my olive green steamer/s but simply couldn't get any inspiration going for any other plans, I love this one too much so I'm getting all green diesel again.

Eeee! by 'eck! Ee'll n'eyer get anyweir lyk 'at.


John E.

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  • 3 weeks later...

John / Allegheny 1600

Kal is working at the second so not online at the moment, so when I mentioned your happy birthday wishes...he asked me to pop over on his behalf and say


              :yahoo: :dancer: :yahoo: :dancer:H A P P Y   B I R T H D A Y    :dancer: :yahoo:  :dancer:   :yahoo:


for yesterday to you also :sungum: So he does not forget.

Hope you had a good one.

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Thanks me ducks!

Well, it is a Derbyshire topic!

As briefly mentioned in LL, a good mate has been kindly helping me with a bit of a re-design for Windley as in P4, it would not be possible to incorporate the "L" shape AND keep any useful track in the station area.

Accordingly, the layout will now have to adopt the form of a straight 9' set of three boards! It will still be interesting to operate however, sometime after I return to base, I will be baseboard building again!


John E.

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Thanks me ducks!

Well, it is a Derbyshire topic!

As briefly mentioned in LL, a good mate has been kindly helping me with a bit of a re-design for Windley as in P4, it would not be possible to incorporate the "L" shape AND keep any useful track in the station area.

Accordingly, the layout will now have to adopt the form of a straight 9' set of three boards! It will still be interesting to operate however, sometime after I return to base, I will be baseboard building again!


John E.


Any chance of seeing a track plan John?

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Shortly after I get back on the big computer, mate!

Then I'll mock something up on Anyrail prior to getting to grips with Templot.

I'd try here on the IPad but I'm only just able to type, let alone do anything sophisticated, sorry!


John E.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi all,

Just a brief update on why there has been no progress on here.

I got heavily involved in building my new 'test track' and have spent quite a lot of time on that, have given up smoking, sold off a fair bit of my 0 scale stock and gotten madly passionate about 'pre-group' German railways but, . . . I shall return to Windley in due course!

Certainly I will be doing more work on it over the coming winter months!

Until then,

Cheers for now,


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Pleased it's been quiet on here because I'd lost touch - I find that I've been trying to follow too many threads and the time spent on-line has been noticed by Joanna and duly moaned about! I'll have to devise a listing and a method of checking a few now and then rather than all of them several times a day!

Saw the lovely old German machinery on ERs, most impressive although I have to confess that I still prefer the clean lines of a Stanier Princess in red!!

Look forward to updates here when you are ready,

Kind regards,


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agreed, it's nice to catch up, but people should not feel that they have to post, when your ready we are ready to come see what you are up to.....

many people just don't have the time to do stuff, and photograph it, and waffle about it.... :angel:

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  • 2 months later...

Hi folks,

Well it must be winter as I've been doing bit's and bob's for Windley (at last!).

I have been doing a wagon building course at my club, on building wagons for P4 that is. It's been great fun, assembling my first ever sprung chassis and getting it rolling, so smoothly. It really is a big boost when something like that comes together. The latest instalment of the course was in fitting AJ couplings, they look wonderful.

I'd always been very scared of trying to bend them up, how on earth do you do that consistently, I thought!

Well with the use of the various jigs from Palatine models and/or Scalefour stores, it becomes easy, honestly it does!

When I get more time, I shall take & post pictures of this work for your enjoyment, hopefully.

What I have also done (without someone holding my hand!!!) is complete the baseboards for Windley (and/or the German layout/s), the actual woodwork was no problem, it's the painting that I particularly detest doing. Ugh!

Anyway here we have the underneath of the boards done;






Not very exciting really, just a couple of coats of white undercoat/primer, then a top coat of (gloss!) white just to make everything 'visible' on the underside. Why gloss? Well, I didn't have any matt or silk!!! It seems quite okay though.






Much the same again only I chose a mid grey for the topside of the boards mainly for it's convenience and neutrality, I like it.

Now, just the ironwork to re-attach and re-assemble in the box room, then back to thinking about track plans.


John E.

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  • RMweb Gold

Gosh John, the baseboards look like a work of art in themselves! :O


Wonderful bit of work, and the gloss white certainly makes them stand out. It seems a shame that you'll be chopping holes in them for point motors, wiring and so on.


Look forward to following your renewed plans.



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