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Gunney Slade

NHY 581

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  • RMweb Gold

Finally decided to do something with my dormant test track.


With the long awaited railway room taking a little while longer, I felt it was time today get some practice in.

I built the boards and laid the track a couple of years ago now, with the intention of this being a Southern branch terminus. However, like so many of us, other things delayed matters. It was always seen as a test bed pending a bigger layout, to try out different techniques.


Now my first love has always been S&DJR, inspired by Mr Peters, so I have decided this is where we will go.


Gunney Slade will be set in the 1950s, early sixties. There will, however,be NO western region presence to spoil the view. This will be S&D prior to any of THAT regions involvement, regardless. Southern paint schemes for the buildings and no pesky panniers or collet goods making the place look untidy.


A few photos then of a mock up done this morning. I apologise for the lash up look and in particular the post stripped look of the station building.


The game is afoot !!








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How realistic do you want yout track layout to be?

You ought to have a trap point(s) or headshunt to protect the main line from any unauthorised stock movements from the sidings.

The easiest way may be to replace the second point with a double slip to give you a head shunt.


Gordon A


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  • RMweb Premium

Alternatively you could add traps from scraps of rail as below (green denotes fixed rail, red the - dummy - moving switches).  This arrangement crops up commonly in photos of small stations where presumably the expense of a headshunt wasn't justified.




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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Gordon, FP. I anticipated some feedback regarding the track plan. It was put together from bits and bobs I had knocking about. As I say, this is still a test track for me to try new ideas. I will save all of that for the proper job starting later know the year.


The objective is simply to produce a small layout that looks ok and keeps me amused. I mean, ultimately we need to have fun.


In terms of the main layout I will be using a prototype track plan. Most likely candidate is Edington Burtle.


However, all input is welcome.



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>>>Most likely candidate is Edington Burtle.....


Hmmm, that will be even simpler - or do you mean Edington Junction ? :-)


I would agree with the need for either traps or a headshunt. Given that the idea of the latter is usually to enable shunting to continue whilst other trains use the main line, with a small terminus and (relatively) low traffic levels that was probably less of a consideration. However, from an 'appearance' viewpoint then I would suggest the ability to use the headshunt for short shunts may 'look' better than always having half the train disappear out through whatever bridge/tunnel forms your 'scenic break'.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good point Chris and welcome. With hindsight, a head shunt would avoid the disappearance through the back scene. .mmmmmm.

Have to think about this. I see this as a relatively short term project before embarking on the larger project hence built from what I have lying about....


You are strictly correct. I will have the branch platforms in use so it will based on Edington Junction as it was only known as Edington Burtle after the Bridgwater branch closed to passengers in 1952 and it was subsequently renamed in June 1953.


Might even have 'Road'in the station name.....





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  • RMweb Gold

Lovely to see Rob!


I like the although still a small layout you haven't wedged it full of track, looks... railwaylike.

I can fully agree with Chris re the appearance of even a small headshunt for short shunts, I can see already  the little shunt i thought was next to useless is going to see a lot more use than I at first thought. but conversely If It was me and it was a quick finish I was after I would go with the traps, I've got to fit a dummy one on the Loco rd. Mmm helpful ain't I  :scratchhead:


Look forward to seeing this develop, will now subscribe and watch your progress (rapidly overtaking me probably  :biggrin_mini:)


Cheers Matt

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  • RMweb Gold

Welcome Matt, good to have you aboard.

Just opening this thread has renewed my enthusiasm for this little project.


Progress will depend on the usual family stuff. However, I will keep updating. At the moment I am working on the station building and will post some photos soon.



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  • RMweb Gold

A couple more photos ti keep ticking over. I think this is a good thing to do as I find no matter how much you plan, it is not until you see the models on the board that you really get a feel of the layout....





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  • RMweb Gold

I had a nice surprise in the post today.


In the spirit of keeping it simple and using the layout as a test bed, I had ordered some point levers from Model Junction. Arrived today, five levers from Caboose Industries.


I am looking to use these on another project involving Czech Railways so thought I would give them a go.


Very easy to assemble and fit. They are not everyone's cup of tea but I have say, I quite like them. With a bit of weathering they will blend in quite nicely.


Also, I am going to leave the track plan as is. I know, I know....but I will save the trap points for a later date and press on as is. ( Yes I will take myself off to the boot room for a damn good thrashing at the hands of Grayson, the school bully )

To be honest, I am quite enjoying playing trains.....





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  • RMweb Gold

Not much to report.


Working on the station building at the moment. Bachmann Sheffield Park waiting room will suffice.In fact it was bought with this in mind.


Please bear in mind it is a work in progress.




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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Armin.

I perhaps should have detailed this to start with.


Layout is made up of three base boards, 90x60 cm. Top surface is 6 mm MDF. Two form the scenic part with the third as the fiddle yard.

It is built to 00 gauge using PECO Code 75 plain track and Electro frog points laid on 1/16th cork sheet. Point control is manual by way of Caboose Industries point levers, good fun !

Wiring is basic.....very but it works.


Not done a lot this week. Sidelined by some sort of virus.. bizarre.


I have been thinking about the signal box and have decided not too use the Shillingstone 'box.


I will post later with what I see as the solution.



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Been a bit quiet of late. My apologies.


Decided against the Shillingstone signal box and have gone for the recent Bachmann ground frame.




A work in progress photo then.......Some more work to do before I am happy with it.





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  • 5 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

My apologies. This has not gone according to plan A.

However, I don't want this to be another layout thread that drifts away.....I had not realised that it had been four months though.


A variety of things have conspired to halt work on this project. The planned railway room had to be cancelled so at the moment Gunney Slade is homeless.


I am looking to progress this soon, just to get some modelling done but work and family have taken up a massive chunk of time.


The layout was taken down to allow the garage rebuild to happen and this was delayed several times and did not go ahead until late May, finishing in early July.


I will keep updating....



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  • RMweb Gold

Picked up a Bachmann crossing keepers cottage the other day. I have fancied one of these for a bit now and I am not disappointed it really is a nice model. I hope to do some detailing over the weekend and post some after shots.





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  • 1 month later...
  • RMweb Gold

Never seem to get the time at the moment. Work has been extremely busy and have been away from home for a bit.


I really must jump start this little project. What with family and work there gas been precious little time for modelling.


New to ones self....be more organised and maximise the time you have.


Press on then.



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  • RMweb Gold

Keep at it Rob!


Holcombe has been pretty much moribund for a huge chunk of this year as well I'm afraid for pretty much the same reasons.


DCC'd a split chassis Ivatt tank and tidied the layout room, thats about it!


Lets both have something to update by the end of the month, no matter how small. Deal?

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  • RMweb Gold

Indeed, Matt. I will see what I can do. First job I would venture, is to put up the layout in the refurbished garage.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Well, finally found the time to retrieve the layout from the attic where it had been stored whilst the garage was being rebuilt. The garage is still not the best place to put the layout up but it is the only area where it can be erected, and it is considerably better now than when the layout was last there !!


Looking it over this morning, I have decided to make some minor changes, primarily to the wiring. I am also going to re think the back scene and the fiddle yard. This was always going to be a test track to try out different things and I guess it is not an ideal way for the layout to evolve.......but evolving it is.


Definitely a work in progress but after months of inactivity, at least we have some progress.


Stand by to stand by then......the game is afoot........er...again...



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  • RMweb Gold

Nope, Richard,


Gunney Slade it is. Gunney is my nickname. Inspiration obviously from Gurney Slade and the strange world there of but Gunney Slade it is.


Also felt that the real Gurney Slade was too close to Binegar for comfort as I had in mind a small terminus, probably an ex through station on a branch to some where as opposed to a might have been on the S&D mainline as done by JZ elsewhere in layouts.


No Gunney Slade is slightly run down,  a bit eccentric,dog eared in places, working to a slightly slower, gentler pace..................bloody hell! that's me!!!



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  • RMweb Gold

You can spot Gunney Slade on the old maps, its the bit of the S&D that was never transferred over to the Western region.  :blind:


Well done on getting it out in its new home Rob, looking forward to future developments.



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Finally got around to having a bit of time to reassess the layout. Unfortunately, I came across a bit of a disaster. A lack of bracing has led to some serious warping of one of the station boards. I had my doubts when I built it and I was right so it would seem.

I am going to replace the baseboard top and start again. Lesson learnt there then. Never mind. It will give me chance to try out a couple of ideas.


In the meantime, I have bought some weathering powders to have a play with.



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