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Model Railway Structures


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The first of the sets of chimney pots to suit Scalescenes kits are now available for purchase.


The photo shows some pots on the Scalescenes Row of Cottages kit.




The photo is courtesy of John Wiffen and used with his permission (before I get into trouble).


The set to suit this kit is available at https://www.shapeways.com/model/1936116/t019-ss-chimney-pots-4mm.html?modelId=1936116&materialId=6


The pots are pre-printed on the mortar haunching, which has been sized to suit the top of the chimney stack. Simply paint and then glue to the top of the chimney stack. No fiddling around with trying to position individual pots.


It is intended to extend the range to suit all the Scalescenes kits with chimneys.

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Hi Ian


What scale are you modeling? The OO scale uses a different material from the N scale. What dimensions are you looking to achieve? It may be possible to create a modification to increase the span to 4 track. Here are the dimensions of the current bridge design, would you be able to mark up what you are looking to achieve and send it to me? 




Do you think you might have room to squeeze in a pair of columns between the tracks if you wanted a slightly more prototypical appearance.?


Sorry for the inquisition, but I just wanted to assess if their were alternatives before you reach for a knife.




  I'll have to take a crack at measuring what I need. I'm modelling in OO, and the four track mainline through the station in question is a pretty straightforward "standard" PECO gauge separation for peco streamline flextrack. Unfortunately it's not exactly prototypical (due to the need to match separation for points in a couple of crossovers) so it's a simple 4-track with even separation between the tracks rather than a 10' separation between the up and down pairs. I'm sure a column would "work" even so, if it was moderate size, I've placed a Ratio signal between the tracks and it looks OK/has clearance, so a small column should have clearance also. I'll see if I can't get some measurements in the next couple of days.


Thanks in advance,



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I'm a British H0 modeller and one thing I don't think I have never seen in H0 is  British (lattice) overbridge in that scale.  If you can do one of these in N can you do one in H0?  I would certainly be in the market for one and  after I tell people in the British 1/87 Society about your one I'm sure there would be others similarly interested.


Ken Clark


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Hi Ken


I can certainly model the bridge in H0. It just isn't as simple though as the OO to N change. The OO and N scales are made in two different materials. The material for the N scale bridge is more than  twice as expensive as the material for OO, but as the volume of material printed is about one quarter of the larger scale the cost comes out cheaper. 


When I created the model for OO scale some of the printed sections were set at the smallest that could be printed using that cheaper material. This means that I can't  just uniformly scale the OO bridge to print an H0 bridge using the cheaper material. 


I have today placed on Shapeways an H0 scale version, but it is possible that I will revisit it in the future to either "coarsen" the detail to make it printable in cheaper material, or enhance the detail to make the most of the capability of the more expensive material.




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I see what you mean.  By the time other costs are taken in it comes out at well over £45 which, I suspect is above most  budgets - certainly above mine.  But i will report its availability to the British H0 Forum and see who might be interested.

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Hi Peter


Off topic, but could the technique be used to produce Loco bodies? I'm thinking it would be a great opportunity - subject to prove - for people who are happy to kit bash.


There are a few people already designing and printing Loco bodies, I think there are also a few threads on RMWeb.  I'm sure I could do the modeling, but I lack the knowledge of the prototype.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Well the flu and a few other distractions have prevented me from posting for a while .. I've had a few arrivals of check prints from Shapeways in the intervening period.


The platform canopies in sections as a single print have arrived and I'm very pleased with them.






The canopy section with columns (as above), is alternated with the section below.




Like this




At the end you add a cantilevered canopy




Like this




OO scale components are already available for purchase at Shapeways


N scale components will follow soon.




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I have put onto Shapeways a set of generic platform seats.




It was originally intended to be a GER seat, but unfortunately the monogram is to fine to print in the cheaper White Strong and Flexible material.




I'll try reworking it in Frosted Ultra Detail when I get time, but I fear the cost advantage over etched or laser cut will then disappear.




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I produced these windows to suit the Kingsway Models Georgian terraced houses kit.




You place them into the window opening from the outside and hold in place with a bit of glue on the back of the window surround.




The batch print of 24 windows is available on Shapeways.






Edited by wizmacnz
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I've made some lengths of simple wall mounted bench seating.


It comes in 160mm lengths in OO scale.


You can just cut the seats to the length you want and glue it onto a wall.






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  • 1 month later...

Shapeways have sent out notice of a change in their pricing calculation for 3D printing that will have a drastic impact on the cost of my items at Shapeways. Some of my items will have a ten fold increase in price. The proposed price changes will come into effect on 7 October. If you were thinking of buying some of my things, you'd better get in quick.


I will be reviewing how to make many of my models viable under their new cost structure. Until I am able to optimise to work with their new rules my Shapeways stock post October 7 is going to be listed at rediculously high prices.


For example, by adding to the model a loop of plastic to a set of windows (as per the picture below), the Shapeways proposed new price is reduced by US$ 28.50. The twenty windows are still more expensive than in the old pricing structure by about 50%, but at least it's not the 1000% + that it was without the addition of the plastic loop.





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Hi Captain Kernow


The way my online Shapeways shop works is that they take the order, print the item(s). package and mail them to the customer. I get a cut of the money they charge as a designer fee. My fee is around 10%. If I were to do this as a business to where I take the order and arrange dispatch , I would have to place my own order with Shapeways, have it mailed to me in New Zealand (min post and packing fee from Shapeways to NZ is US$15), and then mail it back to the customer. The cost increase to the customer and the time increase to mail to NZ and back again to Europe (where most of my customers are), would provide a much worse service than the current offering.


If there were a local 3D printing company that could undercut Shapeways it might be viable to change things around a bit. I know a NZ 3D printing company that would have the type of equipment capable of printing my items, but their current focus is providing high-end product for product development and their pricing is also way higher than Shapeways. Things will change as technology improves and gets cheaper.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Black Sheep


I'm still having more than a few issues with Shapeways, but that relates to their WSF material. I think the Chimney you were interested in was N scale which is not affected by the price structure changes.





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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi Peter


I'm sure others have wondered about it, but given the interest in reproducing different variants of pre-BR coaches would you know how easy it is to produce CAD Drawings so that a pair of sides to replace those on , say, Hornby or Bachmann, underframes could be printed?


Currently if you ant to stray away from the norm, you have to go to Brass, such as a Comet kit, and while many of the modellers here are happy to butcher a bit of plastic, the whole soldering thing is a bit beyond 99% of the members.


IT struck me that there could be a good little line of business in producing coach sides this way.


Any thoughts?





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Hi Peter. Under O Gauge 7mm on your Shapeways page, there are no listings. I read earlier in this thread that 7mm was available. Is that still the case?



Hi Jim


Anything that can be printed at 4mm can be scaled up to print at 7mm; provided that it will still fit in the printer. The main issue is cost. If you look at the price of something in 4mm the shapeways price for 7mm would be about 4 times more expensive. If there is anything in particular that you are interested in let me know and I will give it a go and see what happens to the price.

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Hi Peter


I'm sure others have wondered about it, but given the interest in reproducing different variants of pre-BR coaches would you know how easy it is to produce CAD Drawings so that a pair of sides to replace those on , say, Hornby or Bachmann, underframes could be printed?


Currently if you ant to stray away from the norm, you have to go to Brass, such as a Comet kit, and while many of the modellers here are happy to butcher a bit of plastic, the whole soldering thing is a bit beyond 99% of the members.


IT struck me that there could be a good little line of business in producing coach sides this way.


Any thoughts?





Hi Peter


The main thing that stops me modeling rolling stock etc, is that I don't have the knowledge of the prototype to know what I'm doing.  If I had dimensioned plans I'm sure I could create the 3D computer models. I have seen some examples on Shapeways of model rolling stock, but I think in OO scale, what you are suggesting could turn out to be pretty pricey at current print charge rates.

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HI Peter


Thanks for coming back - I suppose it depends on what you call 'pricey' For example. If I want to get a Gresley restauranteur or an open third or any of the other many designs that Ornby doesn't offer, I need to either track down an Ian Kirk kit - assuming one is available, make it up and then deal with he fact that glued to gather bogies are never a strong as moulded ones, so it will probably have to have a set of replacements for those as well - all up we're looking at somewhere around £ 70, and that's before painting it


ON the other hand I could get a set of comet model brass sides - around £ 40 and replace the sides form an existing Hornby model - which I could pick up for around £ 15, but then I'd need to be good at soldering, which I'm not.


Seven if a pair of replacement sides came to £ 30 or £40, it would still represent a 'bargain' if I could get away with just having to paint, line and glaze them.


I suspect that there are plenty of drawing around in the NRM of coach profiles so potentially the start point is there for a 3D print - what do you think?



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