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Evening All!!


Well its been a bit hot lately to be stuck in the garage so updates have been few and far between... With the bus turning circle giving me a headache on the left board I decided to run a test train to try and spur me ino life !!




I heated up the glue gun and attached the tunnel in a permanent guise and it looks ok, will require proper painting once finished.




Whilst running I found my misplaced Chicken Wire (thanks John for that!) so decided to start another hill and leave the dreaded road for a while...




Then out came the water and plaster bandage ive had for months... Slap it on, let it dry then in a week or so I will apply a top filler screed to the mess :)




Only another side to do!!!

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Bit of the modelling mojo has come out this week, finally we have one end at the detailing stage!!post-18903-0-26168900-1407269079.jpg


Then I started to flick the flock about like a made flock flicker!!





Also on the side lines ive been trying to find a way of getting a Dapol semaphore to change from the pulse created by my PPI's which I have in the mimic panel that I purchased from Blocksignalling.co.uk




Pleased to say they now work from the pulse of a seep point motor changing!!


Much gratitude to the guys from the N Gauge forum for help on this one!

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Here is the wiring diagram if you want to make your Dapol Semaphore signals change when you flick your points one way or the other..  Cost per signal circuit is approximately £2.




Obviously the diagram above does not show your existing wiring for your point motors, just the wires you need to add :D

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Been a busy bee today, the abutments are placed for the end of the station where the Edwardians dug out the hill to accommodate the Terminus, single line tunnel fitted and a start has been made on the hills... Again a messy but necessary process! To the far right is the road tunnel (missing the tunnel front!!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, whilst on holiday I visited Paignton model shop where I picked up a nice crimson and cream autocoach (i now have all liveries for no real reason at all :) )




Anyway onto more important things such as the layout!!


So i've restocked my Wilkinsons Filler rations and added the road tunnel to the left side of the layout (a cut down single tunnel mouth made from two identical single tunnel portals to get the width I need for the vehicles to clear it) and finished off the filling.. I next need to fill the gaps in the retaining walls and re-scribe the bricks once its set.




Then I am onto the platform creation, a general tidy up of spilt filler droplets and some airbrush work...


Another excellent piece of progress whilst I have been away sunning it up, is that a certain Mr Robinson has been hard at work on Tormouth signalbox and Drivers Mess Shed... The current progress looks stunning!



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A rainy afternoon so thought I would post some updates to the build...


Iain Robinson has finished my Signalbox and Mess Hut. It is absolutely stunning...

Cant wait to fit into the layout, the motorised signalman is ready and waiting to go into his new home!!




My own work has consisted of sanding and painting the left hill as well as making a concerted effort to begin the platforms.... These have been a real pain as I couldn't get my templates to quite match the contours... Then once I did I re-measured and my new Farish 08 kept hitting the platform edges so I had to start again (3 times i'll have you know, before it was finally acceptable!!).




Now it all fits Im not going to glue section one down until the hill and top road have been grassed..

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Really wasn't happy with the way the cardboard platform turned out, so purchased some real this wood from KS Models in Stevenage and cut out the whole lot as one. This is now glued to the platform edges you see below (i've added some supports as you can see)...




Iains model arrived today and it looks brilliant, so cut out the section it will sit in as you can see from my test picture!




Only downside today is that i've blown up Lidl multi tool number two on this project!!!

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The results of a night having fifteen cans of tomatoes etc weighing down....


One stubborn platorm end to be hit with the glue gun this evening!! So much better than the card I used initially..

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It's interesting to see the method of cutting a hole for the building. I always wondered how Iain's models sat into the layout, and now I know! Great progress there. That platform area is going to look great.

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Hi Freebs. 


I'm not sure how Iain usually does them, but for my needs this was the best idea, I wanted to ensure it didn't need any changes from the way it arrived from Iain, and knowing that I had used 6mm ply it was then easy for Iain to build it on a 6mm base.  That being said if I have any issues underneath with the little man on his Servo I can lift it out to fault find



Cheers Paul.

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That sounds like a brilliant plan. I like the idea of that. I'd originally intended to lay 3mm foamex sheets on top of my baseboard and therefore modelled my buildings onto the same depth sheets for bases, but now have scrapped that - so I've a huge goods shed that needs re-basing - could be time to cut out a nice piece of 9mm ply from the baseboard :)

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I am liking these shots of the box on the layout and the platforms are looking very fine. I like your can of tomatoes method of subduing the surfaces...very pragmatic (and effective!) I don't have any particular method for siting buildings, it's always up to what the customer wants. So sometimes I just build down to the ground, other times I extend the wall below the ground level, although I do prefer sitting the model on a base, to be honest. The model I'm building just now is on two sheets of foamex...thought you'd appreciate that, Lee!

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There is little point in having a great signalbox without any signals, so the last update this weekend is four of the five signals installed and tested

Unfortunately one is duff out of the box so will need to go back to be replaced.


Enjoy! (Yes it needs a hoover but the signal ballast is wet and I could not wait to post my pics!!)




The platform starter is going to be tricky as i need to modify the as yet non planted platform starter to be in a smaller mast or maybe a Y gantry from the other right hand starter but I still need it to work. All ideas most welcome :)




The Distant from Exeter




Mr Ando if you are reading this you will need to warm up the Das Clay as I hope to have it to you quite soon ;)

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I'ts ok for some! Internet access was awful in Dawlish too ;)


So I wasn't intending to do anything on the layout today/tomorrow, however the joys of work called me out at an ungodly hour so whilst I was waiting for things to complete I came up with the CAD for the Funicular Top & possibly bottom stations !




Any thoughts avid readers ? - Yes it is a rather close copy of the funicular at Babbacoombe :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Paul,




If you're 3D printing I'd be tempted to allow a little extra depth so the building can be "buried" to avoid the dreaded gap around the base... also just couple of shallow steps leading up to the main entrance might look quite stylish....




Ben A.

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