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Captain Kernow

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  • RMweb Gold

Dear All,


Although I am still not yet in a position to make an announcement about the Saturday day time activities, we can now at least launch a thread for the Saturday evening before the Members Day proper.


The 'evening event' will start at 1700 hrs with a visit kindly hosted by the Taunton Model Railway Group in their Bishops Lydeard clubroom, on the Down platform of the station - http://www.ukmodelshops.co.uk/tmrg/


'Bath Green Park' should again be operational this year, along with 'Tamerigg'.


The visit with TMRG will last until 1900 hrs, at which point those who wish, will move to 'The Cross Keys', Norton Fitzwarren, for an evening meal and drinks. There is a table booked in my (real) name (you can alternatively quote 'RMWeb' when you ring the pub), from 1930 hrs.


'The Cross Keys' is the pub that we have traditionally used for our Saturday evening get-together, apart from last year, when we met in Bishops Lydeard. There's nowt wrong with the pub in Bishops Lydeard as far as I am concerned and the reason we went there last year was due to the fact that I had heard (wrongly as it turns out) that 'The Cross Keys' couldn't accommodate a large group any longer, due to having been rebuilt internally, after flooding the previous winter.


As it turns out, I was wrong about that, and the side room where we have gathered a few times is still available, although if our numbers exceed a certain limit, we will probably be accommodated in two or more tables in another part of the pub.


Whilst I haven't yet had a menu sent through by the pub, I have decided to go with the menu that is uploaded on their website, which can be found here - http://www.all-inns.co.uk/pub/the-cross-keys/menus/lets-make-a-start


Now then, this is the important bit.....


1) If you are coming to just the Taunton MRG part at Bishops Lydeard from 1700 to 1900 - there is no specific need to inform me, you can just turn up at Bishops Lydeard at the appointed time, join the group, and enjoy yourselves! However, I would appreciate being told if you are coming, just so that I can tell the group approximate numbers in advance (they make a mean cup of tea, remember!!)


2) Regardless of whether you are participating in the Taunton MRG bit or not, if you want to come to the evening meal, you must do two things:


i) Inform me (by PM preferably, although I will keep track of responses on this thread) simply that you are coming for the meal. I don't need to know what you want to eat!!


ii) Ring the pub and give them your menu order for whatever courses you wish to order. When you do this, please quote the fact that you are a member of the party at the reserved table in my name/'RMWeb'


Finally, each individual will be responsible for settling his/her/their own account with the pub directly.


Hopefully the overall numbers that I will have, will match the numbers that the pub will accumulate for the food orders.



If you don't want to order your food in advance, there is a risk that you will end up eating after the rest of us have finished! However, telling the pub of your menu choices in advance isn't absolutely necessary, but what is compulsory is that you notify me that you are coming for the evening pub event!


I will (hopefully) be putting up another new thread for the Saturday day time activity in due course.


Many thanks and I look forward to seeing you all on the Saturday.

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  • RMweb Gold

As Tim knows via PM, I will be there both days and for the meal, accommodation and menu choices all sorted.  I've not missed one of these dos yet and can wholeheartedly recommend them to any members.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Greetings everyone - just a quick reminder, please - I've just checked with the pub for the Saturday evening meal and confirmed that we are over 20 in our party, but they tell me that they've only had about 10 meal bookings so far.


If you haven't yet booked a meal with the pub (from their on-line menu), PLEASE DO SO BEFORE SATURDAY - it will make it easier for the pub and you'll get your food with everyone else, instead of when I've finished my pudding!!


Many thanks.

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  • RMweb Gold

I have just communicated my order but the gentleman who took it seemed to be not entirely aware of the procedure and thought at first that I was ordering for all 24 (he said 24, not me) people however I made clear to him (I really truly hope) that I was just ordering for me - otherwise here will be 24 helpings of breaded mushroom starters :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

All done and the chap seemed very clear on the arrangements, so no worries.

As long as he doesn't lose the piece of paper he's scribbling it all down on ( his words not mine!)

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  • RMweb Gold

Yep, same hesitant start with me today, although he claimed to have taken my order. Mind you, as soon as I mentioned RMweb he went off and left me hanging for ages. Probably seeing if there were enough people in white coats available for the party... :crazy:

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  • RMweb Gold

Well, all I can say is that based on what some of you have said to me, I recommend ringing the pub and confirming the order verbally, and not just relying on their e-mail receipt 'system' (or apparent lack of it). It may pay us to each check with the pub on arrival what we've ordered, but I really can't think what else to do. It's always worked alright there with them in the past, and the advance ordering of food is mainly to make it easier for them (and quicker for us). They will still be able to manage with orders received 'on the night', although it should be quicker to order in advance.


The guy I spoke to today had no trouble realising that I was talking about the large order, and also realised that it was me that reserved the big table in the first place (in point of fact, it will probably be 3 or 4 smaller tables, but all together in one semi-separate part of the pub - those that have been to the last couple of meals there will know where I mean).

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  • RMweb Gold

Nothing beats a mucking fuddle. :laugh:

The Captain's organisation of the Saturday evening beano usually works very well - the problem is this case seem to be one of communication (lack of) within The Cross Keys as far as I could work out.


PS Hope you like breaded mushrooms, with garlic ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

Well, I make it 19 20 for the pub evening at the moment, although there are often some late-comers. It may be that some of the chaps from the Taunton MRG will join us again - currently waiting to hear back from them.

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  • RMweb Gold

Had to confirm to make sure that under no circumstances would I have ended up with breaded mushrooms with garlic :scratchhead:

Er, I will admit to being one of the people who has ordered the mushrooms... but after reading what you lot have written, perhaps I ought to order something else?! :P

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  • RMweb Gold

I have ordered the garlic breaded ones, what other type are there?!


Anything is available for a price...! (payable in dubloons, of course!)

They were also offered with some other sort of 'flavouring' - I think it was something like 'barbecue sauce' but it sounded a bit dodgy so I went for the natural flavour version.

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They were also offered with some other sort of 'flavouring' - I think it was something like 'barbecue sauce' but it sounded a bit dodgy so I went for the natural flavour version.

ere, can us just roll up at lydyerd an av a gander at the posh boys setup then? i never been to a rmweb bash before, but i know the good capn frum way back when ee wer a crackshot with a mucket!

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