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Took up the grade crossing flasher kit up to Edinburgh and cleaned up the castings but I think the soldering at the moment might be a little past my skill level so will seek assistance at the club on Monday! Very thin wires, heat sensitive items and ham hands equals not good end product.


2nd project proved a little easier to construct and since wife last booked the apartment there has been a terrace built behind a bar which I can confirm is open until 3.30 am and was full of very loud and excitable people so retreated to the living area and knocked up the 41' Accurail gondola which after weathering is destined to run to the TV cabinet factory.


Looking at the remaining bits the 4 centre pieces are the sturrup steps but what are the 2 end pieces?


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Work proving to be very difficult at the moment and perhaps it's time to look more closely at the options regarding pensions! Need to complete some reports and preparation for meetings next week but going to find time to get back into the garage now it's not so windy and cold.


Picked this load of vegetables in crates at Warley last year and I think will be an excellent load for the cold store



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Good to get back into the garage and just potter for a hour. Looks like there have been deliveries to both the grocery warehouse and cold store. Decided to break up the bland black of the tanks with an oxide band. Might add a blue stripe later to match the tanker livery


Need to do something about the very bright ballast. Will try some of the techniques described in the End of the Long Spur




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  • 2 weeks later...

Operating on Green Ayre yesterday at Nottingham and opportunity to visit the secondhand stall. Do I really need another flat car? - of course especially if at a bargain price.


Attendance at the exhibition has spurred me to finish Vimes Street. September 2016 all to be completed, tested, taken down, trial fit in the car, put up, work, stock to be tested and a basic sequence of operation in place ready for it to hit the road so anybody out there interested it's available for exhibitions from September onwards!


So a double challenge , for me to complete something and for someone to be brave enough to take it!


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Early morning cat letting out means time to weather a boxcar. It's in a Bachmann Branchline box but the under frame detail suggests it's a kadee product.


At club rooms last night and one or two wry smiles regarding earlier post of having Vimes Street up to a state of being ready for the road. Looks like it's game on!


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Early morning session not caused by cat but running toilet that needed a trip on the Internet to suss out how to get the lid off before could get into the workings. New fangled system with no ball cock so old stand by of tying it up not possible! Plumber will be needed.


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A couple of cold hours in the garage but made a list of things that need to be sorted . Forced out back into the garage by horizontal monsoon rains! Main points to fettle being a slight height difference in the rail heads between each board and need to beef up the manual switch mechanism which has already failed in two points.

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