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HO Monon inspired layout

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When they were revamping Victoria Station (western side) in the early 80's they had the architects/construction huts on the concourse near the entrance to the train crew rooms.  One of the signs on their huts had been printed with the title of the inhabitants and underneath it was typed (purposefully) "WE PLAN AHEA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      D).

Edited by lightengine
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got to agree "plan a hea.......d, you could always pull up that bit of track in front of the scenic break and add gravel for truck loading, doesn't after be a spur!!

Good point, I could do with enough room for one car to disappear but yes will consider reducing its length and creating a different scene

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Took time out whilst watching a semi final that for a change had some action and yes had lost sight of why this piece was being added to the layout - to create a scenic block to the grocery warehouse, not keeping adding track simply because there was space. I did like how 59th and rust does have two ways in which traffic appears but this cannot be the place as its at the front if the layout is exhibited so if I want that will have to reconsider the spur adjacent to the cold store as another way in.


So I think the plan is to ease the clearance between building and track by reducing the width at the warehouse end, take out the first set of doors and make it look like the building has been modified by blocking in the gap with sheeting to match, end the spur just beyond the end of the flat car and consider a loading dock as if timber ! Product could be loaded unloaded. The other half of the scenic board then is gravelled, dirt ground cover.


This means no need to add track feeds etc and simple clamp onto the other board.


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Pleasant walk to and from the show ground and good to meet up with some former pupils - some now in their early forties but really into their tractors.


Infill piece in place using scrap box spares roof trimmed as has the loading dock. I think this is the format I will go with - a flat car or box car for that matter having to be pushed in via flat car idler.


Edited by enginelane
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Not at work today as assessment day and I no longer have charge of exam classes so chance to indulge in a spot of modelling. Would be good to get out into the garage it being the end of April and work on Vimes Street but temperature currently reads zero!


Spent some time with the Ed Pysch earlier this week developing a well being and mental health programme for young people and in the course of discussion the old chestnut of what do young people do with their time came up again. It appears electronic devices games etc reduce stick ability, improve hand eye coordination but nothing for memory etc.


Struck me that modelling gives me the chance to stick at something, develop skills and of course contributes to my own well being and I will look forward to a few quiet hours today

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Aged concrete paint and weathered via winter streaking grime. Story is the factory is a number thrown up quickly to produce unspecified products for the US armed forces in WW2 hence the concrete base rather than the expected dirt . Soldiered on making a number of products but in steady decline but who knows what will happen with LBJ and the Vietnam War.


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No modelling this evening - need to work out why the door fell off!


Can confirm Michael Caine had no hand in it


Update - door and seal useless so it's May Day oven sales today


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On the case with new cooker - unexpected expense but stash for Derby Show still in place in case Contikits - other traders available, have some rolling stock.


In between other jobs and rain then lots of little jobs completed on Vimes Street including lots of buildings being final stuck down


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