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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks both! 

I think I’ve always enjoyed building the buildings more than the rest of it - maybe a tramway layout would be ideal for me as it’s all buildings! 


Im still no closer to explaining what happened with the pub being so wrong - the template was much too short!  I remembered to pick the old pub out the bin before the collection so I can measure the width again, and I think the big chimney will have to shrink...


Today I sat down to build the flight of Network Rail access steps I didn’t build at my parents on Boxing Day. I’m glad I built it here, I needed so many tools!



First up, the sides bent up in shape. I thought they’d be handed but they’re not - these are three identical lefts! You’re supposed to just use one upside down. 


It took a while to get it sorted in my head. I’m glad I didn’t solder it in the end.  The stair treads were really hard to bend to shape, and then they didn’t sit very straight. 


But I managed it... somehow... it took me 3 hours! 

In the background you’ll also notice I’ve made a start painting the Ore Tipplers I made last year.  I don’t know if the full train will be blue or if I’ll do a portion in black/grey.


Tomorrow I’m sorting the pub out.


Lots to do, thanks again!


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  • RMweb Premium

Hello everybody!


Today I took a long sharp knife to the pub, it needed to be 37mm front to back where the side chimney joins (not including the chimney)



I took 2mm off the back, another mm off the front, and up to 4-5mm out of the middle.  Now the building sits flat (it wasn’t flat at Christmas), but I won’t know if it’ll fit until the next work session.  


There’s rebuilding work to do, unfortunately I demolished a window while trimming it down.  I’ll also bring the door slightly closer to the window and I need to redo the top part of the roof where I got a bit knife-happy.  It all needs painting still...



These are done, and I matt-varnished it so it looks more like Galvanised Steel.  In the background is the 47, I couldn’t resist and have milliputted over the headlamp panel.


Finally, does anyone know if we get cake for this:  


I hit 100,000 views last night - they’re not all me going back to correct my spelling either, so thanks everyone for checking in at Gresby! 


Lots to do!




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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Hello everybody,


As threatened I made a start on buildings for Gresby, which started with finding where I put them all!


One or two bits still to find!



This was weirdly dusty, but I think it’s nearly finished



I think I need to strip back the wet’n’dry roof off and switch it for Rizlas, the 2mm modelling material of kings.  Then it’ll be into the paint shop and then onto the field



Finally the brewery, the main building is almost done but I have no idea why the lift shaft was painted that weird green…



So that’s where I started, covering the green with slightly more patchy black, and rusting up the corrugated top. I’ve since glazed it and the next bit will be finishing the door, the bricks, and matt varnishing away the shine.  

Then it’ll be time to stick it together and finish it off.


Lots to do!


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  • RMweb Premium

I decided to go with a closed door, and 45 minutes later some evergreen strip was turned into this:



Once the cement has set I’ll smooth the surface and paint it… holes only been there 8-9 years


Lots to do!


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  • RMweb Premium

Hello everybody,


Bit of a tick over the weekend - I love more or less finished the replacement building to hide the scenic break:



(The new one is the one on the left) The older one was made two days before the layouts 2012 exhibition debut and I never liked it.  The new one needs some details adding but aside from trimming the roof to fit the space it’s done.



Today I painted all the base colours, they need some more work but it’s pretty much complete.


Lots to do!


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  • RMweb Premium

Hello everybody!


Another long standing job started - the bit of industry at the end of the fuel road, on the end board by the bridge. Snappy title.



I didn’t think I’d been putting it off for long, but I took this picture in 2016 so I’d know what to trim… 



I’ve also had this kit on my desk for years, it’s going up on a corner of the baseboard so I might still swap out all the posts - but I made two new posts in brass for the ones right on the edge.  I trimmed the top layer and made/fitted coping stones.  The wall was also altered to sit higher.



It all just needs painting now.  I’ll make a choice on the other 8 posts when I see how different they look painted up.  This is mostly done except for the detailing and sticking in a few fences…


Lots to do!


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  • RMweb Premium

Hello everybody!


I was off today so had a field trip to 4D in London, I got the last of the trees for the woods and some plastruct ready made handrail - it felt like cheating!



The new handrail, I had to lay some of the grass yesterday as that’s going to be a tricky bit to get into.



The handrail painted and the concrete fence posts had a second coat.  I need to work out how the chain link fence joins the palisade fence along the trackside, but I found pictures a few pages back of the landform on the track side of this building.



Unfortunately: a) I need to peel up a bit of this grass to finish the bank to match the other board, and b) Bren and all her friends were reminded that her Deano couldn’t do Ns every time they took the train to Sheffield…


Lots to do!


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  • RMweb Premium

Hello everybody,


Bit of work this morning, I built the slope in front of the graffiti:




Then once the glue set I painted it, grassed it, and fitted the first part of the railway fence.



At least Bren will always know it was there hahahaha.  I’ve deliberately not fitted the rest of the fence as that will need to join up with the fence on the other baseboard so it can wait until the next blockade… I’ll paint these two panels though.



News just in: I’ve glued down the second building and added some details to the yard. I was going for more bushes but these ones are a little rubbish!!  Feels a little cheesy leaving out a penny for scale

Next up is painting the metal fences, matt varnishing all the glue marks, and making a door for the hole…  still plenty to do but this is looking more and more finished 


Lots to do




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17 hours ago, MrSimon said:

...Bren and all her friends were reminded that her Deano couldn’t do Ns every time they took the train to Sheffield…

Yonks ago, near Blackheath/Lewisham, there was a graffiti "Happy New Year" that disappeared with the summer weed growth and reappeared in late autumn, just in time to wish everyone a happy new year again!

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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, eastwestdivide said:

Yonks ago, near Blackheath/Lewisham, there was a graffiti "Happy New Year" that disappeared with the summer weed growth and reappeared in late autumn, just in time to wish everyone a happy new year again!

I love that!  My favourite one always used to be on the train from Wigan to Liverpool and on a massive block wall someone had coloured in the blocks to read PIES. It warmed my heart every time I went past

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  • RMweb Premium

Hello everybody!


I put this aside a few days while I got on with some other bits, I’ve just got the door and some weeds to do then that’s a building complete, the bit that goes in the sunken area can follow but doesn’t affect this bit until it’s time to fit it:



Painted the fence green because this doesn’t feel like a grey fence kinda place



The barbed wire makes it feel really inviting for the staff having a cheeky fag



And there we are, only 5 years to finish!


Lots to do


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Hello everybody!


On the homeward stretch for this building… bit of hidden detail :yahoo:



I can’t remember what my thinking was, but it seems to come from the taller building and out.  


I even remembered having the platform thing in a drawer, just needs painting…


Lots to do!


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  • 1 month later...
  • RMweb Premium

Hello everybody, Happy Christmas!


I’ve just sat down for a little Christmas modelling time, and finished a building already so time for a little round-up:



This got painted and fitted sometime in December.  I went a bit overboard with the grass, but it’s not too massive when it’s fitted



Doubt this will ever be noticed in any pictures of the layout (although I might investigate photo layering so it appears in a few shots)


The final job was to make and fit the open door on the workshop.  I’ve got a figure in mind to stand in the doorway but I can’t find him at the moment…





As per Gresby standard it’s held open with a fire extinguisher.  So that’s the building finished, it’s taped into some card now and in the ‘finished stuff to go on the layout’ box.


The next building to finish was already on my desk, it’s lived on the desk in it’s little case for years:



The cottage.  The first thing I did after taking this was pull as much of the roofing off as possible.  It was far too thick - I think that’s why it stalled



I covered the rest over with rizlas.  I think I’ve only got painting and weathering to do on this side, and I need to finish the veranda and make a tree for the other.


Lots to do!


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  • MrSimon changed the title to Gresby - N Gauge Great Central (MS&LR 90s-2000s)
  • RMweb Premium
On 30/12/2021 at 12:04, TomE said:

I hope Health & Safety don't see that!



Maybe it could form part of the exhibition instead of the usual ‘how many cows are there’ - ‘how many breaches of the health and safety at work act can you see…?’ 

It’s definitely the second door held open like that on Gresby, maybe the third!


21 hours ago, DavidMcKenzie said:

Looks brilliant, all those little life like features like the door held open really bring the models to life. I hope you are enjoying the holiday period. 


All the best,




Thanks Dave, hope you are too!  It’s all about the smaller details for me (but without it getting crowded) - enjoying watching your new one develop!!

There has been a bit of painting over the last 24h, green won the toss and now the tram is looking much more like an abandoned holiday cottage:






Quite a bit more painting left to do on this, some glazing, graffiti, dirt, rust, and moss.  There’s also a tree in the cupboard that I need to finish so it can grow through the porch…


Lots to do! Happy New Year everyone



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  • RMweb Premium

Hello everybody!


I think I’ve got the base layer of painting done on the cottage now, but I can’t paint it any further without building the porch, and I decided it really needed a tree growing through it…



Ages ago I built this armature and then stopped when I got stuck.  Now there’s the added problem of the site for the cottage being next to a load of 4D trees so this one needs to look at least as good :training:



Here’s the roof from above.  My plan is to do the best job I can on the tree, and if it doesn’t look good enough I’ll butcher a 4D one to approximately the same shape.  Then finish off the veranda and get painting.


Lots to do!


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Hello everybody!


I had a go at finishing off the tree but it looked a little like a weird stick had fallen in the candyfloss machine… so I went to 4D this morning!  

The tree isn’t as big as the one I was making, but that’s ok, it’s just a younger tree.  I think if I hadn’t swapped the planned ploughed field for a woods (made of 4D trees) the tree I’d made would have been fine.  

This afternoon I fitted it and then built the rest of the porch round it:



Here’s the end piece I built ages ago before I originally started to put off finishing the tree



Here’s the front view with the floor built.  Once it’s set it will need to be painted then I can finish off the final painting and detailing… I probably spent longer on the Tube today than fitting and building round the tree.


Lots to do! 



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My first Blue Peter Badge!  Thanks Cameron!  (note corrugated aesbestos/iron made from tinfoil pressed against a microsol lid)

Today I managed some pictures in day light of the tram cottage. It needs weathering then I think it’s done.







It’ll be bedded in with some grass/bushes to look like it’s slowly fading into the landscape.


Lots to do!



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  • 4 months later...
  • RMweb Premium

Hello everybody!

While we wait for the old pictures to come back here’s something I’ve picked back up from one of the cubbies on my desk.  I hadn’t written any instructions and the piece of card I’d drawn some kinda sketchy plans on had been used for something else…



After a few days staring I worked out where most of the bits went on the main bits…



Here’s the first side going together.  Shortly after taking this I realised I’d misunderstood some random scribbles and had to cut the bit on the left off again… 🤦🏼‍♂️


…and in one piece!  This needs to be braced, painted, glazed and detailed… but first I’ve got the identical next story to put together.


Lots to do!


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