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Stocksfield parkway 00 gauge dcc modern ish layout


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Hi guys I am new to this forum this is my first real go at building a model railway it's based around a inner city station in east anglia area stock that will be used is from the 80,s up to today's stock it's dcc controlled by a gaugemaster system using peco code 75 track points are controlled by dcc concepts point motors all lights will be using dc power there is plans to added a TMD at some point but at the moment it's nice to have some stock running here's some pictures I hope there good enough for this forum

Many thanks simon



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This looks really smart, what size is the layout ?



thanks buddy the size is 12 ft x 4 ft just enough for a nice curve at each end but the room is a l shape so I have plans for a 2 ft square TMD on the east end of the layout I also have plans for a small fiddle yard too on the out of scene section
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Looks realy good my mate!! your pictures seem much clearer on here than on MRLweb...

Cant wait for more now


cheers neil..

Many thanks Neil i am really getting the bug for this layout lots of ideals now since joining this fourm

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