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South West Trains new PINK & Orange MPVs

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  • RMweb Gold

Sorry no photo yet as it's only just been released but they've just repainted an mpv PINK for South Western Railway. I was chatting our lady driver on the MPV crew who thinks it's hilarious for a few of her macho colleagues ;)

Pics evidently already on Facebook but I don't own copyright or do Facebook.

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Pink used to be the manly (or boyish, with red being the adult version) colour!

From Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink#Gender

The generally accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls. The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl

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  • RMweb Gold

You've been watching QI ;)


I'm afraid it's not an exact colour match as I haven't been able to get to the real thing to check what it works out as and the photos from the shed at Effingham are in two distinct different colours. So this is Vallejo pink while the real thing is some bedroom pink from Dulux!

Then there's the distinctly different shades of pink off the two printers for the transfers to play with.

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This shows how different the colour looks in photos. Named for SWT Head of Fleet John Denyer

Quite right too............... :locomotive: :locomotive: :locomotive: :locomotive: :locomotive:


JD was my module training controller at Selhurst from the first day I joined the railway 34 odd years ago - a legend in his own lifetime and one of the finest people alive IMHO.........

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes though I'm not sure he likes it being Pink ;) I met him at a conference a few years back and he impressed us immensely with his forthrightness and understanding of the real world and doesn't really do management talk ;) I saw his presentation on taking over the MPV's last October and it was succinct, honest and funny. PowerPoint fancy guides never stood a chance when confronted by Mr Denyer ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

There ought to be a law against colours like that on railway kit :O  :jester:  It's even worse than the 'girlie pink' tram at Seaton.

I imagine that there will be a few drivers who'll 'fail' this MPV for what ever spurious reason that they can find to avoid taking it out.

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  • RMweb Premium

This shows how different the colour looks in photos. Named for SWT Head of Fleet John Denyer


But why Pink - SOMEBODY somewhere must have a reason for selecting that colour - and naming it after the male head of the department that looks after SWTs units doesn't make any sense to me.


My initial reaction on seeing he first post was that it was something to do with a Cancer charity (like those race for life things that lots of ladies do which tend to use the pink colour quite a lot)

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  • RMweb Gold

But why Pink - SOMEBODY somewhere must have a reason for selecting that colour - and naming it after the male head of the department

See post 5 ;)


We do have a CLIC Sargent (Childhood Cancer), Cake Break next week so maybe a pink mpv cake would be appropriate :)

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  • RMweb Gold
  • RMweb Gold

(Un)Fortunately pink 31.601 is no longer around to rescue him/her in the case of failure


I remember that running out of fuel down near Fratton, next to an Esso petrol Stn, they didn't like the Put a Tiger in your tank advert we sent them ;)
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