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Deneside - BR North Eastern Region

Brian D

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Excellent work on the Viaduct Brian, I also like the War Memorial, I have one on Pen and I feel yours looks dead right about there.


Coming on really well mate.

Thanks Andy - you never know, I probably got the idea from your thread :) so thanks again.



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I only had a short time today in the shed so not enough time to do anything further on the viaduct.  I did however have a bit of a lark with some cardboard and the glue gun.  The result - a mock up of the pub - see below, slowly getting in closer.








The engineer in me is telling me that the splayed entrance doors look wrong so I am undecided about keeping that feature.  As a person who has enjoyed the odd pint over the years (slight understatement there :nono: ) I don't think that so called "Real Ale" as a description existed in the steam/diesel transition era depicted so the Scalescenes signage needs some amendment.


It is close to the loco shed so I imagine the "railwaymen" would be frequent users of their eponymous watering hole.  I'll have to show a well beaten path between the two :jester: .



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Nice work Brian.


Don't be put off by the small steps - I figure as long as you are making little bits of progress, eventually it all comes together.  And keeps the mojo raised.





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Nice work Brian.


Don't be put off by the small steps - I figure as long as you are making little bits of progress, eventually it all comes together.  And keeps the mojo raised.






Thanks, Scott.  No probs with the old mojo and I am quite pleased with progress.  The layout's home, the (garden) shed, is just over two years old now and work on this actual layout didn't start for about 6 months after the shed arrived so I'm quite pleased.  It is just that I don't have much patience and I find that certain elements of the build test this - best to put certain things to one side (like the viaduct) and get on with something else, of which there is plenty!  Having said that, I have this week done some more work on the viaduct and it's not far off being complete now - I'll hopefully post some completion pics soon.

Thanks again for your interest.



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Yeah!  The viaduct structure is now complete.  This is the visible side, i.e. that side facing the operating well...




...and this is the blind side which will be not normally visible.




Thoughts can now turn to laying the tracks upto, over and beyond the viaduct.  This is a reminder of the track plan  (the grey area being electrically complete i.e. I can run trains in this area using the section switches and point switches on the control panel).




I will probably leave the single track branch for now concentrating on the main line over the completed viaduct to the fiddle yard.  Lots of challenges there not least being laying upward sloping trackbeds to and beyond the viaduct and the traversing (albeit only 2 inches either way) fiddle yard.




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One or two bits and pieces have been done today.


Firstly, I have taken the first tentative steps towards going completely round the bend :) .  A cardboard template of the curve linking the viaduct back to the completed track has been made utilising full size prints of the AnyRail track plan stuck onto packing case cardboard as shown below.






I'll use this to cut the curved plywood main line track base.


Also today I have made a couple of retaining wall bases to support the pub thus.




These are the same pattern as the rest of the wall alongside the station - see posts # 374 & 380 for further details.




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In between a few short showers the sun shone today in Thameside Essex so some "carpentry" (I use the word loosely) was carried out this afternoon.


Firstly, the cardboard track bed template was further trimmed back thus.




I had a 4 ft x 2 ft piece of plywood to hand so the template was traced around and the track bed cut out with the jigsaw.  Various 44 x 18 par softwood was cut to length and used to form supports for the thus formed track bed as shown below...




...and with the viaduct structures slid back into position...




...and pictured from viewpoints progressively further down the shed.






I feel I've made more significant progress today than I have for quite a while.  More track laying beckons.




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OK - I return to a subject dear to my heart - the pub :jester:

I have been looking for some time at the Scalescenes "Country Pub" kit and at £3.99 I thought I'd invest and see how complex it was instead of scratch building my own pub which would probably be more time consuming.  So last week I purchased the download and over the last few days built the kit.  Here it is sited behind some freshly built retaining wall sections.










The pub was a tight squeeze in its intended position but I think looks ok - pub name and branding yet to be added.  The area immediately to the left in the last picture will be the site of a grassy bank which is why the retaining wall looks somewhat incomplete - it will be covered by land form.




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Mines a DOUBLE Whisky and Orange please Brian, that is a super looking job you've done there mate, and the embankment will just finish that bit off nicely.


Cheers Andy, down the hatch and thanks for your kind remarks.



Nice looking pub, how was it to build? I had heard that it isn't the best model to begin with. 


I've built a few of these kits now and this one, I thought, was one of the quickest to build - there are only 7 A4 sheets to print and only 2.5 sheets need sticking to thick card and 1.5 sheets need sticking to medium card.  I print the window frames on self adhesive white paper (flea bay package labels) because I find it the easiest way of sticking the frames on to clear film, I use either report covers or Over Head Projector film.  Having said that it still took me about  10 hours or so to build and I have still yet to add signage.  I was very pleased with how it looks though.




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Yes of course, Nimmo's from down south (south Durham anyway).




Castle Eden brewery.  Could also be Camerons (Hartlepool brewery but lots of pubs throughout Durham and North Yorkshire).


The Stapleton Arms?






Not heard of that one - I've been away from the North East for too long.  I'll probably opt for the Railwayman's Arms as a pub name and whatever circa 1960 brewery signage I can find on Google images will determine the brewery.




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I've added a bit more land form between the pub and the loco shed.  This grassy slope comprises of three layers of the 25 mm insulation I lined the garden shed with glued together, cut and surformed to shape (messy job but vacuum cleaner to hand), covered in filler, painted dark umber artists' acrylic and static grassed over pva glue.  Result is shown below.








This little area needs more detail i.e railway boundary fence, bushes, etc but I'm pleased with how it looks.




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