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Hinton Ampner


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Absolutely no modelling achieved this weekend, apart from checking the threads I follow, everything else got in the way.


To make up for it Bitton, The Mill, Dent, Bakewell and even though it wasn't modelling, KL2 made progress.

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Absolutely no modelling achieved this weekend, apart from checking the threads I follow, everything else got in the way.


To make up for it Bitton, The Mill, Dent, Bakewell and even though it wasn't modelling, KL2 made progress.

The weekend is still young Duncan there's another HOUR till midnight, ahhaha

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Not done a great deal today, just a few household chores and absolutely no modelling has been achieved.


Having trawled through the "Anything you can do" thread over the holiday period, I have realised exactly where I've been going wrong with my buildings.


Up until now, I've been doing rough drawings, estimating size and position and not looking how the building would be laid out internally. So, I've started doing proper drawings to make sure that everything works as it should and not waste my time and more importantly expensive materials when it goes wrong.


I spent a bit of time as well as a few sheets of paper designing the pub for HA. I have no problems with admitting that I have used Allan Downes Railway Hotel as a starting point.


At present, I haven't shown the window detail and I also need to decide on whether it will be brick, stone or whitewashed finish.


Only two elevations are shown as the other side elevation will have no windows or doors and the back will be a virtual copy of the front apart from having a single door closer to the right window.



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  • RMweb Gold


I think it is always worth looking at real buildings to see how they are built, laid out.  The cottage that I am building at the moment was my honeymoon cottage so I know what it looks like plus what the inside layout is.  It is not a slavish copy as my one has sash windows and the real one has casement windows.  It is also built into the bottom of a hill which my one is not.


If you take the basis of your model as a real building, i.e. where the doors, windows and chimneys are then the rest, i.e. type of roof, walls and windows is yours to decide.


The main drawback of this approach is that you walk, or worse, drive round taking mental notes of all the buildings around you.  ("Keep your eyes on the road!" says my wife quite frequently.)


I have thought about two buildings from scratch, one is a possible school and the other is Ty Mawr up the valley so probably will not be on any layout.  I have with both had to think about how the internal layout works which is not always easy.

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Evening Chris


I've looked at many buildings on a number of threads and couldn't see how they would have worked in real life.


This is one lesson that I should have got to grips with ages ago as I spend half my life using various building plans. At least now things should start to work unless I make a mistake in planning.


The pub for HA will start to take shape next weekend due to very early starts and late finishes during the week

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Evening Duncan, I'm looking forward to seeing that building come together.

So am I. I'm going to decide this week whether I'm going to do some internal detailing as well. Although, if I do it might mean that I'll need some appropriate figures as well.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Duncan


Have you considered using Google street view when looking at buildings. With brick ones you can size them by counting the number of courses for height and how many bricks for length.


Find your building, get as square on view as Google will let you have, print screen. Copy to your favorite drawing programe, resize and then trace the building.

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Here is an engine for Hinton Ampner, didn't get wartime black until 10/1943, after a 5,000 mile extension to mileage between overhauls.


Nor sure if it would have been this clean during the war!   









Edited by robmcg
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Hi Duncan


Have you considered using Google street view when looking at buildings. With brick ones you can size them by counting the number of courses for height and how many bricks for length.


Find your building, get as square on view as Google will let you have, print screen. Copy to your favorite drawing programe, resize and then trace the building.

Evening Clive


I've considered using it but I find that I prefer to take photos of several similar buildings and work from there. At least then I can get the views that suit me and any other information I want.

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Here is an engine for Hinton Ampner, didn't get wartime black until 10/1943, after a 5,000 mile extension to mileage between overhauls.


Nor sure if it would have been this clean during the war!   







Evening Rob. 785 is actually on the roster for HA

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I'm not happy.


Absolutely nothing has been done this week thanks to early starts and late finishes followed by working yesterday. To cap it all, today will have to be spent doing the chores ready for another week.


I might have to re-evaluate my time commitments and negotiate some permanent modelling space so that this project can progress

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Hi Duncan, we've all been there I think mate, just bide your time, more time planning means a better Layout later down the line.


All the best and KEEP SMILING.

I have to admit that more time planning is going to help produce a better layout is one thing that has crossed my mind. We'll soon see if it pays off.

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OK. Didn't make it to Stafford this weekend thanks to work.


However, I have managed to get some modelling time tonight. The wall structure for the pub has been marked out and cut. I now need to find a bit more time to tidy it up.

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You don't have to panic to do stuff quickly, or produce it for this thread either, it takes the shine off of the enjoyment.


I like to be in the right frame of mind to enjoy what I'm doing.As long as you have the stuff ready laid out (which I hope you can do) then you can pull it out when your ready.

I have taken so long over one building that I 'gave it' an old computer desk on wheels no longer wanted by any of the family, and it rolls out from under a modelling table. Everything thee for when I have the mindset.


I also have more than one job on the go, just little things like a figure etc, to do if I just want to feel I can complete something rather than be frustrated by not finishing something. It is one of the reasons AV jumps about so much. BUT when I do something it is because I am enjoying it.


Don't get depressed over real life taking up your time. You'll get there.And you should look forward to having a bit of time to enjoy the experience.And if something goes wrong feel free to share it, I have had many a friend help me out of a hole when something did not go as smoothly as I wished.

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You don't have to panic to do stuff quickly, or produce it for this thread either, it takes the shine off of the enjoyment.


I like to be in the right frame of mind to enjoy what I'm doing.As long as you have the stuff ready laid out (which I hope you can do) then you can pull it out when your ready.

I have taken so long over one building that I 'gave it' an old computer desk on wheels no longer wanted by any of the family, and it rolls out from under a modelling table. Everything thee for when I have the mindset.


I also have more than one job on the go, just little things like a figure etc, to do if I just want to feel I can complete something rather than be frustrated by not finishing something. It is one of the reasons AV jumps about so much. BUT when I do something it is because I am enjoying it.


Don't get depressed over real life taking up your time. You'll get there.And you should look forward to having a bit of time to enjoy the experience.And if something goes wrong feel free to share it, I have had many a friend help me out of a hole when something did not go as smoothly as I wished.

Morning Jaz


I have to admit that I'm enjoying getting something done when free time is available, even though free time is a rare commodity at the moment.


I keep a notebook with me when I'm working for ideas / solutions as they come to mind which is useful.


Last night was one of those times when I had some of this free time and achieved something that will work out well by the looks of it. The pub, although using the basic look of Alan Downes Railway Hotel, is a combination of the pubs from the films The Battle of Britain, 633 Squadron and The Dambusters.


If I get chance later today I'll upload a couple of pictures of the progress so far.

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Sounds like a good plan     ...............    but  ...........


Morning Jaz


I have to admit that I'm enjoying getting something done when free time is available, even though free time is a rare commodity at the moment.


I keep a notebook with me when I'm working for ideas / solutions as they come to mind which is useful.


Last night was one of those times when I had some of this free time and achieved something that will work out well by the looks of it. The pub, although using the basic look of Alan Downes Railway Hotel, is a combination of the pubs from the films The Battle of Britain, 633 Squadron and The Dambusters.


If I get chance later today I'll upload a couple of pictures of the progress so far.


...............        still a bit in the air then    .............    :jester:  :jester:




......................................   Ok, fingers in the ears and heading for the door  ......    :angel:

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  • RMweb Premium

Duncan, you've undoubtedly felt a bit of pressure as your thread in in the public eye on RMweb. This "pressure" really got me down in the early stages of KL. However, a few people pointed out that NOBODY thinks any the worse of you if you simply do things at your own pace, when you can. And, as Jaz said, it's important to enjoy it.


I knew that there'd be nothing railway-like on KL2 until (probably) April this year, when the baseboards start to take shape. But everybody understood that and, if anyone complained (which they won't), they'd get short shrift from me. So take your time and just do what you can manage. And we'll all support you!


And btw, thanks for all your contributions to KL/KL2 over the last 3 years.



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Thanks Jeff. I don't feel any pressure from having HA in the public eye although it would be very easy to fall into that trap..


I enjoy modelling when time permits, which, as has already been discussed, is a bit short at the moment. Things are due to settle down in the next few weeks which will help. I'm also looking forward to the better weather arriving so that I feel that I want to do more as well. That's also the time for building the base boards. These are still in the design stage as it will be transportable and need to get this bit just right.


I've thoroughly enjoyed the journey with KL and KL2 is going to be far superior after learning from the mistakes of the original. I'm just hoping not to make similar mistakes although if everything goes right first time, what will I have learnt.

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Jeff. I don't feel any pressure from having HA in the public eye although it would be very easy to fall into that trap..


I enjoy modelling when time permits, which, as has already been discussed, is a bit short at the moment. Things are due to settle down in the next few weeks which will help. I'm also looking forward to the better weather arriving so that I feel that I want to do more as well. That's also the time for building the base boards. These are still in the design stage as it will be transportable and need to get this bit just right.


I've thoroughly enjoyed the journey with KL and KL2 is going to be far superior after learning from the mistakes of the original. I'm just hoping not to make similar mistakes although if everything goes right first time, what will I have learnt.

That you were right the first time!

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Managed another couple of hours tonight tidying up the front and right hand side of the pub. The left hand end wall is going to remain solid with the possibility of adding an extension. Still need to mark out and cut the rear wall.



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