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How do I add weight to a Bachmann 100t tanker?


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I've just purchased two Bachmann 100ton tank wagons. Really happy with the look of them but they're so light and after a quick run very prone to de-railing over points and the slightest curve.


If possible I'd like to add a little weight to the wagons in the hope they'll run a little better and also remain on the track as at the moment I they derail 4/5 times per loop!!


I've got to explore a few more avenues as to the cause of this but would like to add a bit of weight as well.


It looks like a sealed tank so I can't see where to add weight without it being visible?


Thanks for any help



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Do a fully reversible experiment to see if weighting helps first. Use blutack or similar to attach the proposed amount of weight (a length of strip of lead is good) to the tank underside. If that works, then look to see how the tank ends come off to put weight inside.


If that doesn't work, then you need to look at your track. I can tell you that a train of ten of these 'as supplied' worked perfectly on a Peco streamline layout, with minima of 30" running line radius and the 'medium' radius point. (This was a friend's purchase, and came straight out of the boxes for a trial run, since at the time he had no layout.)

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Thanks for the reply and good idea!


I might look at swapping the offending points for some Peco ones as from an online search the Hornby ones seem quite troublesome as they have a wider profile to allow older trains to run on them.

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I've decided to replace the points with some peco ones instead which should hopefully be here tomorrow.


I've ran a loco and both tank wagons for several hours and they run fine on the main loop but as soon as they have to negotiate any of the points to cross over they de-rail and the same with my Virgin 221. 


Hopefully I haven't wasted £55 and this will solve my derailment issues!!

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  • RMweb Premium

If it's a model of the TEA tanker, perhaps the extra weight can be added by simply filling it with tea!


Only joking, but a German friend saw a train of TEA tankers and thought they really contained tea!

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I've managed to remove the end off one of the tanks, it was a little nerve racking as I think the applied weathering had stuck it on slightly.


Do you think an alloy wheel weight like this would work ok?





Maybe 30g over each bogie just to give it a little more stability??

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Well I've just replaced the a Hornby points for Peco ones and they traverse the points as smooth as silk now. I've only got two 100 ton tanks to test with which would de-rail on every occasion over the Hornby points but after 10 minutes of running not one derailment with the Peco's.


I'm still awaiting the weights to turn up so will have an experiment with those two and just see if I can improve the running a little further.

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  • RMweb Premium

We had fun with Bachmann JPA's. Solution was small hole drilled in the bottom, half filled the tank with the cheapest rice you can find and hole plugged with blu tak. The rice settles into it's own level and doesn't rattle.

Simple and cheap.

My TEA rake however, needed no extr weight.




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