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FREE Gaugemaster Controller


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Hi all,


We have a very limited number of Gaugemaster GMC Combi Controllers (worth £39.95) left-over from our recent shows. And, you can get one for free if you subscribe to BRM for just £12.49 a quarter by direct debit. Remember, you also get the BRM Annual free of charge (with the Jan issue) and a free DVD with EVERY issue of the magazine.


If you're interested, email me at brm@warnersgroup.co.uk ASAP - we have very limited stock so it will be first come, first served. I need your name and telephone number so we can ring you back to get the direct debit set-up!







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Steve - not had a phone call. Is it worth me phoning the subs office? If so, can you PM me a number. Pete.


Sorry Pete - email me at stevec@warnersgroup.co.uk with your number and I'll get someone to call ASAP.

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