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Denton Brook 7mm Industrial


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Why I'm not getting anything done this weekend.....




My 10.25 Bagnall at the South Downs Railways outside Pulborough, with a light

load of two coaches

(And I had to spend a couple of hours refitting organ pipes and tuning the whole thing, because our cat thought it was good to climb all over....)

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And what happens when a ) inexperienced people over-fire, and b ) do not empty the Ash pan regularly


The 15mm steel baffle plate is now bowed through over-firing, and the grate is destroyed. The only drawback of a marine firebox is that you must keep the space under the grate clear of ash, because as soon as you don't and it fills with ash, air is unable to flow through and keep the grate cool. It takes about five minutes to destroy.


Although I'm not awfully happy, to a certain extent it comes with the territory of owning larger locos which other people get to drive.



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And what happens when a ) inexperienced people over-fire, and b ) do not empty the Ash pan regularly


The 15mm steel baffle plate is now bowed through over-firing, and the grate is destroyed. The only drawback of a marine firebox is that you must keep the space under the grate clear of ash, because as soon as you don't and it fills with ash, air is unable to flow through and keep the grate cool. It takes about five minutes to destroy.


Although I'm not awfully happy, to a certain extent it comes with the territory of owning larger locos which other people get to drive.



Oh dear!

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I've now added down-pipe brackets to the list of bits that I can provide, complementing the gutter brackets I already listed.

These are two, side-by-side, representing the wider cast type.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I've got round to putting some fencing up - between the fire escape and the gate, and from the gate partway along the line. Just simple post-and-wire, but it's still rather time consuming!





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  • 4 weeks later...

I've finally got the first layer of grass down everywhere - and a little time consuming it's been. From here on, there will be more layers, lots of clumps, bushes etc. Etc..





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Tony,


It's EZ line, which is extremely stretchy. It takes a bit of setting up to get an even sag, but you can happily twang it, bump in to it etc... And it will go back to what it was..... It's very good stuff....

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I've finally finished the fencing - bar touching in a little paint. it had been a little tedious and time consuming (rather like full-size fences), but I quite like the effect.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Some bird life is appearing on Denton Brook. This one got a bit smudged when being glued, but has been touched up (since this photo). They're so small I can hardly see them at about 3mm






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