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Annoyed by Threads


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Just a reminder really, following on from the 'Moaners' thread - which I can no longer see.


If you see a topic that you believe will drive you to moan or get annoyed - go into the topic and then look to the top right hand side of the thread.  There you will see a big "Ignore this topic" button - it's great it removes the thread from your items list and you never need to worry about the thread getting your goat again.


Brilliant my RMWeb experience is already three topics lighter and a more pleasanter visit especially as number three ignore banished Clarkson.


Pity I can't make some of the other sites I visit also be Clarkson free as that one is everywhere and he must be loving it (See I've already started to moan just thinking about his name).



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Just a reminder really, following on from the 'Moaners' thread - which I can no longer see.


If you see a topic that you believe will drive you to moan or get annoyed - go into the topic and then look to the top right hand side of the thread.  There you will see a big "Ignore this topic" button - it's great it removes the thread from your items list and you never need to worry about the thread getting your goat again.


Brilliant my RMWeb experience is already three topics lighter and a more pleasanter visit especially as number three ignore banished Clarkson.


Pity I can't make some of the other sites I visit also be Clarkson free as that one is everywhere and he must be loving it (See I've already started to moan just thinking about his name).


Why not just ignore it instead...?

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I can't see a big 'ignore it' button.


In fact there seem to be all sorts of features of this site which I can't access (latest post on a thread, leaving a like or similar tag, etc.)


Is it 'cos I is usin' Android?


Edit: It's because I'm thick. Assuming that the button must be there somewhere, I tried pressing a 'full version' button at the bottom of the page: a whole new world is suddenly revealed to me.


Despite embarrassment, I leave this post here in case it's of help to anyone else.

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Ignore poster leaves you with strange one sided conversations, ignoring threads takes out just the thread.


Ok, this thread was a little tongue in cheek, but actually the ignore thread button is refreshing as i find myself drawn sometimes to threads which I know will annoy me and at some point I will bite and post something on it drawing me further in.


By removing the thread from the news feed I don't get the temptation and rmweb feels a whole lot more positive, a dose of self medication.

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Why not just ignore it instead...?

I tried that with the whole AdrianBBS saga but I kept looking in on the Dapol thread to see what his latest post was, if I'd removed the thread from my feed then I wouldn't have got wound up about him.


Each to their own but I feel happier now I've hidden some threads, only three and none are linked to any particular individuals on this site, it's a subject matter issue not a personality one.


Course by now I expect many have followed my example elsewhere and hidden this thread from their lists which is entirely your choice and I am fine with that.

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