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Elsbridge Tramway Company: Elsbridge Town - NeilHB's layout


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  • RMweb Premium

A track plan, a track plan, my kingdom for a track plan...

So, it's only taken me the best part of a year, but I think I've finally come up with a track plan for EW that I actually like, and that hopefully won't drive me round the bend having to hand lay all the track and points for:


The railway enters from the right hand end, hidden behind some large trees to pass across an ungated level crossing (minor road) and past the tramway cottage that now serves as the station masters residence. The line then splits to form the run round loop, with the left hand line giving access to the small goods yard (goods shed and coal staithes plus coal merchants office). The right hand side of the loop gives access via a kickback siding to the engine shed - wood and corrugated iron I think would be suitable here - before both lines rejoin at the beginning of the platform. A nice timber overall roof for the platform also doubles as a carriage shed and serves to give the passengers some protection from the wilds of the Sudrian landscape!

Still trying to work out board sizes, probably no deeper than 2', and each board maybe 3'-3'6" in length - the room the layout will live in is a tad over 9' long, so ideally it's got to fit in that space.


Very nice Neil, definite shades of Wantage.  

Just make sure that the platform/station line is long enough to store the coaches and still allow a loco to use the runround.

Cheers, Dave.

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  • RMweb Gold

The track plan (or at least the overall feel of the station) is also quite a lot like Callington in PD&SWJR days.





Thanks John - I can see what you mean with the sweep of the station and overall roof. Hopefully it will end up like that when I've built it.




Very nice Neil, definite shades of Wantage.  

Just make sure that the platform/station line is long enough to store the coaches and still allow a loco to use the runround.

Cheers, Dave.

Thanks Dave. Definitely food for thought there - for the majority of the time period that EW is set a pair of 4-wheel tramcars will suffice for the passengers, so hopefully there won't be too much issue with length of platform and space for running round. I need to build the tramcars and finish off the coffee pot then I can work out length of headshunt/ run round loop etc.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Another month and not much progress, however a day off work today saw construction begin on one of a pair of tramcars intended for EW. The resin bodied tramcar seen in previous photos has been demoted to housing the stationmasters chickens at Elsbridge - a fate I'd envisioned for it to explain it not running in later time periods...it just got there sooner rather than later.

The new pair represent those built when the line converted to steam power, and are being built from a coupe of Testors/Hawks San Francisco cable car kits as originally written about by Giles Barnabe in the July 1993 issue of Scale Model Trains. His example uses the enclosed portions of the body from two kits to create a seven windowed example. I'm using the parts from three kits to create a pair of 6 windowed examples. I may finish the second one as a brake coach, not sure yet. The kits are long out of production but turn up from time to time on eBay (which was where I snagged my examples from).


As can be seen its still quite small, just not as dainty as the resin ex horse tram. Running on Slaters spoked lowmac wheels; I still need to add a further partition to divide the interior into 1st and 3rd classes, plus seating etc. As can be seen, the original sides are quite low so have been raised with a 4mm strip of 40thou plasticard, with the floor being cut from more of the same. Ends are from 20thou (I think) - if I think about it properly I'll probably add another layer from 10thou inside with a rebate for the glazing. Chassis is from evergreen strip - 60thou x 188thou.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Little bit more progress on coaching stock:


First up the Knapford and Elsbridge tramcar - I've stripped off the existing beading and replaced with micro strip in an attempt to change the appearance slightly (that and covering up the join between the two sections as well).



Next up is the Wisbech & Upwell tramcar - after many months of no progress I've managed to get the other solebar on and the step ends. Temporarily balanced on the wheels it makes a nice sight with No.7 and the luggage van! Hopefully this will be the impetus to get this project finished...

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  • 1 month later...
  • RMweb Gold

Over a month and not much progress to report. Crazy couple of weeks at weeks (and still more craziness to come...) combined with a bad spell with IBS etc. meant I've not had much energy to do anything other than work and sleep. 


I managed to do a bit this afternoon, mainly moving a couple of projects slightly closer to completion:




The ex LSWR 1872 brake has moved on slightly, with new buffers (the others were way too long and meant I couldn't couple it to anything else - oops!) and droplight frames in the passenger compartment. Door handles also added courtesy of some very nicely machined examples from the 7mmNGA. This side has the window frame in the dropped position, for a bit of variety, plus the open door in the guards/luggage compartment. I think a couple of milk churns and crates would look nice in the doorway here. 




The other side of the ex LSWR 1872 brake. Livery wise some sort of mucky brown colour I think would be appropriate. 




The other project moved on slightly was the brake 3rd built around a Peco Toad chassis and roof. I finally got round to adding the other end of the coach, plus buffers etc.! It's amazing how small the LSWR Brake is next to the Brake 3rd and the Terrier; however standing it next to the W&U luggage van and W&U tramcar, it's not much bigger:




Hopefully it won't be over another month before I make more progress.

Edited by NeilHB
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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Dave, must admit I have a bit of a soft spot for oddities like the brakevan! 


Me too, I've got a rather disproportionate number of them.  Three goods and three passenger brakes at the last count, and another one on the "to do" list....

Cheers, Dave.

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  • RMweb Gold

Me too, I've got a rather disproportionate number of them.  Three goods and three passenger brakes at the last count, and another one on the "to do" list....

Cheers, Dave.



You can never have too many brake vans Dave!


I think I need to add some more to the Elsbridge Wharf fleet as I've only got 5...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold


Tree-mendous success - I made a tree! Copper wire and raffia tape and lots of patience. Still not finished with the bark yet as I was loosing the will to live by this point. It's not too bad for a first attempt...I've decided it's a young Sudrian Ash (as they don't exist so no-one can tell me it doesn't look right) and it scales out at approx 20-25' high. 



Progress on the ex-LSWR van - it's gained a floor and partitions between the guards, small goods and passenger compartments. Couple of crates and some milk churns placed in there to see what it looks like. 



Knapford & Elsbridge tramway coach - it's finally on its wheels. I've also cut down the end profiles by quite a bit as I realised it looked a little odd - now has more of a flatter roof profile and looks better for it. The roof came from a piece of roofing section that is sold by the Modelling Goods stand of the 7mmNGA - finally found a use for it. 



What (in my head anyway) looks like a typical post-1912 Elsbridge branch line train - ex Knapford & Elsbridge stock and a Wellsworth & Suddery loco...

Edited by NeilHB
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  • RMweb Gold

Don't fall off your chairs in shock - I've made more progress on the tramway coach! Bar steps the coach is now pretty much complete, I just need to figure out a way to make the steps so that they don't end looking massively oversized like they did on the previous version. 



Apologies for yet another shot of the A1 but I do have to say I think she is probably my favourite loco out of all mine - I have a bit of soft spot for them thanks to the Rev. Awdry and 'Stepney'...No.3 waits to depart from EW with a short passenger train - Driver Jones is doing a spot of oiling round and checking over before departure...


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  • RMweb Gold

It's a case of knowing where to find them on eBay - I think I struck lucky when I got mine with one complete kit and then a second lot with two part kits - voila enough for two tramcars! If anyone has a couple more lots going begging I'll gladly take them off their hands :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Hoping that the collective power of RMWeb can help me out once again please!


I'm after some drawings of the Beyer Peacock 2-4-0T locomotives as used on the Isle of Wight Railway (Ryde, Sandown, Shanklin etc.) - and also the original Oldbury 1864 rolling stock that were purchased for when the railway opened. I have the Oakwood Press 'Isle of Wight Railway' by R.J. Maycock & R.Silsbury, which has some drawings in of the coaches, but not to any discernible scale...! 


Ideally I'd like to model a couple of the BP 2-4-0T's and some of the Oldbury coaches, as I think they would be ideal for ex Wellsworth & Suddery stock that could be seen on Elsbridge Wharf in one of its later time periods. 


If anyone knows where I can obtain some scale drawings please (preferably 7mm scale, but will take whatever is available) that would be very much appreciated!

Edited by NeilHB
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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Brack, much appreciated. I have wheel diameter so shouldn't be too difficult to scale from. 


This afternoon's project has actually been quite a quick one for once...a couple of hours work and it's fairly near completion, bar buffers (currently residing on the Knapfogrd & Elsbridge tramcar...) and final detailing. 


I've had a spare Slater's MR 9ft wagon chassis knocking around since last years Derby show. It was going to end up as an open wagon, but it never seemed to quite make it to the front of the queue. Whilst looking for a project to do this afternoon while waiting for paint to dry, I spotted it lurking at the back of the workbench. A quick doodle later...



...resulted in an Isle of Wight Railway inspired luggage van for the Wellsworth & Suddery Railway.



The design evolved a bit as I went along. I'm still undecided about adding a lower line of beading as per the drawing, will have to see how it looks tomorrow. 



Here it is next to the WSR Brake Third...now covered with a lovely coat of white primer! 


Livery wise I think it might be brown and white, or overall brown, but we shall see. 


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Progress - it has footboards and buffers! Well footboards on one side only anyway, but it's a start.


Also added rain strips on the roof. I'm still undecided if it should have lamps on the roof, and thus require steps on one end...suggestions please RMWeb!

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