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  • RMweb Premium

My take is that mentioning railways in here is ok in passing but a discussion on railways should be in the other thread (if that makes sense).

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  • RMweb Gold

What about discussions about discussions of railways?



In all seriousness though, it's taken me a bit to get used to the split and I wasn't too keen on it to start with. But it seems to work, and I quite like it now.

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Can't see what the problem is with discussing a shop though, I mean we discuss bread shops, camera shops, why not train shops?


Besides which, I'm incurably nosey and I want to know all about the train shop.



**Tucks a physics text book down the back of his trousers and waits for Sir ...

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  • RMweb Premium

My take is that mentioning railways in here is ok in passing but a discussion on railways should be in the other thread (if that makes sense).

Spot on, Jason. A bit of common sense needs to be applied, but where possible railway stuff should go in the Lounge.



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  • RMweb Premium

Hi all.


My experience over the last month suggests the 2 Lounges are working well. There were very good reasons for splitting the original and I appreciate your tolerance.


Don't worry too much - I'll keep an eye on things and sort it, if needed.


Best wishes to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Can't see what the problem is with discussing a shop though, I mean we discuss bread shops, camera shops, why not train shops?


Besides which, I'm incurably nosey and I want to know all about the train shop.


The Train Shop in Morecambe has for over 20 years been an emporium of many delights, at reasonable prices, served up by a very clued up proprietor and where I have bought well over 50% of my kit.  Over the last few months, I have been told by various parties that it might be closing, but when I asked said proprietor, he was very reluctant to reveal his longer term plans.  As he only opens Thursday to Saturday, and I don't normally go to Morecambe on those days except for special trips, I was just wondering if Bill had been along that way and/or could shed any light on what might be happening.

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Yet again some interesting discussion going on here on various topics.  I've just not been here to contribute of late.  I do like Bill's take on things and the article that he unearthed by Prof Stewart is most interesting - Jules Verne also predicted going to the moon using a cannon, but a land based one, and I think that he may there have overlooked the fact that the initial acceleration needed to propel his vehicle moon-wards might just have been sufficient to mash the occupants a tad. 


Bill, as a Morecambe resident, we may meet up one of these days in Aldi or Morrisons, as I go there as needed - also enjoy a glass of the frothing amber nectar from time to time in the Palatine.  BTW Bill, do you know what's happening at The Train Shop?  Richard was most un-forthcoming when I tried to find out, and I've not been down towards the end of a week to see for myself?


Richard has decided to close the shop and, in his own words, "take some time out and enjoy myself while I'm still young enough!". He was actually planning to close up at the end of May and had already reduced his stock considerably the last time I was in. He did tell us sometime before Christmas last and asked us to keep it quiet because he "didn't want a fuss". I'm not sure if he's still there, but I'm passing through town on my way to my daughters tomorrow so I'll pop around and find out! One things for sure is that I'll miss our conversations both about the prototype, on which he had a vast amount of knowledge, and music for which we both share a great love. A real natures gentleman in many ways, (although he didn't suffer fools lightly) and I wish both Richard and his wife all the very best for the future!





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It's always a shame when a good shop closes, but there comes a time in every venture when you have to say enough is enough. I hope that Richard and his wife can have some enjoyable times too. Life is not all about work. Carpe diem and all that.

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  • Pots washed
  • Carpets hoovered
  • Guitars & amps stowed
  • Modelling gear stowed away
  • Paint / filler / glue removed from furniture
  • Kitchen tidy
  • Bathroom tidy
  • all signs of cigarettes, whiskey and wild, wild women removed 



All set for the return of the love of my life then.


  • Pour one more whiskey
  • Put bottle away
  • rinse and repeat

       :scared:  :rtfm:



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Train shop we are not allowed to mention train shop on here ( oh no I have said it twice self flagellation needed now!) mind you looking for a shop selling unmentionables might raise a few eyebrow's.

Actually am I the only one who finds it confusing knowing which to post in. Half the time I just know I am in a Lunster thread. Then there is the fact that alongside the campsite is an unmentionable.



Funny you should mention that because there's one of those 'naughty' shops just around the corner from The Train Shop! All the usual accoutrements for an 'interesting' life (so I'm told!***) but unfortunately no wet lettuce (***ditto) so Andrew's going to be disappointed! Still! There's always the Festival Market!


Howdy chaps!

Didn't want anyone to miss this news, I find this kind of thing fascinating!





Now you've done it John! I already spend most of the night either working on my pictures or pouring over the various NASA missions so this one should take care of the couple of hours I usually reserve for beddy-byes! Fascinating stuff indeed and a good find!





Edited by Mythocentric
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  • RMweb Gold

It was intended somewhat humourously. The thing is I read train shop and immediately thought am I on the right thread? It is probably just old age.



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It was intended somewhat humourously. The thing is I read train shop and immediately thought am I on the right thread? It is probably just old age.




As was my reply! Perhaps we've all had a long, stressful day like Andrew. Time for a rest perhaps?





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Seeing as its Sunday I thought I’d provide a bit of light entertainment in the form of this video from Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEnBtY4oDuM


It’s called Mars-Unmasking The Coverup and ‘proves’ that NASA are falsifying the images from Mars in order the hide the ‘truth’ that the planet is in fact not red at all, but terraformed and occupied by other lifeform’s. Interestingly enough the poster uses Photoshop and its false-colour abilities, so beloved of the digital art community, to 'correct' the colours in order to prove it! (Which should give you a clue as to this guy’s mental state!).


There is a second part which shows the cities, the entities and a comparison with earth: Mars Unmasking The Cover Up - Part 2 ( The Cities, Earth Comparison, The Entities )  but to be honest, I was laughing so much after half of part 1 I gave up trying!


Coming soon! (in around a month probably) Pluto-The Real Truth Behind The Coverup, which will no doubt depict a strange humanoid-mouse hybrid uttering strange, celestial statements like, “Hey Pluto! How ya doin’ Boy?”  Probably in a squeaky helium voice I suspect!


The Truth Is Out There (Or Not)!



Edited by Mythocentric
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My distant view of our first biggish local fire today. If you want to gauge the size of the cloud, you are looking at it from 27 miles away




The link has a close up the view in the dark under the cloud. At time of posting it was growing at about 200 acres per hour.



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Seeing as its Sunday I thought I’d provide a bit of light entertainment in the form of this video from Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEnBtY4oDuM


It’s called Mars-Unmasking The Coverup and ‘proves’ that NASA are falsifying the images from Mars in order the hide the ‘truth’ that the planet is in fact not red at all, but terraformed and occupied by other lifeform’s. Interestingly enough the poster uses Photoshop and its false-colour abilities, so beloved of the digital art community, to 'correct' the colours in order to prove it! (Which should give you a clue as to this guy’s mental state!).


There is a second part which shows the cities, the entities and a comparison with earth: Mars Unmasking The Cover Up - Part 2 ( The Cities, Earth Comparison, The Entities )  but to be honest, I was laughing so much after half of part 1 I gave up trying!


Coming soon! (in around a month probably) Pluto-The Real Truth Behind The Coverup, which will no doubt depict a strange humanoid-mouse hybrid uttering strange, celestial statements like, “Hey Pluto! How ya doin’ Boy?”  Probably in a squeaky helium voice I suspect!


The Truth Is Out There (Or Not)!



I tried watching both of these but gave up before I got half way. I certainly hope that the person in question has exceptional health insurance. He needs it for his mental state

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I tried watching both of these but gave up before I got half way. I certainly hope that the person in question has exceptional health insurance. He needs it for his mental state


I have to wonder sometimes Duncan if Jeff wasn’t so far away with his remark a while back as to whether we’d discovered intelligent life on earth yet!

My current favourite is on the NASA Facebook*** page where they are about to celebrate the fact that the Mars Odyssey spacecraft, one of the longest serving vehicles, is close to completing its 60,000th orbit around Mars on the 23rd of June. The article is headed by an artist’s impression of the vehicle in orbit and amongst the congratulatory messages is a rant from someone asking how we can all be so stupid and gullible? His reasoning? Its all fake right back to Apollo and the proof is right there in the picture because the Odyssey couldn’t possibly have taken a ‘selfie’!

Perhaps Roger Waters was right when he sang that “this species has amused itself to death!”


***I know I’m naughty. I’ve signed up again to follow NewHorizons!




My distant view of our first biggish local fire today. If you want to gauge the size of the cloud, you are looking at it from 27 miles away




The link has a close up the view in the dark under the cloud. At time of posting it was growing at about 200 acres per hour.




That looks pretty mean bud! Take care of yourself Andy. We definitely don't want any barbecued Lunester's!





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It was me that was on a continuing mission to find intelligent life on earth Bill. While the UFOlogist stuff is fun, it really annoys me when we are told "We know this" and "We know that" or "Science knows", "Science tells us".


Science doesn't know. Science theorises, and theories that were known facts 5,10,100,200,500 years ago are now dismissed as old wifes tales, while there is no guarantee that what scientists "believe" now is anymore accurate.


Oh and hindsight is not evidence.


Right, rant over, off to watch more X-Files  interesting stuff  :O  

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Science is based on theory which is then tested by repeated experiment to either prove (or disprove) that theory. The results are then published for peer review and for those peers in turn to test the theory by additional experiment and investigation.  A process which frequently takes a long time before that theory becomes generally accepted as ‘fact’. I would suggest that there is an abundance of proof in support of the scientific method rather than against it! In real terms the TV you watch, the radio you listen to, the car you drive, the appliance which cooks your food, the medical treatment you receive should you become ill and the very computer you made your post on, amongst many other accepted parts of your life, were all provided by the application of science! In fact there is only one branch of science which is based purely on theory (so far) and that is that of Exobiology!


Can you apply that same level of enquiry to UFO’s, the secret civilisation hidden under the north pole, bigfoot (and a plethora of other fantastic creatures!), ghosts, etc., or ever seen any definite proof of their existence?


I can’t answer your statement that hindsight isn’t evidence for the simple reason that I didn’t understand the point you were trying to make!


Perhaps we should all return to the days of the 16th Century when scientists like Giordano Bruno*** was burned at the stake by the church for proving that the Earth wasn’t the centre of the universe!






*** Incidentally Bruno also proposed that the sun was a star like any other, that the stars probably had orbiting exoplanets and that many of those planets probably contained life, so that’s not such a new idea either!

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  • RMweb Premium

Science is based on theory which is then tested by repeated experiment to either prove (or disprove) that theory. The results are then published for peer review and for those peers in turn to test the theory by additional experiment and investigation.  A process which frequently takes a long time before that theory becomes generally accepted as ‘fact’. I would suggest that there is an abundance of proof in support of the scientific method rather than against it! In real terms the TV you watch, the radio you listen to, the car you drive, the appliance which cooks your food, the medical treatment you receive should you become ill and the very computer you made your post on, amongst many other accepted parts of your life, were all provided by the application of science! In fact there is only one branch of science which is based purely on theory (so far) and that is that of Exobiology!


Can you apply that same level of enquiry to UFO’s, the secret civilisation hidden under the north pole, bigfoot (and a plethora of other fantastic creatures!), ghosts, etc., or ever seen any definite proof of their existence?


I can’t answer your statement that hindsight isn’t evidence for the simple reason that I didn’t understand the point you were trying to make!


Perhaps we should all return to the days of the 16th Century when scientists like Giordano Bruno*** was burned at the stake by the church for proving that the Earth wasn’t the centre of the universe!






*** Incidentally Bruno also proposed that the sun was a star like any other, that the stars probably had orbiting exoplanets and that many of those planets probably contained life, so that’s not such a new idea either!

Hi Bill


I am now very concerned, who has been posting on here if he doesn't exist http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/user/8964-sasquatch/ :O :o :scratchhead: :O :o

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It was me that was on a continuing mission to find intelligent life on earth Bill. While the UFOlogist stuff is fun, it really annoys me when we are told "We know this" and "We know that" or "Science knows", "Science tells us".


Science doesn't know. Science theorises, and theories that were known facts 5,10,100,200,500 years ago are now dismissed as old wifes tales, while there is no guarantee that what scientists "believe" now is anymore accurate.


Oh and hindsight is not evidence.


Right, rant over, off to watch more X-Files  interesting stuff  :O  


Science is painstaking and verified discovery of universal "laws" and constants. Which are only then considered "known", at least until more discovery proves otherwise, or opens up even more underlying detail.


The helpful part is that we can use what has been discovered to correctly predict that "Z" will always happen when we do "X" to "Y".



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Hi Bill


I am now very concerned, who has been posting on here if he doesn't exist http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/user/8964-sasquatch/ :O :o :scratchhead: :O :o


You know Clive, that did cross my mind when I was writing the post and I almost added a "Sorry Shaun" note by way of apology. I was going to suggest that he send us a (blurry) picture of his good self stomping through the woods as proof positive but he already has in his avatar! That's good enough for me. Anyway, you must admit it's way better than him coming over and pulling my head off which would be a somewhat painful alternative! :this: :scared: :nono:





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  • RMweb Premium

I'm watching the current discussion with a great deal of interest. I'll continue to do so and try to keep out of it as much as possible.


What I will say is this. Nothing is every totally, irrefutably "proven" in Science. However, as Bill has pointed out, the Scientific Method can suggest, in the face of overwhelming experimental evidence, that a particular theory, prediction or even is overwhelmingly likely to be correct.


In the face of future evidence the theory/idea/hypothesis may have to be modified/rejected - and a good scientist embraces this concept.


The problem with "conspiracists" is that they are generally unwilling to accept ANY evidence as fact unless they themselves have been there and seen it. That is their choice, but unfortunately in the internet age there is a risk of casting doubt upon many things which are blindingly obvious. Healthy skepticism is a good thing if used wisely.


I could cite dozens of Physics/Astronomy related examples here, but I'd rather let you guys continue with the topic. 


Of course, this may not actually be Jeff that is writing this.....



Edited by Physicsman
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I'm watching the current discussion with a great deal of interest. I'll continue to do so and try to keep out of it as much as possible.


What I will say is this. Nothing is every totally, irrefutably "proven" in Science. However, as Bill has pointed out, the Scientific Method can suggest, in the face of overwhelming experimental evidence, that a particular theory, prediction or even is overwhelmingly likely to be correct.


In the face of future evidence the theory/idea/hypothesis may have to be modified/rejected - and a good scientist embraces this concept.


The problem with "conspiracists" is that they are generally unwilling to accept ANY evidence as fact unless they themselves have been there and seen it. That is their choice, but unfortunately in the internet age there is a risk of casting doubt upon many things which are blindingly obvious. Healthy skepticism is a good thing if used wisely.


I could cite dozens of Physics/Astronomy related examples here, but I'd rather let you guys continue with the topic. 


Of course, this may not actually be Jeff that is writing this.....




Hi Jeff (or Unknown Entity),


Don't you dare stay out of it. I was hoping that you could present your views as the chap with proven credentials as the 'insider' so to speak, or at least provide a degree of plain old common sense and rationality! (Or at the very least distract Shaun in case I've upset him by questioning his existence!)


I do agree with you about the "conspiracists" from my own experience! Not long ago I heard from a woman (in Morecambe) who had reported a UFO sighting over the Bay. I pointed out that what she had seen was most probably the ISS (the timing and location tallied with my own sighting). In reply I got a stream of obscenities and invective which amounted to "That's the trouble with you know-it-all's, you're always trying to spoil it for real people!" It sometimes crosses my mind that, in some ways, they are seeking some kind of belief in which to place their faith in the face of an increasingly-fragmented religeous ethos. However, that's a whole other can of worms which I'm NOT going to investigate!


Anyhow! Good to see you back and trust you had a pleasant time at your dad's!





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Well that woke you guys up. I don't necessarily believe all (or anything) I write, but do enjoy a gòod discussion.


Another of my pet hates is the application of modern day knowledge or viewpoints when discussing history.


And now, back to your scheduled programme.

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  • RMweb Premium

OK, I'll give one of the best sets of examples that I know....


Outsiders often accuse scientists of being "smug know-it-alls" and it can sometimes come across that way. "Science knows best" is a philosophy that can be taken to extremes by (Sir) Prof X BSc, FInstP, PhD, DPhil, FRS - nobody in mind, but a few letters after your name makes some people power crazy.


I'm a Physicist and proud of it. I am also distinctly uneasy about the current state of science, especially the fundamentals. After all, if 96% of the universe is made up of stuff we know very little about, we don't seem to be doing too well! A little humility is called for!!


By 1890 the Physics community felt it had everything "signed, sealed and delivered". The gravitational model of Newton, electromagnetic theory of Maxwell and countless other contributions seemed to imply that mankind was close to a Theory of Everything.


But it only takes ONE chink in the experimental armour to throw things into disarray. From 1890 until the early 1900s a series of experimental results, INEXPLICABLE by existing theories, including:


Discovery of the Photoelectric effect

Discovery of Radioactivity

Electrons exhibiting wave behaviour (1927)

The behaviour of Black Body radiation (the old theory - if correct - would have meant you'd have been cremated if you sat in your armchair in front of the fire!!)


were unearthed.


The end result? The whole of Physics had to be re-modelled and the bizarre (to most people) ideas of Quantum Mechanics were born.


The change was unpopular, but NECESSARY. The Scientific Method had put the existing theories to the sword. Such is still the case.


The "Standard Model" of the composition of matter and how the atomic components came to appear from the Big Bang is under a great strain. The experimental evidence supports the concept of a Big Bang but certain ideas - Inflation for one - seem very artificial to me. I think we are heading towards another major revision. But each time it happens we get closer to an accurate model of "reality".


At least we are trying to understand what's going on. A good scientist knows, and accepts, that his/her theory is only as good as the latest sets of experimental data.


Ok, definitely said enough!



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