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A timely post Dave and one that prompted an interesting discussion on an otherwise quiet Sunday! As Jeff pointed out 'In the face of future evidence the theory/idea/hypothesis may have to be modified/rejected - and a good scientist embraces this concept'. A sound idea and, of course, I shall hold my hand up should I prove to be in error!


An added bonus being that no one has mentioned That Which Cannot Be Named Discussed so I guess we've learned something! :good:




Bill (currently hiding behind the settee in case of sightings of a certain hairy creature in my immediate vicinity!) :punish:

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OK all you clever guys out there, I have three very important books in front of me.


1, the Bible which states the earth was made in 7 days

2, Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time" where it all begins with a big bang

3, Cyril Freezer's "Track Plans for Various Locations" that starts with a 6ft by 4ft board


Please which one should I follow :scratchhead: :scratchhead:

Edited by Clive Mortimore
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I never mentioned Voldemort or Von Daniken, the drugs must be working. Typing on this tablet is, er, interesting...


Edited to add:


1. Our bit was built 2pm POETS day

2. Our teenage big bang theory was simpler and more achievable.

3. I remember him on 'That's Life', funny poems.

Edited by HeeleyBridge
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Totally different subject....


Adverts aren't as good as they used to be. Right? Can you still remember the classic ads of the 60s and 70s, but not the one from last week? Well here's my current favourite - has me in stitches every time I see it...




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 Memorable adverts.


Just the Gibbs Toothpaste from the first night (15th July 1956) and the annoying 'Change to OMO' series of adverts that followed thereafter.  Why these? - well Gibbs was the very first UK TV advert and the first live event was an athletics match of All Stars versus the Old Rutlishians - a number of whom had been involved in the 1948 Olympics (and probably had the 'contacts') and indeed one had a 440 yard relay Gold Medal to prove it. The latter of course according to some, was a scientific theory  lie and of course did not take place although a fair number of people were present and observing.  Some of the ground records established that night have still not been broken.




PS Spell checker is going crazy tonight.

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OK all you clever guys out there, I have three very important books in front of me.


1, the Bible which states the earth was made in 7 days

2, Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time" where it all begins with a big bang

3, Cyril Freezer's "Track Plans for Various Locations" that starts with a 6ft by 4ft board


Please which one should I follow :scratchhead: :scratchhead:


I believe I started in life as a result of. 'Big Bang'!

Kind regards,


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OK all you clever guys out there, I have three very important books in front of me.


1, the Bible which states the earth was made in 7 days

2, Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time" where it all begins with a big bang

3, Cyril Freezer's "Track Plans for Various Locations" that starts with a 6ft by 4ft board


Please which one should I follow :scratchhead: :scratchhead:



  It's all a matter of belief and what you feel comfortable with . . . Your choice....  every one could be correct.


Ommmmm . . . . . .

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OK all you clever guys out there, I have three very important books in front of me.


1, the Bible which states the earth was made in 7 days

2, Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time" where it all begins with a big bang

3, Cyril Freezer's "Track Plans for Various Locations" that starts with a 6ft by 4ft board


Please which one should I follow :scratchhead: :scratchhead:


Only the last one is "hands on" and has no rules to follow.

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OK all you clever guys out there, I have three very important books in front of me.


1, the Bible which states the earth was made in 7 days

2, Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time" where it all begins with a big bang

3, Cyril Freezer's "Track Plans for Various Locations" that starts with a 6ft by 4ft board


Please which one should I follow :scratchhead: :scratchhead:


OK Here goes!


1. I've yet to meet a builder who can work a full five days (if that) much less seven so this ones out!

2. Steven Hawking's is a genius. Not only can he explain the Big Bang, he can probably tell you what time it started and the names of the young ladies who attended!

3. Cyril Freezers track plans never fit into the allocated space so he's out too!


Have fun!


Totally different subject....


Adverts aren't as good as they used to be. Right? Can you still remember the classic ads of the 60s and 70s, but not the one from last week? Well here's my current favourite - has me in stitches every time I see it...





I don't watch usually TV so I can't really comment, however I did watch the 'Funniest Commercials' clip which followed Jeff's video and the Fluffy the Seal advert for Shark Week had me in stitches! Cruel git aren't I?

Incidentally, didn't the Old Rutlishians (PeterBB) turn up on Star Trek once, or am thinking of Romulan's?





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  • RMweb Premium

Morning folks.


Nice to see Bill's up to his usual - posting in the middle of the night. I couldn't sleep - my body clock has been reset with being at my dad's - so I've been trawling the internet since 2am.


I think it's time for another caffeine injection....



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Morning Jeff! It's hard work crossing time zones isn't it? Especially when it involves crossing the Pennines! There's some strange things happen around them places you know, especially if you listen to the Goon Show's like 'In Search Of The Yorkshire Yeti'. Makes me shiver just to think about it! :superstition:


Have a nice day!



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Morning chaps.


I haven't watched TV in a long time, almost ten years since we had one in the house. So my favourite advertisement would probably remain the Cadbury's Smash aliens from the 60s/70s.


Mashed potatoes, I still peel them with my metal knife, boil them for twenty of our minutes and then smash them all to pieces.


Only ever had Smash once, when we were camping near Scarborough (our annual holiday 1959-1974), mother thought it might save time. It was vile LMAO.



The Pennines were of course built by the antediluvian miners of Yorkshire, thrown up as a barrier to keep those barbarians from Manchester and beyond out of our beautiful countryside.  :jester:


Today I am commemorating the 40th anniversary of the ruddy great big hole in my right knee, which has led to me hardly being able to walk in recent times.


All it took to get the hole was:  a Honda CB 160, a Ford Escort driving school car and a dozy lady driving instructor turning right without looking. Luckily I was only doing about 25 mph, but I was airborne for a little while. I saw the compulsory ground, sky, ground, sky, ground, ground, ground. Luckily I had two witnesses, a lorry driver who was behind the driving school car and my riding companion, PC Plod (not his real name obviously!). The lady was prosecuted and I got paid out for my bike, but it was not an economic repair being an old bike, but like everybody said, you'll be able to get a modern one now ... grrrr.


Mine was like this one http://www.bike-urious.com/1967-honda-cb160/

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Morning folks.


Nice to see Bill's up to his usual - posting in the middle of the night. I couldn't sleep - my body clock has been reset with being at my dad's - so I've been trawling the internet since 2am.


I think it's time for another caffeine injection....



So Cumbria's in a different Time Zone now eh? come on Jeff, tell the truth, you were dreaming of CUTTING WOOD FOR THE UNMENTIONABLE IN HERE, now should I go into the little boys room and ask the question again? hhahahhaha

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Morning Jeff! It's hard work crossing time zones isn't it? Especially when it involves crossing the Pennines! There's some strange things happen around them places you know, especially if you listen to the Goon Show's like 'In Search Of The Yorkshire Yeti'. Makes me shiver just to think about it! :superstition:


Have a nice day!



SORRY Bill, I should have READ THIS :O before doing MY POST ABOVE, hahhahahhah :nono:  :nono: :nono:  :nono:  :nono:  :nono:  :nono:  

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So Cumbria's in a different Time Zone now eh? come on Jeff, tell the truth, you were dreaming of CUTTING WOOD FOR THE UNMENTIONABLE IN HERE, now should I go into the little boys room and ask the question again? hhahahhaha


Just had a nap for a couple of hours and feeling refreshed! Dreams, yes - but not about cutting wood for an UNMENTIONABLE structure..... I did wake up with a smile on my face (I'll say no more  :angel:  :angel: ).


Dave, the Smash monsters is one of the all-time classic TV ads. Hilarious and very memorable. Conspiracists would probably have seen them as proof of alien visits to Earth during the 1970s!!



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No sweat Andrew! It is true about the Pennine's though. The weird stuff that goes on up there makes the mysterious Himalaya's look like something out of a Julie Andrews film! For instance, did you know that the bit between Yorkshire and Lancashire is the only place in the world where you will see that unique human genetic modification known as 'English Knee's'? It's what makes people in those parts really good at hill-walking because it means that they are bandy-legged AND knock-kneed all at the same time! Trouble is, it also makes them particularly susceptible to alien abduction because they can't run for toffee! (Unless they're heading downhill of course, which is why the aliens always land in the valleys and lurk!).



Now! Why did Jeff wake up with a smile on his face? I'm thinking a certain person driving across a lonely, desolate windswept moor. He stops at the crest of a hill and gets out of the car to take in the view. Not a soul in sight to disturb the peace, just the sound of the wind sighing across the grass and a curlew crying in the distance. He turns to get back into his car. Just then the lovely Julia steps out from behind a drystone wall wearing a low-cut leopard skin cagoule, army surplus shorts and a slinky face. They gaze deep into each others eyes :tender: :yahoo: ............................................................Right! That's enough of that. We'll have no smut on here thank you very much! :nono: :nono: :nono:





Edited by Mythocentric
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Apropos of some earlier posts this is the finest parody of matters biblical and the buliding trade that I have ever read - it's by the late Keith Waterhouse, and also dates from the early 1970s


And God said unto Noah, Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and the length of the ark shall be 300 cubits. And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee.

And Noah said, Sign here, and leavest Thou a deposit.

And the Lord signed there, and left He a deposit.

And Noah was 600 years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth.

And the Lord said unto Noah, Where is the ark, which I commanded thee to build?

And Noah said unto the Lord, Verily, I have had three carpenters off ill. The gopher wood supplier hath let me down - yea, even though the gopher wood hath been on order for nigh upon 12 months. The damp-course specialist hath not turned up. What can I do, O Lord ?

And God said unto Noah, I want that ark finished even after seven days and seven nights.

And Noah said, It will be so.

And it was not so.

And the Lord said unto Noah, What seemeth to be the trouble this time?

And Noah said unto the Lord, Mine sub-contractor hath gone bankrupt. The pitch which Thou commandest me to put on the outside and on the inside of the ark hath not arrived, and the plumber hath gone on strike.

Noah rent his garments and said, The glazier departeth on holiday to Majorca - yea, even though I offerest him double time. Shem, my son, who helpeth me on the ark side of the business hath formed a pop group with his brothers Ham and Japheth. Lord, I am undone.

And God said in his wrath, Noah, do not thou mucketh Me about. The end of all flesh is come before me; for the Earth is filled with violence through them; and behold, I will destroy them with the Earth. How can I destroy them with the earth if thou art incapable of completing the job that thou was contracted to do?

And Noah said, Lo, the contract will be fulfilled.

And Lo, it was not fulfilled.

And Noah said unto the Lord, The gopher wood is definitely in the warehouse. Verily, and the gopher wood supplier waiteth only upon his servant to find the invoices before he delivereth the gopher wood unto me.

And the Lord grew angry and said, Scrubbeth thou round the gopher wood. What about the animals? Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the Earth after his kind two of every sort have I ordered to come unto thee, to keep them alive. Where for example, are the giraffes?

And Noah said unto the Lord, They are expected today.

And the Lord said unto Noah, How about the unicorns?

And Noah wrung his hands and wept, saying, Lord, Lord, they are a discontinued line. Thou canst not get unicorns for love nor money.

And God said, Come thou, Noah, I have left with thee a deposit, and thou hast signed a contract. Where are the monkeys, and the bears, and the hippopotami, and the elephants, and the zebras and the hartebeests, two of each kind; and of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female?

And Noah said unto the Lord, They have been delivered unto the wrong address, but should arriveth on Friday; all save the fowls of the air by sevens, for it hath just been told unto me that fowls of the air are sold only in half-dozens.

And God said unto Noah, Thou hast not made an ark of gopher wood, nor hast thou lined it with pitch within and with-out; and of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort hast thou failed to bring into the ark. What sayest thou, Noah?

And Noah kissed the Earth and said, Lord, Lord, thou knowest in thy wisdom what it is like with delivery dates.

And the Lord in his wisdom said, Noah, my son, I knowest. Why else dost thou think I have caused a flood to descend upon the Earth?

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There are people around who believe that every word in the bible is true and yet a priest showed me where parts of it contradict others. Besides I cannot believe in a God who seems to think giving two daughters to a crowd to abuse, to save a phrophet was ok. 

Stephen Hawkings is one in a series of scientists, it is the work of scientist to pick holes in the work of those who have gone before. That's is how it progresses.

Cyril Freezer was no fan of a 6x4 baseboard he just knew that was what people bought and then had to try to find a plan.


Best idea learn to think for yourself.



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The bible is/was/has been used as a 'rule book' to control the uneducated populous by those perceived to have power and status. It covers many situations from many different viewpoints, so that it's users can find something to support their particular personal pontification. Much cheaper to control the peasants from the pulpit than have to send out an army old bean. Then, what is written has to be interpreted by the reader. But in the end, written by men with an agenda, not some unseen universal creator. "Vorsprung Dorch Technik" said Noah.



Grrrr  Yorkshire 0 for 1 ..



edited to make sense. Tablet wouldn't let me edit.. I hate technology sometimes.

Edited by HeeleyBridge
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Richard has decided to close the shop and, in his own words, "take some time out and enjoy myself while I'm still young enough!". He was actually planning to close up at the end of May and had already reduced his stock considerably the last time I was in. He did tell us sometime before Christmas last and asked us to keep it quiet because he "didn't want a fuss". I'm not sure if he's still there, but I'm passing through town on my way to my daughters tomorrow so I'll pop around and find out! One things for sure is that I'll miss our conversations both about the prototype, on which he had a vast amount of knowledge, and music for which we both share a great love. A real natures gentleman in many ways, (although he didn't suffer fools lightly) and I wish both Richard and his wife all the very best for the future!





Went past this morning, and there is a "shop to let" notice on the side gate, so it appears that the shop has now closed - more's the pity as it was one of the good'uns without a shadow of a doubt.

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Went past this morning, and there is a "shop to let" notice on the side gate, so it appears that the shop has now closed - more's the pity as it was one of the good'uns without a shadow of a doubt.


Ooops! Sorry about that! I did say I'd find out and to be honest I forgot all about it! Richard did mention that there was a father and son thinking about buying the business but it looks like that's gone by the board.





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I promised I'd put some Moon photos up on here when I'd taken them. First batch attempted this evening. 


The photos are the same, very compressed file (so it'll fit onto RMweb), but the second one is a slight "tweak" of the first. For those interested, the settings were ISO 400 @ 1/125 s.

The Moon was in southern Virgo at altitude 20 degrees, azimuth 239 degrees, shot at 22.15.







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Morning chaps.


I haven't watched TV in a long time, almost ten years since we had one in the house. So my favourite advertisement would probably remain the Cadbury's Smash aliens from the 60s/70s.


Mashed potatoes, I still peel them with my metal knife, boil them for twenty of our minutes and then smash them all to pieces.


Only ever had Smash once, when we were camping near Scarborough (our annual holiday 1959-1974), mother thought it might save time. It was vile LMAO.



The Pennines were of course built by the antediluvian miners of Yorkshire, thrown up as a barrier to keep those barbarians from Manchester and beyond out of our beautiful countryside.  :jester:


Today I am commemorating the 40th anniversary of the ruddy great big hole in my right knee, which has led to me hardly being able to walk in recent times.


All it took to get the hole was:  a Honda CB 160, a Ford Escort driving school car and a dozy lady driving instructor turning right without looking. Luckily I was only doing about 25 mph, but I was airborne for a little while. I saw the compulsory ground, sky, ground, sky, ground, ground, ground. Luckily I had two witnesses, a lorry driver who was behind the driving school car and my riding companion, PC Plod (not his real name obviously!). The lady was prosecuted and I got paid out for my bike, but it was not an economic repair being an old bike, but like everybody said, you'll be able to get a modern one now ... grrrr.


Mine was like this one http://www.bike-urious.com/1967-honda-cb160/

Dave, my sympathies - the CB160 was the little brother of the CB72/CB77 250 and 305 twins which dad and I converted to 350s. I did make a 200cc version of the CB160 for a youngster in Scotland and he was able to show the Triumph Tiger Cubs a clean pair of heels!

The attitude of your insurance company really is sickening when you consider what a collectors item that model has become. I wouldn't read 'Classic Bike' if I were you, as what a good condition one would fetch now might make you feel ill!

Kind regards,


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I promised I'd put some Moon photos up on here when I'd taken them. First batch attempted this evening. 


The photos are the same, very compressed file (so it'll fit onto RMweb), but the second one is a slight "tweak" of the first. For those interested, the settings were ISO 400 @ 1/125 s.

The Moon was in southern Virgo at altitude 20 degrees, azimuth 239 degrees, shot at 22.15.







Superb sharp images Jeff, most impressive!

I daren't even start to think about going down that path as I already find that their aren't enough hours in the day. That and the funding requirement would also strain the happiness of my marriage - remember I am wed to an accounts person!

Please keep the images coming, if you get time when the 'unmentionable' starts over on the other half thread!!

Kind regards,


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Morning Jock.


Never fear, I shall be outside at every opportunity - though the way the weather has been up here, recently, that could be a bit intermittent.


As for the Bunker, well I'll be in there later this morning to fit a bit more skirting and do a bit of painting.... I'll post a pic or two later, though you've seen it all before (like watching paint dry, haha).



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