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Ricoh preparations: Victoria Bridge Lighting, Carriages and Photographers

Will J


Hi All,


With RMWeb Live on the horizon I have, after the dust settled from moving house, got Victoria Bridge back home for some pre show improvements and adjustment. Big thanks to Wyre Forest MRC for keeping the 'shelf' and associated bits out of harms way over the last few weeks!


I like the arrangment in the Ricoh floorplan, with Victoria Bridge in between the likes of Cliffhanger and Kinlet Wharf in the Scenery Zone. Presumably sanwiched between these rather more epic layout presentations I will be there to show what can be done with similar ambitions but rather less space!


Victoria Bridge has seen some photographers gather in advance of September at the Ricoh... probably fair to say that the variety of trains count as a gala...




these are not a great feat of modelmaking, rather a box of Noch figures picked up on holiday the other week at Pecorama. Luckily the newest member of our family has indulged his parents by pointing, grinning and genuinely appreciating the things he was introduced to (whether trains, aeroplanes, art galleries...)




Good lad!



Back the the micro-layout; you'll recall the 'box' is illuminated with blueish LEDs along the 'roof' sourced from a caravan supplier. These bathe the sky at the back with a blueish, bright light, but it can look a bit cold in isolation..




The plan, according to this evening's experiments, is to add a directional more yellow source of 'sunlight' to warm up the scene, and pick up the details of the bridge.






Other recent developments have included modified additions to the teak set, with open thirds appearing, plugging a gap in the Dapol range with some Ultima etches. Tomorrow I hope to add some 'traffic' in the sky too.....




Looking forward to meeting as many RMWebbers as possible at the Ricoh, do come and say hello, don't worry, so long as all the electricity ends up in the right place the layout doesn't need much operating... it is more of a talking point!

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  • RMweb Gold

So, blue and silver, or silver white & blue for the sky traffic?



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Well, I sprayed the Dragon Rapide pin badge with some light grey etch primer and


a ) in a matt finish it transforms into a lovely little model with the 'bling' obscured and;


b ) the grey shade is spot on for a silver-winged aeroplane some distance away in a hazy sky. 


I might try to give it a lick of blue paint for the fuselage (see my user avatar thing in the corner of this post...) or maybe leave it as is, as the way it will appear, carefully glued to the backscene, it would tend to appear as a grey silhouette.


For RMWeb Live I'll try to concoct a scrapbook of images borrowed from the project's beginnings to explain why there is an aeroplane in the scene and where the idea came from: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/351/entry-1306-bridge-over-the-river-severn/

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Will do! Look out for a carriage based post on the blog next weekend (ish) - working most of the week away from home at the moment, so posts are a bit intermittent!

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Will, good to see you are brainwashing the future generations :-)


Your lighting experiments are interesting, I'd be interested to see how you get on with adding warmer light as I find it a bit hard to get the right balance.


Good luck with the show!

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That young gentleman in the second picture looks very happy. How old is he now and what impact has he had on modelling progress?

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Very impressed at RMlive 2014

thank you for positioning the train so i could get my pictures

I have included the likes which are really yours

Posted 13 September 2014 - 23:04

on first look this one was one of the smaller layouts, but the bridge is well worth a close up



or two!!!



just look at the detail here


The gentleman here was really nice, I explained my camera can't cope with moving train so he kindly stopped it for me to get the snaps.

I just love the colouring of the water.

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