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d winpenny

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Everything posted by d winpenny

  1. Here is a video of 56127 fitted with legomanbiffo sounds David
  2. With everything being pack away for a while I set up a 6x4 and a set up a loop to test the 58 and run some trains Heljan class 58 on 18 mgrs the length I’ll probably be running most of the time And this is 28 wagons even with the basic Hornby controller the 58 didn’t struggle st all Just a little wagon update I’m up to 48 out of the 54 I want which 3 x 18 or 2 x 27 Out of those 28 out of the 48 have instanters and 1 of the 7 tea tanks has an instanter fitted Loco wise nothing to report David
  3. Looking great, I agree. Definitely can't beat a grid just had mine at the head of an mgr train. If your looking at sound I can definitely recommend legomanbiffo, David
  4. Looking good glad it's all working as it should David
  5. Cheers for explaining bud makes sense to me now, track plan looks great David
  6. That is truly huge a really impressive undertaking, you said "old board 2 with the floor peices" on does that mean you're doing the shed interior board again aswell or am I getting the wrong end of a rather large stick, David
  7. Now as promised here’s my motive power update, 56127 bought weathered now fitted with legoman biffo sound 56095 bought with factory sound just got back with a nice coat of grime Originally 60014 Alexander Fleming now renumbered sectorized and weathered And my latest purchase Heljan 58028 this will be getting coal sector logos and weathered next David
  8. Just to let anyone that maybe interested I am still alive I’ve fitted 20 mgrs with instanters so far there has been a couple more developments on the motive power front and should hopefully have some pictures on Monday so in the meantime here is a picture of my workbench looking a bit like Milford junction David
  9. Cracking video good find. Now that's a serious sized baseboard look forward to seeing your progress as and when David
  10. Nothing to report as such Managed to pick up 20 coal loads today just waiting on a couple of packs of instanters arriving then I can get on with fitting those then I can run a rake again. David
  11. Well it would appear the Hornby railroad buffers aren’t under nourished after all here are some comparisons between the original and the Lanarkshire Models version these are their 20.5” oleo with 13” head which is correct from the information I’ve found So i think I’ll just use them on the outers as they are a tad finer David
  12. And it may be coming back off again already as I’ve just seen these by dcc concepts http://www.hattons.co.uk/308866/DCC_Concepts_DML_EOTS3_Working_modern_flashing_taillamp_pack_of_3/StockDetail.aspx If I can secreet most of the gubbings in the underframe without being to obvious I’ll be very happy David
  13. Nothing really to report but I thought I’d stick a picture up anyway just added the all important tail lamp to one my HAAs David
  14. Signal looks good I saw some on hattons but they all seemed location specific and when I've got no layout its kind of pointless David
  15. Hi Ian My aim 'I think' is to try and keep it to the KISS principle for now so 2 main running lines running through the scenery and expand at a later date although that could go out the window when I actually start building but for now I'm sticking to picking up rolling stock as an when funds allow so I recon another 10 HAAs which would make 60 so I could run 3 rakes of 20 or 2 full rakes of 30 and another 3 TEAs which would bring that up to 8. Then I'm looking to pick up a Heljan coal sector 58, then maybe a metals 37 to run with some BDAs to add a bit of variety then I'll install DCC sound and weather everything at least that's the plan for me I prefer collecting the rakes and operating them as opposed to building the layout which would explain my track record of not finishing layouts past bare boards David
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