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Everything posted by Ashcombe

  1. Thanks, Don. Apparently, said bridge is being opened for routine maintenance, according to the local rag.
  2. Ian and I enjoyed a walk of over half a mile today in the warm sunshine.
  3. A street in Port Isaac is known as Squeezy Belly Alley and a gifted local folk singer called Maggie Duffy has written a song about it, performed here with Mike Weed:- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WnrYo6bsN7w
  4. They always seem to be sticking their necks out.
  5. Somebody Stole My Gal - Benny Goodman
  6. Not all females have regular 28 day menstrual cycles - they can vary hugely from month to month and between individuals so it shouldn't have surprised the deputy that some days off happened irregularly.
  7. Hey! You! Get Off Of My Cloud! - The Rolling Stones
  8. Yellow Bird - The Brothers Four
  9. Not all female either .......... !
  10. Don't despair! Do you know when the shortlisting was planned? And the post can be very unreliable. Fingers crossed!
  11. Not much sleep, mainly due to two old biddies yakking, etc. Plus I have foot compression machine for circulation. Morphine at midnight helped but short lived. Sorry to be gloomy. Awaiting further pain relief but they're busy as everyone is stirring. Male night nurse originates from near Lichfield, which is near where I used to live when I was working.
  12. Back on the ward after a spinal block and sedation which sent me to sleep and all gone well. Lovely staff and wonderful care. Took a while for belongings to reach the ward so only recently reunited with phone. Thank you for all your kind messages. Looking forward to food and visit from Ian this evening.
  13. Corvette? In a previous life I lived in Flint, Michigan for a year where they were made. I was married nearby in a place called Holly in 1971. I was divorced in Newton Abbot court in 2014. And then I remarried ..........!
  14. Thanks! Yes, the plan is for me to remain conscious so that will be interesting as I had a GA when my other hip was resurfaced in 2005. My son-in-law gave me a four CD set of hip hop music for Christmas but wasn't keen for me to listen to any in front of the grandchildren. Needless to say, the set is still in its cellophane! I hope I'm given a choice of music - to be honest, I'd rather have Radio 4, but I realise that option may not be available! Thank you for all the good wishes!
  15. My last day with my old hip! I have to consume three energy drinks over the course of the day as this will help me deal with the fasting for surgery tomorrow. These are provided by the hospital in a range of flavours. I'm starting with capucinno which is delicious! Each must be consumed slowly over a period of four hours. The other two are vanilla and natural. Ian is on his way over to spend most of the next five weeks here which I greatly appreciate. There is a reliable Wifi service available at the hospital so you'll hear regular reports of my progress, no doubt. Something for you all to anticipate!!! Have a good day!
  16. Not sure if the chronic situation in the NHS earlier this month affected all areas of the country but, certainly here in the SW, several hospitals were on red or black alert regarding bed shortages so all elective (i.e. non life threatening) surgery was cancelled, according to the BBC News. There was no particular reason for this since there hadn't been a flu epidemic or icy weather (at that point) but an upsurge in patients from A & E being admitted meant that surgical wards were commandeered for their use. Andy: I'm so glad you're going for the post as an interview is a good experience whatever the outcome. And planning on small savings (e.g. by taking packed lunches, etc) is a good idea. I hope you feel better now you've made that decision and I wish you every success. Thoughts with John and family. Tomorrow sees the funeral of a friend from college (so she was my age) who has suffered from Alzheimer's for the past 12 years. Her husband died of cancer 10 years ago. They were godparents to my son, who I'm proud to say, will represent our family tomorrow at her funeral as he lives nearby. My arthritis and imminent surgery prevent me from attending.
  17. I'm On The Top Of The World - The Carpenters
  18. PAGE 2000, PEOPLE! (appropriate choice, Waggy!!) Don't Throw Your Love Away - The Searchers
  19. Wow! I expected the Snow Queen to appear!
  20. At my mother's service of thanksgiving my local musical theatre friends and I sang:"Oh, What A Beautiful Morning!" which might have seemed disrespectful except for:- Mum was a morning person She loved nature and musicals and it was a song we could perform well, having just completed a run of "Oklahoma!" She died two days before she was due to come to see the matinee performance.
  21. In The Year 2525 - Zager and Evans
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