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Everything posted by class"66"

  1. Looks good setup so far...
  2. Had fab day down at the Warley model railway show!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. class"66"


      37/4 and 37/0....

    3. 69843


      Nice. I've a friend who got the 37/7 sounds from him, and it is fantastic! Enjoy it is all I can say.

    4. class"66"


      Yer cheers!!! just luv playing the cold start over and over again!! sad i no....

  3. Ile see you in the morning bright and early mate....

    1. class"66"


      Nice pictures ken...

  4. I always seem to spill the flux too,end up with it everywere....
  5. Your pictures of the class 60"s are awsome Andy!! luv the winter shot of the 60,it looked bloody cold there!!

  6. Had realy good evening just runing loco"s and stock tonight....
  7. Another good club night!!

  8. Interesting stuff Legomanbiffo....
  9. Off to the club,to get bit more done on banks road tonight....

  10. Off to make some ZZ"s i think...

  11. Ive got pictures of my "home" modern image 00 layout,and now have pictures of the club layout"banks road" which ive built in 18 months from scratch.All in my profile Galleries,enjoy.....
  12. Realy like your modern image!! in your Galleries....

  13. Thats good size for tmd,can get fair bit of modeling and scenery down....
  14. Its rained all day here!!

  15. More "super" pictures 7APT7,would realy like to see this again at show mate!! ...
  16. Luv your class 37 collection buddy!!

  17. My DRS class 20 arrived today,brand new,come to use it tonight "dead" no power at all,so now going to have to send it back.Realy not happy...

    1. Swifty11


      Unlucky their mate, that's the problems with eBay buys, hang on, I think I was watching that loco

    2. class"66"


      Yer,its looks like new,but just wont run at all.....

  18. Like the sound of "expansion" looking forward to more of your super modeling now....
  19. Very smart looking "37" you have now!!
  20. Are you already for warley ken??

  21. Its our club night tomorrow Jamie,if you wanner pop over to the Wirral...give me text or ring...

  22. Yes its the "bizz" mate!! im renumbering few of my Lord hinton drs"s at the min....
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