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Everything posted by class"66"

  1. Luv your class 60 pictures!! keep up the good work...

  2. Looks so real,the diesels on the depot!! realy enjoy looking through this thread...
  3. Bet you cant sleep!! like me...Lol...

  4. Just finished detailing up my RHTT,wil get some more pictures up soon...

  5. Realy nice paint finish,like this livery....
  6. Found some of the very first picies of Banks road stav.....

  7. Just found some of my progress pictures,of the very start of Banks road....

    1. Swifty11


      Please post them as I rally want to see the construction.

  8. Hi ray,looking rather good the pictures...
  9. Worked realy hard tonight kenny!! good job all round,nice to have layout back together....

  10. Glad to have "Banks road" back together,and running this evening....

  11. Im watching out on ebay for one of these freightliner 08 shunters realy looks the bizz on your layout Phil....
  12. Its the "eye" for detailing which realy makes it such super model railway...
  13. Its kind of "Art" if you get one i mean nice to have good range of modeling....7APT7...
  14. Pictures are awsome!! what a layout .......
  15. Agree with the above,good results use good mixs of shades,and lengths of static grass!! we did this on Banks road,with good results....
  16. Welcome stav......

  17. Stil coming along great i see!!
  18. Nice pictures Peter,realy nice detailing through out your layout...
  19. Just finished building my first go at Network rail treatment stock!! pleased with it so far...

    1. Swifty11


      Well do e there matey, please post some pictures

    2. class"66"


      Ive put picy in the Gallery!! not the best cause of the camra phone Swifty11.....

    3. class"66"


      Just loaded up some more Rhtt pics...

  20. Realy enjoyed looking through your model railway build!! awsome job on your depot building....

  21. Like your Toton pictures!!

  22. See Hooton station no long has its old style footbridge mate!!! went there today....

  23. Started to put Banks road back together at the "Club house" tonight....

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