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cornish trains jez

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Everything posted by cornish trains jez

  1. Hi, Thank you. It’s about 2ft in length. I am mainly using plasticard. The only part that I’ve used card for are the formers for the loading bay platform. I may use card for the roof too as it will give the right texture on which to paint and weather. Best regards, Jeremy
  2. Good afternoon, Been beavering away at the post depot last few weeks. Feels like it is never ending but I'm making some progress. Here is the latest update photo. I have been working on the loading bay platforms and windows/doors on the ground floor. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  3. Hi, I've heard that there is talk of re-opening South Brent station. http://www.sustainablesouthbrent.org.uk/south-brent-station-reopening-survey/ Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  4. Hi, Very nice. Looking forward to seeing this develop. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  5. Quality video and really enjoyed watching it. Just one crtiticism....it wasn't long enough! (hope there's more of them to come!) Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  6. Hi, Very nice! Look like you have a suitable refreshment to enjoy while watching the trains go by too! Best regards, Jeremy
  7. Hi Andy, Been watching your progress for some time now and it's all coming together very nicely. Noticed the Preston Park sign in the background in your photos, I worked there for a number of years. Happy times! Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  8. Evening all, Hope everyone is keeping well and safe. I have used some time over Christmas to build the third and final board for the layout and have made a short video update below. Layout now measures 4.8m in length. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  9. Ha ha! Yes, I noticed that the other day and then forgot about it. Must get that done and you have reminded me to do so. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  10. Cheers Keith. I started the post depot building back in June and there is still loads to do. I've had lots of issues with the "lean" on the curves as the track seems to lay uneven and I've had to make adjustments. Will keep trying to get it right though. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  11. Thanks. Been a while since the last video update. Hopefully be able to get a bit more done over the Christmas break. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  12. Thanks Dave. I'm going to concentrate on one board at a time scenic wise. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  13. Morning all, Happy Friday! Hope everyone is keeping well and safe. Here is my latest video update on the layout. Hope you enjoy. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  14. Hi Keith, I’ve been contemplating one of those. You might just have tipped me over the edge now with those photos! Looks really nice and completes your Arnold rake. Is that an Ae4/4 I can spot on the end? Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  15. And there was me thinking, "he's going for a Swallow class 90"! Looking good all the same and nice to see a GA 90 in N gauge. Top stuff as always matey. Will you be doing a rake of MK3's in GA livery too? Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  16. Hi Keith, Nice video and I have now subscribed to your youtube channel. The 5 coach rake works well on the layout. Really like the view through the church and houses with the train running along the back. Nice loco too, is it a Kato offering? Here is a photo of the real one that I took when I visited Geneva back in 2008. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  17. Hi Keith, That’s looking really good and the yard scene is really coming to life now. Those cab rides are great aren’t they for capturing those extra lineside details that you don’t always see in photos. I’ve watched a few now and really enjoy them. Keep up the good work and looking forward to seeing the next bit of progress! Beat regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  18. Evening all, Last strip of windows on the workbench tonight. These will be added to the rear of the post depot building and will complete the first floor window strips. There are four individual panels to be cut out and fitted in between each window upright. Takes forever but will be worth it for the overall look. Best regards and stay safe, Jeremy
  19. I’ve got this set and it’s great. My kids have certainly enjoyed running it around the oval of unitrack on the dining room table!
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