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Everything posted by 45156

  1. Cigareets and Whusky And Wild Wild Women - Red Ingle
  2. Is it too soon for I'll Be Home For Christmas - Bing Crosby
  3. Afternoon All Mucho skipping due to Windoze update. It tried some days ago to update without warning - while I was in a hotel on 1/2 hours free wifi, and aborted midway due to the expiry of the alloted time - as a result, WIndoze kept trying to update itself, and in the end, I had no option but to let it update - and for some reason, my hub decided that this was a good time to drop the internet connection - mid upgrade it started to flash orange instead of blue. When it came back, that left the laptop showing not connected to the internet, and clicking the icon only got a "no internet sources found" box - so I had to restart the whole process and just left the laptop to update WIndoze overnight - I rebooted it, which luckily kicked in the internet connection, and then just left it until we got back from Hereford this afternoon. Luckily after a couple of dropped internet connections, we appear to be there - did I want Windoze 10 - no, I was happy with 7. Do I want WIndoze 11 - no fear -luckily this laptop is not suitable for that "upgrade". Generic greetings and Regards to All Stewart
  4. Afternoon All, Sorry I've had to skip, as laptop needed for "serious" issues. Greetings are, of course, on offer. Went to a Christmas Fair, which cost a fiver each to get in - to find that it was just a load of bought in stuff, other than a small handful of quality items which were actually craftsman made. All of the foodstuffs were sugar based, like fudge and cakes - no savoury items at all. So went into Ludlow and had a mooch round the charity shops looking at the books - a busman's holiday indeed. Also bought a bit of nostalgia in the form of some Pentangle CDs which I only ever owned on vinyl. Also an abortive visit to the pharmacy, as I need some of my steroid cream - "sorry, can't get it" has now been the answer on the last three visits - on the first, my five item repeat list had been with them for ten days, it had not even been printed until I went in - then the didn't have my insulin, my steroid, and only 50 test strips - insulin collected yesterday, and test strips today, but the steroid is still on back order! Off upstairs now to sort out the train cabinets - it's been 8 months to the day since we moved, so it's time to get them done. Now what about the 500+ railway books which are still scattered around the house and in no order. Regards to All Stewart
  5. Marcus Wareing and Anna Haugh are both very skilled chefs. MW used to be an absolute ogre when he was a guest judge, but seems to have mellowed since taking over from Michelle Roux Jr.
  6. Well please keep that info to yourself as I have got the book (bought on day of release) but have not yet finished "The Man Who Died Twice" yet due to having just so much else to do - I also got that volume on the day of release, but what with the move and work etc..... Osman is an exceptional writer, and the way he moves between Elizabeth, Joyce, Ron and Ibrahim, and the subtle changes in the narrative style are very clever, and not easy to do - I know as I've tried in my writing.
  7. Afternoon All, Lily had a urinary tract problem in the night, and kept wanting to get to the garden to wee - a quick call to the vets at 9.00 am got a 9.45 appointment with one of the partners - and an antibiotic and anti inflammatory shot administered, and fifteen big pink pills were dispensed. Now awaiting an Amazon delivery which was due for 2 til 4, and is currently showing 4.15 to 6.15- Wonderful! Skipping has resulted, so as usual, greetings are offered. Regards to All Stewart
  8. Afternoon All Have been away for a few days - got back late last evening - 6.45 after an over 4 hour drive from Lancaster - A49 was closed, and diversion route had a 2m tailback due to a roundabout between 2 A roads, and "our" road, of course carrying about twice its normal traffic - but it was interesting that the Radio 2 traffic reports did not mention this closure at all. Other than that, greetings are on offer as I have skipped many pages, as I wasn't able to use the hotel wifi for more than 30 minutes a night, and one urgent email used up most of that on night 1, and reading the response and visiting the various websites took up the other - I was too knackered last night to even switch on the laptop. Regards to All Stewart
  9. Child In Time - Deep Purple
  10. Life Is The Name Of The Game (theme from the Generation Game) Bruce Forsythe
  11. Couldn't agree more - two things I resisted - Smart meters and water meters - when I moved, the previous owner had both, and of course, once they're in, they're in and won't be removed. I also had to change my energy supplier from Eon to Shell, and the buyer of my house was forced to have Eon, as there is no such thing as choice in the energy market at the moment. Afternoon All Skipping again, and may only be here sporadically until next week - largely due to personal issues, which are not at all railway related. Nothing of any concern. Got a garden bloke coming round this afternoon to give an estimate for getting rid of some of the slabs, and putting down topsoil and turf. Music lovers, try this, music not so keen folk, feel free to ignore. Regards to All Stewart
  12. And me, but I'm on my whisky day off, as I have a pretty bad headache. Just got back from the pharmacy, and putting a letter into the Docs. The parking in Ludlow went up from 50p an hour to 60p an hour short stay, and 30p an hour to 40p an hour long stay. The locals are moaning about this - they actually don't know how lucky they are to have such cheap parking - compare to Lancaster - https://www.lancaster.gov.uk/parking/car-park-charges I'm so glad I no longer live there. And why don't LG call the brighness control on my new TV brightness - it is called Black Level, which I only found by fiddling, as the TV only came with the inevitable quick start guide, and the user guide came only online, and runs to 147 pages - which of course will cost a fortune to print in paper and ink - but that's the point for the maker, isn't it?
  13. Afternoon All FIrst off, apologies for skipping, due to laptop being needed for "more serious" uses, and also bringing forward tomorrow's trip to the bank at Leominster to today. After today's interest rate rise, we are heaving a sigh of relief that we managed to secure our equity release at 3.8% - when we expressed our fears of interest rate rises with our advisor and he said that it was highly unlikely - how he has been proved wrong. Our memory is of weekly increase notices on out mortgage in about 1994 - culminating in a rate of just under 16% - and at the time, I had been made redundant from my job in pensions (largely for being a prophet of doom, and openly predicting that the pensions mis-selling scandal woud result in a disaster). Not a lot more to report from this quarter. Regards to All Stewart
  14. Nothing Comes Easy - Sandie Shaw - I met her at my uncle's hotel when this was in the charts
  15. Afternoon All, Have been AWOL since Sunday - just no real mojo for a lot of online banter, so much skipping has taken place though I did note a few significant birthdays and anniversaries, so belated greetings to all who have been celebrating. Also saw that there has been some discussion about overtime, and my best ever was when BT offered basic pay, plus double time, plus £50 per hour to work in the call centres over the milennium bank holiday, provided you did at least two shifts otherwise, if you did one shift, it was double time and a half. Needless to say they were innundated and the staffing was arranged by names out of a hat. I was lucky, and got two five hour shifts, one on millenium new year's day, and the day after - and I actually worked 14 hours as volunteers were sought on the day to stay on to cope with the anticipated call volume, which never came - we had a few calls each in the morning, then the calls dropped out completely around noon, so we were reading books and playing cards until the lines closed at 5pm - my take home pay was phenomenal. Regards to All Stewart
  16. Summer Breeze - Isley Brothers
  17. Hi Dave, Great to have WW back in action - that faded 20 is very realistic indeed, and I do remember seeing them in just that condition in many locations - and a quick how I did it is also very helpful. Sorry to say, we have now moved down the country to Shropshire, so are even further away from any possibility of seeing your excellent layout in the flesh are even less now than they were before. Regards Stewart
  18. Good Morning - the later fab 4
  19. Dawn Is A Feeling - early Moodies
  20. Afternoon All For those who are interested, my brother has just sent me this link of his helicopter flying at Popham earlier this year, and which for some reason I couldn't find on YouTube Me - nothing much has happened here - just a couple of craft and gift fairs - the price I paid for attending two exhibitions of mobile devices running on parallel strips of metal. Skipping has happened, I'm afraid so the usual greetings are on offer. But I did notice birthday greetings are due to Jamie - duly done. Regards to All Stewart
  21. Afternoon All Just a quick visit, but all posts read and rated. Got the October issue of Radio Controlled Models and Electronics, and part 2 of my brother's article has appeared - he is certainly a very accurate modeller, and his eye for detail in his AW139 is fantastic - down to even trying to get a working glass cockpit at 1/7th scale. Regards to All Stewart
  22. Probably the best Beatles song that they never recorded - the word was that Paul wrote it on his own, and John didn't like it. BUt keeping with the Beatles theme She Loves You
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