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Everything posted by 45156

  1. And from me as well - just keep these excellent pictures coming in the new year
  2. Afternoon All, All posts read, most rated - temperature has rinsen above zero now. and car has defrosted iteslf. Not a lot to report, and no music to share - oh other than painting the new loft hatch, then cleaning up the drops which were not meant to happen, with turps, and the Spotwasher. Oh and the laptop did an odd thing, and connected to the internet as usual, then disconnected, and when I clicked the internet icon at the bottom, it didn't bring up any connections, and gave a no connections found message - tried a restart, and the same, so did a complete shutdown, left it for ten minutes, and switched on - and it connected, broke the connection, and then it did allow me to reconnect - any ideas on why, and whether there is a better fix? Stove is lit. Regards to All Stewart
  3. He was most effusive in his thanks to me during his coming out for my support - though typically for Chris, he did so via a PM, and not in the open forum. And the reminder today of the bush fires in Oz reminds us of his love and support for the fate of so many koalas, and his concern for the survival of that species. Afternoon All, All posts have been read, many rated too. Sorry, I missed posting yesterday, as we were a bit busy with going to the bank to pay the builder's bill, and also getting up to date statements off the machine which Chris also loved to hate - how often he complained that it was out of order or paper, or both - something I find as well. Thermometer on the garden shed is for the first time in over a week showing a positive figure. Nothing much to report, but here's something a bit seasonal which came from one of my YouTube subscriptions. Regards to All Stewart
  4. Chris had an aunt in a care home in Cardiff, and was able to combine a trip to visit her with going to the show - but I really think that his primary reason for the visit was to attend the show, and auntie came slightly behind.
  5. Builder arrived at 9 am, opening enlarged, and loft ladder and new trap installed - builder gone by 2.45 - this guy's fast, and good, and deserves every penny of the £260 that he quoted and agreed to as he left - he'll be paid tomorrow as soon as we get to the bank - good work deserves prompt payment, in my book - he did the work quickly and efficiently. And touch wood, that's the last big job that he's got to do for us
  6. Welcome to the ranks of the formerly employed, who are happily drawing a much deserved pension. Have a long and happy retirement. It won't be long before you wonder how you ever had time to go to work.
  7. Afternoon (just) all, I have marked Chris's passing on his obiturary thread, though there is a lot more I could say - another of the good guys gone. RIP old mate - we met once, but neither knew it, at Bedford folk club in the mid 70s. Only found out this morning, as we were out in the freezing cold yesterday for the opening performance of Jack and the beanstalk, at the Ludlow assembly rooms - there were only six adults present, confined to the front three rows, and the rest were schoolkids - then they closed the tickets to all of the public, and showed on the website as sold out. Well, I was doubtful about this, but hey, they really added to the atmosphere, and also joined in most vociferously. The production was actually excellent - slick, professional, and well done, with no noticeable fluffs from the cast. On the way out, there was a guy coming down the stairs behind us, and asked if we enjoyed the show - we responded quite effusively, and he was delighted - turns out he was the director. Then home, but pressure on the laptop was such that RMWeb didn't get a look in. Builder arived about half an hour late, as he had to stop at his partner's catering caravan, on the A49, as the locks and gas bottles, both internal and external, were frozen up, and he had to help her to get operational. He is now fitting the new loft trap and ladder, which 30747 was convinced would not fit. It does, of course, and the work is proceeding with the attendant bangs and crashes - how he got the ladder and casing up there, I don't know. Temperature has yet to reach freezing out there, as can be determined by the draught coming down the loft hatch. Regards to All Stewart
  8. RIP, Chris. Memories are flooding back of his posts, and his love of folk music - one thing other than railways that we had in common - he was of the same folk era as I am and we knew many of the leading performers of the late 1970s - and though we didn't know it, we did meet once, as Chris was a regular at the Bedford Folk Club, and I once accompanied a friend, Pete Twitchett, who was the guest, and did a four song floor spot, and Chris was, as I later (that's MUCH later) found out the guy who ran the raffle. I'll greatly miss his comments about the contents of his CD bag - his CD collection of folk perfomers must have been prodigious. I was also pleased to be able to support Chris with his coming out which was quite late in life - a few PMs were exchanged - but OMG, once he came out, did he CELEBRATE his sexuality. He wore it with pride (and attended quite a few Pride events as well). I missed the news yesterday, as I was otherwise engaged for most of the day, and didn't visit ERs, so didn't learn until the morning, so I'll raise a glass of Cardhu to his memory this afternoon - a large glass of Cardhu. Stewart
  9. Afternoon All, Such a sad news of late, what with kids going through the ice, and flats exploding in Jersey. Why does it always seem to be at Christmas, or is it just that these things are more poignant and significant at the festive season. We have no snow to speak of, compared to the "massive and disrupting" 4-6 inches of snow further South - I wonder what our overseas ERs (like Ian A) think, where 4-6" does not really even count as significant. There was a lorry driver on the radio this morning, who crossed from Ireland to the UK - suffered the chaos here, and crossed to Europe, where he found the roads being ploughed and gritted 24 hours a day - thought provoking indeed. I was due to be away today to Cirencester and back via an old Sussex Spaniel friend in Gloucester, but we took a snow check - so I said I COULD go to Oxfam this morning, and rang them on Saturday accordingly - only to wake this morning to a splitting headache and a very runny nose, and a cough - so another call to Oxfam to recancel. Instead, 30747 indicated that the hoovering needed to be done - which is a lot more pleasant than it used to be, due to the addition of a Vax Blade 4 Pet to the household appliances - and it is very good - very strong suction, and very light - and of course, no trailing leads. And here's something to cheer us up a little. Regards to All Stewart
  10. Afternoon All, Stove lit, and dreaded white stuff cleared and done with rock salt - it's on days like this that it proves that it is wise to think ahead, as there is none in stock now at any nearby builder's merchant. Went to the Victorian Market and craft fair (I will not spell it FAYRE) in Leominster yesterday - got there at 9.25, and got the last space in the free car park (it's all free on that particular day - in all the Herefordshire car parks) - and when we came out there were queues waiting for cars to leave so as to nab their spaces - I had three cars all trying for mine, but a van had already seen that I was going and was sitting just past the space, and as soon as I was almost clear, started his move to grab the spot. We were going to Morereasons, but when we came out of the car park, the traffic into town was just one queue of cars looking for parking, and also one road out of the town centre was closed to accommodate the fair, so discretion was the better part of getting out the other way, and up the bypass, and the shopping was obtained in Sainsbugs in Ludlow instead - this was the sort of stuff that we can't get in Aldi, and OMG do they know how to charge in there - but at least with the Nectar points from buying on eBay, I was able to get a fiver off the total bill. A bit of skipping has had to happen, as the laptop was needed for other matters for 30747, but worked by me. So generic greeings are all I can really offer, plus a hope that all is well with our Bedford correspondent. Here's a very apt contribution from one of my YouTube favourites And another perhaps not so apt, but a brilliant rendition of an Elton John classic covered by Emily Linge. Regards to All Stewart
  11. Evening All, Greetings from a chilly Ludlow. Nothing much to report here other than it is a good job I found the car cover. Regards to All Stewart
  12. Back again. Had to buy a new outdoor tap cover, as the one we brought with us has disappeared into the abyss which masquerades as our garage. As was the car cover, which I think we will be needing over the next few days. Tap cover was not too difficult and was got for a few quid locally, and we will need something, as it appears that there is no stopcock or other isolation on the tap, and the feed pipe goes under the dowstairs loo window. but doesn't come through to the inside - it probably goes down the cavity wall. Car cover was more of an issue, and I know we found it in the summer, and 30747 and I both said "we must remember where it has been put, we'll need it in winter" - so up to the garage, couldn't find it - asked 30747 and she said "we put it somewhere saf but I can't remember where". Turned the garage upside down, and finally looked inside the water butt which we can't get in at the back due to the location of the down pipes - and then I remembered that this was the "somewhere safe" - still it's found now. We appear to be watching another formulaic Christmas movie - the formula is, as far as I can tell vary the scenario to suit the producer's whim - then Girl meets boy (variation on whether a stranger or a previous boyfriend) GIrl and boy fall in love Mid film row between boy and girl Row resolved and boy and girl live happily ever after Never mind, the broadband is working, AFAIK, and we can binge watch the Traitors off the iPlayer once the film is over.
  13. You said it, Bear. When we moved, we needed the garage door sorted as the key had been lost - rang a locksmith, and gave him the date - and he said "just ring on the day, and I'll be there". So we rang, and he turned up and said it would be cheaper to change the handle than to make a key. Half an hour, there was a knock on the door, and it was done - and a bill for £189 - £79 for the handle - they cost about £25, and the rest for labour and emergency call out - I was so dumfounded that I paid without demurral. What a try on. We since found out that he was not local, even though he had a local phone no - it just diverted to his mobile, but came from Bridgnorth. A bit nore research, and we have found a proper local locksmith, who spent hours sorting out our front door, and charged £135 for the whole job incuding an insurance standard 5 lever mortice. When we wanted the euro cylinder in the back door changed, guess who we chose, and he charged us £75. Morning All Been absent for various reasons - not least due to a major broadband fault which left us with no internet, and no on demand TV for hours yesterday. Generic greetings, and a cheery Crismas song from Josh Turner and Alison Young - I thought it was a 1940s song that I'd never heard, but actually Alison wrote it - see what you think. Regards to All Stewart
  14. Talking of large whiskies, I am "limited" to one pub measure a day - so I bought a pub measure - a Scottish pub measure, which is 35ml, and means I get almost a large one anyway/ Also, Morrison's are doing Cardhu at £24.99, down from £44, and Laphroaig 10yo at £27.99, down from £40. They were also doing Glen Scotia Campbeltown Harbour, at £24.99 down from £39 - all three are now residing beside my three Aldi Glen Marnoch and two of Lidl Abrachan - Cheers. Off to the Ludlow antqique and collectibles market
  15. Afternoon All, Not a lot to report, but all posts read and it is quite chilly here, with temperatures expected to dip below freezing next week. We are apparently watching a Christmas movie via the recorded films on the box - hence I am here. This popped into my inbox this morning. Feel free to skip, or listen if the mood takes you - it's pretty good. Regards to All Stewart
  16. Ohmisterporter is still with us, and I am in touch with him as we used to live in the same road, he at no 1, and we at no 14, and he moved in one direction, and we in another - however he still visits ERs from time to time, as he has liked a couple of my posts, and he still posts elsewhere. He did tell me that he was not so happy with some of the direction that ERs was taking, and so he departed this thread. I have already expressed my missing of Jock67B - and who among us who are long standing ERs can't regret the passing of Don Bradley - we actually exchanged Christmas cards with him in South Africa - and then there was Tassie Tex, who was active for a while, then said that his broadband wasn't working, but he was also quite ill, and then he just dropped out. There was another ER who lived in Africa and who just disappeared - I can't recall his user name now. Afternoon All Mucho skipping as laptop was needed to try to sort out 30747's State Pension, as she had a contribution defecit, and needed to try to get things rectified - then we went to the bank, and our statement showed that at last the cheque for the contribution was finally after six weeks cashed yesterday but we could not find anything online to show that this had been received by HMRC. We also found that our WInter Fuel Allowance had been paid - and we then sat down to work out how to spend it - but it had already been largely spent - £280 on two loads of logs, and just under £100 on coal - the balance will need to cover the gas and electric bill increases - so woopiedoo. I wasn't going to watch The Traitors, as I don't normally like shows based on psychology or mind games, but other than the tantrums which some of the competitors threw, I was hooked, and binge watched all three episodes off the iPlayer - it is very well done, and we can't wait for the next three episodes next week. Belated birthday greetings to GDB - and generic greetings to all fellow ERs. Regards to All Stewart
  17. Afternoon All All posts since yesterday are read. @Chrisf - here's hoping for the treatment to be not punishing and to be effective. Went to Bewdley this morning after the fodder run, and still had to drive through low cloud between Clee Hill and Cleobury Mortimer - and on a 17 mile drive, encountered no less than FIVE sets of contractor's traffic lights - three within less than a mile - when I worked for BT, the highways authorities would not allow two sets within a mile of each other, but I guess that this ruling has since been abandoned - and also some of these lights were on minor roads where a hole in the ground used to be just coned off and drivers sorted themselves out with no problem. Not a lot more to report, so Regards to All Stewart
  18. Afternoon All FIst and mog all day - still persisting now, and forecast to be continuing until this evening - very cold and dank. Bewdley did not happen as the road is over high ground, and as it was foggy here, the chances are that it would be worse before it got better- if indeed it did get better. Instead, it was a day of moving and splitting logs, then going up to the loft to find a few things that 30747 wanted, and which we both knew were up there, and also where. Also to reassure 30747 that the loft ladder that we bought will fit the space - she was convinced that she knew better than the builder who measured up and helped to choose the model online from here. He was due to come tomorrow, but has hit problems with this week's job, and will still be there for most of this week - we've agreed 15th December instead. We have almost finished the first Wentworth puzzle - something that we both enjoy, and which helped to keep us sane during the lockdown. Fodder run tomorrow, whoopiedoo - then subject to no fog, Lily's delayed day out - might be Bewdley, or could be Croft Castle. On here is a lot more fun than watching a load of men and women using sewing machines which is today's teletorture. Regards to All Stewart
  19. Evening All Skipping again (choose excuse from those I have proferred lately). Went to Oxfam as usual this morning and did a bit of pricing and sorting - haven't seen any decent railway offerings at all for weeks - we keep getting the D'Angostini partworks, and I've priced them at £1.99, but they are sticking, and will probably be culled in the next couple of weeks. Then spent 1/2 hour queueing for the Post Office where it appears that every trader in Ludlow was in the queue drawing out their change for the week - a straight consequence of the plethora of bank closures which are happening here, and everywhere else - the PO is not really geared up to this sort of transaction, and with only ONE counter assistant, it is getting a bit gutty when I am doing something that the Post Office was intended for - ie sending a parcel. This year we are relaxed enough to be starting to do some Wentworth Christmas puzzles as last year we were in the throes of the move, with all its attendant delays and uncertainty. Tomorrow, 30747 wants to go to Bewdley, and we'll take Lily with us, as she likes going there too. There is a rather good chip shop there too, so some chippies are in prospect. Generic greetings and Regards to All Stewart
  20. I seem to be getting this almost every time I use my credit card online now since we were scammed- no objections really, provided the mobile call comew through in time - not always - but I also use a PINsentry device, which does work and only delays the transaction by a few seconds. Barclaycard did advise that they would increase the security level after the scam, so really I can't complain as it shows that they are quite keen on making sure that it really is me. Big problem was that we had to change my mobile number as well, and it took an actual telephone call to Barclaycard to effect the change in mobile number as the system for changing it online involved getting a text message!!! Afternoon All A bit chilly here at the mo - fire is about to be lit. Swopmeet was a disaster, only about ten stands, and only model railway and die cast - even though it was billed as a model railway and toy fair, there were no toy stands at all to please 30747 who went off for a cuppa - but was quite assiduous in checking when I came back that there were no unauthorised carrier bags. It was also dead - only a couple of dozen customers, and there was absolutely no publicity other than a very few roadside hand written boards - and only open 10.30 til 2. Won't bother next time, I don't think We also went to the Ludlow Christmas Market, and to the craft fair in the church - the market was only the usual one with a handful of Christmas stands, and the craft fair was just past mediocre. Skipping has had to happen, as I had no broadband this morning, due to a problem at the cabinet - I know this, as I accosted the Openreach engineer when I saw him doing some knitting. It was out for about three hours, but seems to be OK now. Generic greetings and Regards to All Stewart
  21. Is that Pine Close in Halton - I lived just over the river in Brookhouse, and used to go to writing classes in Halton Mill, and never knew that this was there.
  22. I miss Jock too - more so because we discovered that my late father was his music teacher in primary school, and in a PM to me, Jock said that he inspired Jock;'s love of music, using among other things Peter and the Wolf, which was one of my dad's teaching trademarks for many many years - he also carried that into has home life, as I had private classical lessons, with Scherezade, and the Planets being foremost - still two of my favourite classical pieces, and I can still remember how dad disected them into their construction and what he thought were the composers' motivations. Tales of the GSWR and legends of the GSWR in LMS days are among the railway books I read most - wild times indeed I was lucky enough to pick up an excellent hardback first edition with dust cover - also in excellent condition for two quid in an antique centre - on a non book stand - there is also a railway book dealer in the same centre who was selling a second edition in not so good condition for £15 - God knows how much he'd have been charging for what I bought - luckily he had not done a sweep of the centre, ot he'd have snapped it up. Afternoon All Well, there was a massive surprise when I picked up my weekly bank statement - I had a larger balance than I expected, due to a credit from our solicitor from the house move - no explanation, and she was unavailable, but 30747 and I racked our brains, and concluded that it was probably the payment in advance which they requested when we instructed them on our move - that was now over a year ago. The payement never appeared in our recociliation at completion, and we were assured it had already been deducted from the final fees - as these bore little resemblance to the quote, due to the presence of the power of attorney on the house we bought, the equity release which had a separate solicitor, and also a few additional charges which were unavoidable, we were unable to check. We now think that this payment in advance was never brought to account. Of course, they have probably sent a letter, but with the postal delays.... Skipping has happened, due to bookwork and other things taking priority. Went to Leominster to the bank, and to visit friends who live in the middle of nowhere, than back and 30747 wanted to try to reoncile the bank, so the bookwork was brought forward to this afternoon. Tomorrow, 30747 wants to attend what she thinks is a toy fair at Ludlow racecourse, to which I am really happy to comply as it is really the Tony Oakes swopmeet model rail and die cast fair. Generic greetings are offered, of course. Regards to All Stewart
  23. Afternoon All, A bit of skipping has occurred, as the laptop has been in use for "serious" issues. Not a great deal to report from this quarter - this afternoon, was subjected to some TV show where somebody pops down to a local dump, and is allowed to take items - which nobody else can do, as the stuff becomes the property of the local authority as soon as it comes out of the back of the car - then gets them done up for large sums of money, and sells them for even larger sums of money - allegedly then making a profit off of nothing - WHAT RUBBISH VIEWING. Oh, and I was a bit put out when M&S changed the style of my jogging bottoms last year. In a clearance, in the spring, I bought two pairs of loungwear bottoms - well I thought they were, but the pack was not marked at all, but I put them away for the summer. Got them out today and was delighted to find that they were, in fact, two pairs of the old style jogging bottoms - great news, and a fraction of the price - two pairs normally £35, and cost me a tenner. Anyway, I'm off now to have a shower. Regards to All Stewart
  24. OMG - that's expensive - just under 3x what I paid which was £6.70 for 20 kg - this stuff is £19.40 for 25 kg. Can't get used to the fact that our Drs are open 12 hours a day, and do a lot of their callbacks after 6 - 30747 just got a call back from her Dr to respond to her request for a consult that she made at about 3 this afternoon.
  25. Afternoon All, The RMWeb software caught up with me today, as I have been using an ad blocker, and rather than try to circumvent this, and as I do like and use the site, the £12 charge for a year's pleasure is a small price to pay, and I am now a RMWeb premium member. It has been chuckinitdarn here today, and I got soaked walking from the car park to Greggs, and on to Oxfam this morning, then again when I walked back to the car park. Also had to visit the builder's merchant to buy some rock salt, as we haven't yet got any - they only had six bags, so I bought two. When I got in, 30747 had already lit the fire, and the house was toasty warm - bliss. Sadly, our coal merchant has sold out of coal, and won't be getting any more, due to its scarcity, and also its price - we got the last three 20kg bags last week. We should have enough to get us through to the spring. We only use it to supplement the 2 cubic metres of logs that we got earlier this year - and since then, they too have gone up, even though there is a vast quantity of fallen ash around. We will have to use the smokeless stuff from now on. Skipping has taken place, due to more serious issues hogging the laptop - so generic greetings are on offer, and also an apology. This rather large sampler dated 1828 turned up in a charity shop - 30747 went into raptures, as it was VERY wrongly priced, and we brought it back from Shrewsbury to the Park and RIde on the bus. The book on the mantle is a wooden dummy, which a very gifted woodworker made for us. Regards to All Stewart
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