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Posts posted by 45156

  1. 17 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

    If ever a cooking device was misnamed it is the air fryer

    Its name out me off for a couple of years when they were starting out - it was only when a friend bought one and demonstrated it to us that we went straight onto eBay and bought one.  Even frozen chips taste better than acceptable - this afternoon, 30747 had a curry coooked in the microwave, and I had scampi chips and mushy peas with onion rings, done in the air fryer in eight minutes (peas in the micro) - all perfectly cooked and tasty.


    ps Happy birthday Andy

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  2. Afternoon All,


    Happy birthday Dave F.


    Much skipping has occurred - due to many other matters some utilising the laptop (including Ebay), bookwork, and general sorting out of matters domestic.


    Late to the party, but I can share some experiences about business travel, expenses, and other such related things.  I worked for four years as a Pensioneer Trustee for special pension schemes, and my manager was very fair, and allowed me almost free rein to arrange my meetings in the most economical manner - if that meant flying, or overnight stays, then it was all the ordinary class flights - not a problem was we were looking at domestic flights anyway.  Hotels had to be 3* maximum unless I could pick up a 4* for a good price.  I had one client in Stornoway, and that presented a problem, as I had a target of two meetings a day, and no others in that part of Scotland.  So I arranged to meet a client in Hounslow first thing, and chose a day when my Stornoway client was flying to Inverness booked a meeting room at Dalcross airport, and flew up on the mid morning flight from Heathrow, and we both departed, me on the return flight to Heathrow, and the client on the evening flight to Stornoway.  Ingenious and cost effective.


    Then the manager left, and his successor started to try to introduce "economy" to the process.  No flights under 300 miles so only Scotland qualified- all to be done by company car (a VW golf GTI) - and hotels to be Travelodge or similar standard.  Meals and client entertainment were frowned on - only legitimate meals for myself were permitted - and they were restricted to £12.50 per meal or £40 maximum at the outside for three meals per day - all receipts to be furnished and scrutinised.  On one occasion, I had a VERY serious back problem, with a client meeting in Manchester, and even with a note from my physiotherapist (paid for by the company as part of the job package) they would not stretch even to me taking the train to Manchester, and insisted on my driving there and back,  I was off for a week thereafter with a bad back - with medical certificate - so the company, for the want of saving a few quid had no client meetings - losing the meeting fees of £150 each - and as I used to fit in 2 or 3 a day, the net loss to them was around £1500 - £2000.


    Luckily, I was made redundant a few months later.

    9 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:

    North Shropshire we are quite lucky. We have three wheelie bins - black for general waste collected on alternate weeks plus green for garden (not soil or rubble) and kitchen waste, and purple for plastics, metal


    oops, cut Dave off in his prime - Exactly what we have in the South of the county too.



    Regards to All


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