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Everything posted by davefrk

  1. davefrk

    Hornby K1

    You'll beat me on this one Pete but I have the satisfaction of 10000 done to EM a few hours before you. What fun.... Dave Franks.
  2. Morning all, Yesterday from our back window one could see Ben Lomond (50mls) with the snow beautifully 'lit up' by the morning sun. Today one can hardly see over the Glasgow rooftops (8mls).... Have a nice day. Me? more bufferstops to cast. Dave F
  3. Wow, wow and wow. That's all I have to say I'm afraid. Dave Franks.
  4. And you just beat me to it young Pauly Dave Franks He of the bufferstops.
  5. As I understand it, it is the same group so just the one Caley Jumbo kit. Pete has said he is interested in doing more Scottish kits so what is the point in two '21st century' Caley Jumbos being produced. Other Caley locos look likely too. Contact should be with Pete Stanger at 52F models. Dave.
  6. And I thought the railway room was the office....
  7. Just cracking Jason, love the bufferstops too. Sorry, couldn't resist... Dave Franks.
  8. And I wonder what Peter will say to that, not a lot if Ann is looking over his shoulder.... Hi Ann.
  9. Don't believe him Allan, my cheque still hasn't arrived after praising his work some weeks ago.... Dave Franks.
  10. I wondered about the black ends, I've seen a picture in a magazine circa 1960 of a BR maroon saloon with black ends. I thought maroon ends came in with the changes in painting methods early/mid 60s. Dave Franks
  11. The speed they're going at already it'll be finished by Christmas..... Dave Franks.
  12. Go on guys, you can do it... Dave Franks. Looks like only one bufferstop needed, LOL.
  13. Just going into the workshop to start casting LMS coach buffers, wish me luck.....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. davefrk


      Well, after a good mornings work we now have a some LMS Coach buffers for sale, now to wait in for the gas man to arrive....

    3. davefrk


      Guess what? now the website won't upload the new stuff.....

    4. Crisis Rail
  14. Hi Paul, the question came up on the Lima CCT improvement thread and this is what I said there :- <Hi, Just looked through my books and had a look on Paul's photo site, The original buffer was an oval shape, not as big an oval as longer coaches like the twelve wheelers but definitely an oval, Essery/Jenkinson's first book shows the original buffer before the wee bit was cut along the top to better clear the dropflap, I can discern that the buffer face is quite curved but the angle of the photo makes the buffer look kinda round. Some vehicles on Paul's sight still have these buffers and one can see them on the drawing too. Later on vehicles received replacements which were a standard 18''LMS round coach buffer with a large cutaway at the top, again as seen in some of Paul's photos> A few weeks ago I was able to measure up the original buffers on a CCT in question at SRPS Bo-ness and as of tonight I've got some in the next mould with the LMS coach buffers which should be available next week and at EXPO North. One can also judge from your photo that the buffer heads were an usual shape compared to the buffer next to it. Hope that helps and see you at EXPO. Dave .
  15. Erm no Paul, I did say the Lima bogie CCT/GUV thingy. Although the four wheel CCT is on the list to do.... Dave
  16. Hi Mike, The buffers I found at Bo-ness were on various coaches from Portholes to early Stanier BGs. All mainline heavy stock. Perhaps the solid bufferheads were replacements over the years. I will investigate further and maybe do the fabricated head but, what happens when someone wants sprung buffers..... An etch to put behind the sprung head perhaps - thinks? Porthole on left and BG on right, both slightly compressed. Dave Franks.
  17. Okay, here's the photos I promised earlier. Straight out of the mould. And with the head lightly polished with a 3M pad. I will offer them drilled out for standard 1mm shank heads later but first I need to built up the stocks of the solid ones for EXPO North. Hope you like. And Mike, all the buffers I saw at SRPS were solid heads, no fabricated ones around..... Dave Franks.
  18. Don't you mean 'push' it.... That's the usual proceedure I understand, so the inspection people can see the road without a loco being in the way. Dave Franks.
  19. And I notice that the airhorns are fitted even at this date, guessimated between 57 and 62 judging by the lack of electrication flashes on the coach end, anyone agree with that? Dave Franks.
  20. Just cast the first of the LMS coach buffers, rather nice, if I say so myself. Will post a photo later. And I've decided to do the funny shaped one for the Lima bogie CCT/GUV thingy too. All dimensions and details from SRPS coaches at Bo-ness, thanks guys. Dave Franks
  21. I must admit that looks rather nice Larry, are the bogies the same as the Portholes? Yesterday I finished the master for the LMS coach buffer and it's in the mould that's curing now, should be casting by Monday. Oh, and by the way mine are 18'' or 1'6'' Dave Franks.
  22. Fitted the last difficult bit of pointwork to the layout today, and it all worked, way-hey.

  23. Maybe it's the bogies with the wheelsets dropping out.....
  24. Hi Jason, I notice the honeymoon carefully avoids EXPO North in September, well done. See you there, All the best and congratulations from Fiona and myself. Dave Franks.
  25. Hi Larry Hi Larry, you've just 'sprung' a memory for me, many years ago a customer was complaining about a loco he had bought at an 'emporium'. He said that although it was fully sprung it just didn't run anything like the ones I had built for him in the past and that included the earlier rigid ones. It was a Black Five, I think, from that very stable you mention. I hadn't seen one before but wondered how on earth the 'chassis' was expected to work, weird set-up altogether, not sprung at all. I altered it to be rigid on first and second axles and heavily sprung on the third axle. It ran for years like that and covered many miles, I don't know what happened to it after the chap died. I may be wrong but did you at that time fix a plate on these locos saying 'painted by Larry Goddard'? Regards, Dave Franks
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