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Everything posted by keefer

  1. brilliant SC - 'a romany bint in a field with her paints, suggesting we faint at her beauty, but she's got dickie daaaaaaaaaaaaavies eyes' i only have eyes for you - art garfunkel
  2. children of the damned - iron maiden
  3. new stuff - ceelo green 'bright lights, bigger city' - he has a mean ear for a good tune anyway, but the 'billie jean'-esque bassline and the full orchestra effect is amazing for a modern tune http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBhdIcb84Hw blast from the past - adam and the ants 'kings of the wild frontier' LP, esp. marco's guitar (one of the most underrated guitarists going) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXS8mPROC1M
  4. nice one colin! human fly - the cramps
  5. Given the recent problems with Fotopic, a few people have already or will shortly be moving their collections to other sites. So how about posting the new links here so that they're all easily found in one spot? (saves multiple threads throughout the forum too) Perhaps just put the old fotopic name and provide the new link. We all know how useful the Fotopic sites were for reference, many members had collections there and i'm sure we've all referred to them at some point, so this is just an idea to make everyone aware of where they have gone. Maybe the only 'conditions' being members post their own link once they've definitely moved and (esp. if it's a link for a site from someone not connected to RMWeb) make sure the link won't cause problems for those access it from here? I've checked this with Andy Y and he has agreed to sticky this if it takes off.
  6. thanks for the info trevor incidentally 1100-2 = dia.30 griddle car - lot 30637, 9/1960 (new) 1103-5 = dia.31 griddle car - no new lot no., 1965 (converted from dia.16 RF) 1106 = dia.32 booth car - lot 30783, 4/1968, (new?) info from parkin mk1 book (1106 would seem to be the missing link between the griddles and RBs, in that it catered for sit-down meals, albeit with the intention of quick turnover)
  7. it's a dia.30 griddle car. there were 3 of these, not sure if ScR only had one or if it ended up with all three. have seen a good few pics of the dia.31 griddles which had a slightly different internal/window arrangement. (bob-65b would likely be the man to ask about numbers etc.) (i think there was a thread on the old RMWeb about building these, can't remember if it was bob or not) both types seem to have been a stalwart on longer distance ScR internal services, offering more choice food and drink wise over an RMB (i.e. hot food), but still aimed at 'casual' walk-up custom, as opposed to the full dining experience of an RB EDIT: a pic from RCAHMS mention in a thread about perth station http://canmore.rcahms.gov.uk/images/l/699018/
  8. brother, can you spare a dime? - rudy vallee
  9. ain't complaining - status quo
  10. nice pics andy and wiz - got any more? i don't have many pics, but what i do have are what i'd call 'ordinary' - as in ordinary then, but soooo nostalgic now! been to arbroath as many times through the 70s/80s, but never realised the full extent of the station. would make a cracking model - main line/stoppers on the main platforms, branch line/goods on the platform loop and a fair sized goods yard as well. scenic breaks too, under the station/road bridge to the south and disappearing between industrial buildings to the north (complete with level crossing)
  11. now, my interests lie firmly in BR 70s/80s, but i love this project. such an unusual prototype built from scratch with such an eye to detail and some cunning solutions to problems along the way. i have no idea about the prototype, but i can just imagine this rattling and shoogling along the line, the latest of these 'new-fangeled' modern contraptions! lovely stuff
  12. i remembered this, mainly due to the brake lever arrangement (i'm not an expert, can you tell? ) thread was on t'other RMWeb: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=17615&start=0&hilit=LNER+20T+hopper
  13. keefer

    3-word game

    otherwise they might
  14. jet (my love) - nat king cole
  15. always nice to see pics of the TRUK/TRSB sets the 1980 pics show the TRSB (buffet-bar/ later buffet)in the middle of the second-class portion, which made sense to me - most buffet customers would be from 2nd class, just means there's a max of 2 coaches work through to get your 'maxpax'! the TRUK (restaurant) as always, was next to the 1st class - was there an 'at-seat' service for 1st class, with the unclassed seating used for 2nd class customers? also there is a TS at the end, TGS not yet available. i think the TRUK respresented the last true BR restaurant/kitchen car? (no buffet provision) the 1981 pic shows the later layout - both catering cars together, saloon to saloon - if you were in the last TS (later TGS) it was quite a trek to the buffet! there were more sets which had the single TRUB (3 saloon windows, buffet and restaurant provision), mainly due to the downturn in full-meal provision, obviously tied in with reduced staff overheads. i would have thought that many of the TRUK vehicles have spent longer in service in modified form than in their original role - many have been converted to LH RFMs, royals and departmental vehicles great pics all, i just wish i'd been able to take more photos myself (late70s-mid 80s was my era) - i do have some but will have to rake them out and scan them, unfortuneately many remembered images are in my head only!
  16. with ref. to hutchinson's flour mills, i remembered photos i'd seen on RCAHMS while researching the kirkcaldy harbour railway for another topic. hutchinson's wagon: https://canmore.org.uk/collection/610162 L.G.W. wagon: https://canmore.org.uk/collection/610163 both from a john hume collection dated october 1967 EDIT 19/08/2016: updated links to the photos
  17. it's been reported that the beckhams are expecting their 4th child although with david's past history, victoria's not sure that it's hers
  18. 'all i want for xmas is a dukla prague away kit' - half man half biscuit
  19. there are a couple of pics in the parkin book of choc/cream coaches with the 'pre-production' B4s, i.e. do not have the friction dampers on the wheelsets. the coaches are BCK W21188 (p.62) and FO W3085 (p.83), coaches K and G respectively of what seems to be the same train in august 1962. the coaches have nameboards, but they are reversed (which according to the caption, happened when a coaching stock roster involved working a non-named service or a different route) the only other bogie of the train that can be seen, is not a B4 (can't quite make it out) incedentally there's a colour pic of maroon FO M3000 on p.49, taken in 1968. it has similar B4 bogies, without the friction dampers, suggesting a re-bogie with one of these earlier types? finally it mentions in the text on p.37 "a short production batch was put into service beneath the 'bristolian' and the 'red dragon'" and once it was "clear the 150,000 mile acceptable ride target would be met....it was announced that from 1963 this would be the standard (bogie) for all BR coaches."
  20. i'd heard that differently - that as the DP2 project came to pass, it was easier and cheaper to add one more deltic bodyshell to the existing production run, as opposed to building an entirely new 'one-off' loco. the way i read it, DP2 only looked like a deltic as this was the quickest, cheapest way to get the new gubbins into a main-line capable loco. the thing that puzzles me, is that DP2 ran so well, covering many miles as expected, often under deltic loadings and by all accounts was very successful - so why did they then fill it full of extra electronic and other equipment, which ultimately either didn't work as well as expected or wasn't used at all? a common opinion seems to be if BR had ordered 50 DP2s (necessarily with flat-front cabs) they wouldn't have had as much bother as they did with the 50s (and of course there wouldn't be as much stuff to remove on refurbishment!)
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