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Everything posted by BMacdermott

  1. Hello Ben I know the matter is in hand (but outside the influence of The 00 Team, although we still remain ready to assist where needed). Brian (on behalf of The 00 Wishlist Poll Team)
  2. Hello dogbox321 Firstly, all the best to Ben and RevolutioN on this announcement. As some of the company's N models 'scale up' to 00, I hope Ben won't mind me interjecting with a note about The 00 Wishlist Poll 2019 which is currently running on the RMweb link below. If you wish to vote, you will find the Ecofret in Category 18 Freight Stock: 1964-Current and the Sturgeon in Category 19 General Railway Service Stock: Departmental (Steam Era). Hope that helps. Brian (on behalf of The 00 Wishlist Poll Team) https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/148198-qa-the-00-wishlist-poll-2019/&tab=comments#comment-3695684
  3. Hello IMB Please see below from The Poll Q&A. Note to Mods: If IMB doesn't have any objections, it might be an idea to lock off this thread?? Many thanks Brian (on behalf of The 00 Wishlist Poll Team) What if voters have any technical difficulties while voting? Please email Andy York: info@rmweb.co.uk.
  4. Hello Compound2632 Thanks for this. We will amend for 2020. I have appended an extract from The Q&A to explain. Brian (on behalf of The 00 Wishlist Poll Team) Extract from Q&A Where possible, we have provided ‘links’ to further detail – but these should only be treated as a ‘general reference’. Locos and rolling stock often changed in appearance slightly over the years. All ‘links’ have been given in good faith and were working at the time of publication but we leave it to the discretion of voters whether they click on any. We cannot take responsibility for the information on those links or any subsequent impact on pollsters’ computers.
  5. Many thanks Penrhos1920 I'm sorry to say it's too late to change anything this year but rest assured that it has already been amended for 2020. That may sound 'a bit silly' but once we have 'gone live' that is it until next time. If we changed things during the currency of The Poll, we would get complaints and confusion. Two models have been announced since the data was 'set in concrete'. If we removed them, the results would be skewed. Brian (on behalf of The 00 Wishlist Poll Team)
  6. Hello Mike Many thanks. The lists are compiled by The Team, but Andy York gets the credit for the 'new style' which we think is really easy to use. This also enables me to watch votes as they come in. (Please note that Andy works closely with us but is not a member of The Team per se. He has no 'influence' on the list contents.) Brian (on behalf of The 00 Wishlist Poll Team)
  7. Hello 34 You'll have to wait for the results for that. As we said, it is 'experimental' and will be reviewed. We use 2005 as our cut-off date to partly preclude us making 'quality judgments'. We are giving voters the chance this year to see how post-2005 suggestions fare. Brian (on behalf of The 00 Wishlist Poll Team)
  8. Hello Geoff My mother-in-law has very low vision and has had some help from charity Bucks Vision. I googled 'Wilsthire Vision' on the off-chance and came up with the link below. It might help but I have no idea from where I stand. I'm sure you will be able to make appropriate enquiries. Brian https://www.wiltshiresight.org
  9. Hello SteamedLyons Thanks for writing with the suggestion. I will put the idea on the 2020 Agenda for you but I have to say in advance that we have tried various other categories in the past but have rationalised back to where we are now. We have clearly stated that the Post-2005 category is 'experimental' this year and will be subject to review when we have the results. We do our best to consider all ideas but our overall aim is to keep matters as simple as possible. Brian (on behalf of The 00 Wishlist Poll Team)
  10. Hello Miss Prism Agreed that the makers will always make what they think will turn a profit. All we can hope is that our results match some of theirs. Brian (on behalf of The 00 Wishlist Poll Team)
  11. Hello Andrew Many thanks for understanding. The upside is I get to ride my wife's 4-wheel scooter and I can't wait to take it out in icy conditions to undertake 'four wheel drifting'! The Poll is not for manufacturers. We clearly state in the written purpose that it is for modellers and collectors to indicate to the makers and commissioners what they would realistically buy if made. It is for us to see how we are thinking as a large group (from those who take part). The makers will make what they feel they can profit from. We can only hope that our results match closely to what they get in emails, phone calls and attendance at shows. Our Results Records show that many items are coming from the upper echelons. And if the 'modelling cottage industry' reads between the lines of the results, they should be able to spot gaps and sneak in with suitable products. The 'annual event' is not simply wishing. We attach The Guide. We hope that novice modellers will read this and put various items into chronological context to make their voting more effective. There are many who know they want 'green coaches'...but which ones for a 1950s layout? The Guide tries to explain. It has about 100,000 words and over 1800 links. We used to make reference to any item that had a suitable kit, but it was so time-consuming keeping it up-to-date, we had to give up. We do, however, show a link in each category that will take readers to a list of kit makers etc. We know from emails received that the event makes people take a step back, put their thinking caps on and enjoy getting involved. And we know that there are many who welcome the purchase of ready-to-run as they cannot make models because of injuries, failing sight and various other facts of life that get in the way. Brian (on behalf of The 00 Wishlist Poll Team)
  12. Hello Dasatcopthorne We have explained our reasons for the deletion of Underground (and Industrial) in the past. Our Guide notes were offered 'free, gratis and for nothing' to anyone who wished to run those subjects...so far, no takers. Brian (on behalf of The 00 Wishlist Poll Team)
  13. Hello Andrew I think you and others are somewhat missing the point I was making but I'll leave it at that. For my own part, I simply cannot 'make models' like I used to because the smell of paints and glues etc have a seriously adverse effect on my disabled wife. Whilst I can can get away with minor amounts of weathering of ready-to-run products anything major is out of the question. Brian
  14. Hello DBC I'm sorry we can't help you there, but we fully understand the predicament. We used to run an 'Infrastructure' category but had to give it up due to the sheer complexity of the subject. I have counted six different types of catenary masts in the stretch of WCML that runs alongside the M1 near Watford Gap. Brian (on behalf of The 00 Wishlist Poll Team)
  15. Hello everyone In answer to Captain Kernow's posting a while back... Brian (on behalf of The 00 Wishlist Poll Team) Top 50 Items Announced from The 00 Wishlist Poll Listings: 2012 to 15 October 2019 This may not be a complete list. Some items have been announced and then withdrawn. Some have yet to come to market. GWR Locos 14xx/58xx 43xx Churchward 43xx Collett 47xx Dean Goods Railmotor 64xx SR Locos SECR D Class Class 700 S15 H P Adams Radial A1X Terrier Lord Nelson Marsh Atlantic Merchant Navy – Air Smooth USA Tank LMS Locos None from The Top 50 LNER Locos D16 Claud J15 K1 N7 Q6 LNER P2 BR Standard Locos None from The Top 50 Diesel & Electric Locos + DMUs & EMUs Class 43 Class 117/118 Class 121 Class 156 Class 71 Class 87 Class 90 Class 91 PCCS & NPCCS Collett Gangwayed Coaches Maunsell RF Mk1 BSO Mk1 FO Mk3 HST Stock Mk3 a/b Hauled Stock BR 4-wheel CCT Mk1 TPO Mk2d/e/f Air Con Stock Freight SR Cattle Wagon Warwell LSWR Brake Van Containers 1960s Container Flats FFA/FGA SECR Wagon BR Grain Wagon General Railway Service SR Breakdown Crane BR Salmon
  16. Hello Tony No criticism taken whatsoever. Chris is bolder than I imagined trying to get you to vote! I was making the point that RTR models may have an adverse commercial effect on kit makers (and that is highly regrettable) and computers had an adverse effect on many old traditional printing trades. The upside is that computerisation has expanded the market overall. Brian
  17. Hello Tony The point is taken...but have a look at the industry I come from. Printing. Not all that many years ago, if you needed something like the Poll leaflet (that I guess was what Chris showed you as we don't have 'voting slips' such as in general elections) then you would have either had to write it out by hand or go to a printer to get a comparable result. There, a compositor would set the type, a proofreader would read it and then - after customer OK - a machine minder would print it. It would then need to be cut to size, packed and delivered. I set it up on my computer in minutes and emailed it to many contacts - again, in minutes. That is progress. The only thing likely to remain constant is change. Brian
  18. Hello again mdvle A small clarification...We don't run The Poll for the benefit of the manufacturers. The Purpose clearly states that it is for modellers and collectors to indicate what they would realistically buy if made. It enables us all to get an overview of how those who respond are thinking. The makers have their own research to hand (although I take your point that some smaller ones might not - but they all have access to magazines and forums where trends can be tracked). They all no doubt accrue some benefit and if the 'cottage industry' side of the hobby read between the lines, they can no doubt identify gaps where they can sneak in. We did - very early on - (lightly) wonder if the results could be made 'chargeable'. However, we soon came to the conclusion that the makers wouldn't be able to afford the man-hours we put in and took the 'open access approach'. Many volunteers give their time at shows and working on heritage railways. If the makers benefit, so be it; we modellers probably benefit too. We do our best to split items as far as practical... the SDJR Small and Large Boiler 7Fs and Caprotti Black 5s being cases in point. S&D 7F 53807 really needs its own listing as it had a unique boiler mount, which would require significant tooling (so I was told by the late and great Merl Evans at Bachmann). Other examples are the B16/1, B16/2 and B16/3 and the Decorative Valance Clauds. However, J67 and J69 are 'combined'...but that hides a myriad of variations that only the most detailed of research would find. As we have often remarked: it's horses for courses. Brian (on behalf of The 00 Wishlist Poll Team)
  19. Hello everyone This is a big thank you to all those who have so far downloaded the Poll Posters from the original posting. Much appreciated! If you have any photos of how you have displayed them, we'd like to see them (either here or by PM or to The Poll email address). Many thanks Brian (on behalf of The 00 Wishlist Poll Team)
  20. Hello Tony Thank you for the report from York. I was unable to attend but was represented by Chris Knowles-Thomas (for The 00 Wishlist Poll Team). The SECR D Class has always been High Polling but moved into The Top 50 in 2018 coming in at overall position equal 22nd. We wish the project every success. Brian (on behalf of The 00 Wishlist Poll Team)
  21. Hello Johnster Thanks for the comments which are appreciated...and we in turn appreciate your contributions to RMweb. 'Worthless'? Certainly not!! Brian (on behalf of The 00 Wishlist Poll Team)
  22. Hello Denbridge Thanks for writing. I can recall it being discussed but it was discounted for some reason. Let me put it back on the Agenda and we'll see what happens. Generally speaking - and this adds to what I posted above to Ian - we take the view that the further back in history we go, the less votes an item will get, unless it is something 'famous' like the Stirling Single etc. Brian (on behalf of The 00 Wishlist Poll Team)
  23. Hello Ian Thanks for writing. As noted in other posts, we don't really have 'fixed rules' - rather more 'general guidelines'. Our cut-off date is 'fixed' but that precludes us making 'quality judgments'. We try to get at least something from every railway company apart from going right back to Era 1 days. We look at what has been made and keep an eye on how things tend to move on. We try to balance items across the regions/railways; hence we now have Milk Tank Trucks (for example) from all the Big Four. Catering has been balanced. Apart from that, it was based back on the old MREmag days of Pat Hammond (2011-ish) when we were tasked to 'rationalise' The Poll content. So far, it has worked fairly well with very few items being announced that we haven't listed (in some form or other). Of course, we listen to what voters send in as suggestions - but we can only haul a 'maximum permitted load' and that is about 820 items, with max of 70 in any one category. If you have any queries on what to suggest, we are always happy to listen or provide a direction. Brian (on behalf of The 00 Wishlist Poll Team)
  24. Hello mdvle Indeed, yes. The Class 117 was listed with Class 118. We often list items 'combined' with a note that that is how a maker might view a subject for production. When one is announced, we will almost always delete the other - unless there is a very specific stated reason in The Guide. We often add 'Poll Team Notes' to refer to such instances. We originally took out the Class 116 also, but that has since gone back in (as Class 116/125). It's a bit like drawing a map of a sand dune...in the dark, in a Force 9 gale! And don't forget that The Poll is only a part of what market information makers get to their own offices. We have to make some compromises otherwise (such as) our listing of Class 313/314/315 & 507/508 would appear as five separate items. And SECR Wagons, Vans & Brake Vans would probably make a Poll of their own! And then how would we cope with vehicles that had gangways when made, but taken off later in life? Etc etc etc. We have to take an 'overall view' of what seems to be a reasonable method of listing and that varies slightly year by year. We cannot make 'hard & fast rules'; we have tried that, and it doesn't work. Brian (on behalf of The 00 Wishlist Poll Team)
  25. Hello everyone Many congratulations to Dapol, Rails & Locomotion Models on this announcement. We wish them every success with the project! In The Annual 00 Wishlist Poll, the loco has always been High Polling and went into The Top 50 in 2018. It came in at overall position equal 22nd. This announcement has come too late to be removed from The 00 Wishlist Poll 2019, but we will be sure to mention it within The Results. Brian (on behalf of The 00 Wishlist Poll Team) https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/148198-qa-the-00-wishlist-poll-2019/
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