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  1. In fact the dog died (or had to be put down, I forget which) shortly after the incident. The owner was understandably distraught.
  2. Two from the GWR come to mind, the broad gauge "Lagoon" which was supposed to have been named "Laocoon", and "Caldicot Castle" which was outshopped with plates displaying "Caldicott Castle".
  3. "Recent rain" should not be considered to be a contributory factor. In this country if you cannot drive safely after recent rain, or you are too stupid to realise that there has been recent rain, you should not be allowed to drive. For that matter, if you are too inexperienced (or stupid) to drive a Ferrari on a wet road, you should not be allowed to drive a Ferrari. I am surprised that the age of the driver has not been reported. For once it would be mildly interesting to know.
  4. Although perhaps possible that's not really supported by the AV in the clip, there is nothing to suggest that any of the airlines were affected by the barrier, just a brake application as the trucker dismounts. In the comments it is reported that "Devon", who was there, says nothing was behind the truck. Even if there had been, I submit that reversing into several cars at low speed is preferable in terms of outcomes to being hit by a train. My suspicion is that the trucker simply funked it and was unable to make the right decision in the heat of the moment. It is much easier with hindsight or for a railway-educated audience watching at home (and don't think I am defending him, with a truck licence comes responsibility and his actions were indefensible).
  5. I'm not sure that that actually matters, I have had similar "renew your McAfee" messages come up on my Android phone which certainly does not have McAfee . It's a very popular trick at the moment to get you to click on a link you really don't want to. My primary PC, which does has McAfee installed (as well as very effective ad-blockers), also regularly displays what appear to be fake "registry issue", "need-to-renew", etc messages. It just seems to be a thing at the moment.
  6. The famous crane maker of Carlisle was Cowans Sheldon, not Cowans and Sheldon.
  7. I ordered a copy from Crecy at the time I posted that these are still available (above) and it appears to be first edition, signed and with the list of subscribers as noted, and also part of the 1500 limited run. As a new copy at the original price it is something of a bargain compared to what is being asked for pre-owned copies on the second hand market.
  8. Perhaps Gordon Tullock had the right idea when he suggested what has become known as the "Tullock spike".
  9. The book is still available from Crecy.
  10. Oxford certainly had them, there was one outside my grandparents' house. Sadly I don't remember what colour the light was and in fact don't remember ever seeing the light on.
  11. If I am to be blunt, I don't really care whether you agree with me or not. The three pieces of legislation I quoted are those which have been used when prosecutions have taken place, this is a matter of fact not opinion. There have also been plenty of successful prosecutions, so the legislation is being used and the courts are recognising that the legislation has the effect of prohibiting the placement of devices in line with the windscreen. I am not saying that this is right or fair, nor that it is wrong or unfair, I have in fact been careful not to express an opinion on the subject, I am merely answering your question. You asked for a reference to a law which prohibits such placement, I have provided you with that reference. The legislation is being used, successfully, to enforce the prohibition. You may not think the legislation is being used correctly and you may disagree with the courts, but I suggest that that is a bold and probably unwise view in the face of significant precedent.
  12. Regulation 30 of the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 (SI 1986 No. 1078 as amended), Regulation 100 of The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 (SI 1986 No. 1078 as amended), and Section 40a of The Road Traffic Act 1988 (as amended by Section 8 of the Road Traffic Act 1991)Part II, Using a Vehicle in a Dangerous Condition. Enforcement tends to be vigorously pursued for LGV and HGV. Since 2017 the penalty assuming no accident is involved is six points and fines around £200 or a court appearance and up to £2500 fine if you’re driving a lorry. If you kill someone expect around 2 years inside, a 6 year ban, and six-figure punitive damages if you are the employer.
  13. It would be really nice to see the GWR bogie tool and mess van available again!
  14. The crane is (almost certainly) RS1074/30 so the HD model, although somewhat crude, is a better likeness than anything available today. Photos here if anyone is interested: http://www.bdca.org.uk/gallery/index.php/Cowans-Sheldon/RS1074-30-at-Ferryhill
  15. They do appear to be centrally mounted.
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