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Robert Shrives

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Everything posted by Robert Shrives

  1. Hi I do not think any made by Triang but given its same side plates in the chassis as the castle then by swapping end spacers you would end up with much the same thing albeit a bit high stepping ! for a shunter. just a wild thought from the deeper recess of my mind- could you d the same with the large Prairie tank. Robert
  2. I think the two 70s caused a bit of a flish and a bing as well if reports are anything to go by. Robert
  3. lucky you, there is a jealous button to tick !!!! I have a 57xx made up on a the 3f chassis and runs a dream, just watch out for shorting on the inside of the kit. Just a thought I wonder what a mk2 spoked wheel 3f chassis would have looked like and how much they would fetch !! Cheers Robert
  4. Great work on the elevators - must have been " fun" to draw - I am in awe of the skills! How goes ye olde 25 in 1/32 - any nearer a "sell able" model as it would make my summer to have one on the go ! Regards Robert
  5. Hi Looking good, often thought of a similar "bash" with my damaged body shells but did wonder if Falcon was a better starting point as it had a very similar cab and bogies to the type 2 albeit with a bodyside littered with grills! 3SMR have from the arc a set of BEC based castings and a brass body etch for a 47 that with work can make a tidy job. Bogie side frames always a pain and possible a set of etches would be a good starting point Robert
  6. Looks really good and shows how with careful prep the prints can make into good models- well done ! Robert
  7. Hi , New machine reported as in and being commissioned over next few days. so the fun begins ! The ladies and gents in Chirk are hardworking and proud of work done -as seen on club opendays so hopefully this will up the ante on amount and quality produced. As noted labour costs will for a while in China lag behind but now transport and leadtimes can be reduced with economic benefit and with UK tooling being as good as China - its down to how made and on what machines thesedays over pure manual skill. The growth of O gauge RTR can only be aided by such investment. The rate at which stock was moving at Reading from the Dapol stand shows the products are popular. Quite right about scanning - a good way of checking 3D print CAD work based on works drawings and photos and until software grows a bit not a one button push creating system. FWIW the Growth of Peco O range with shorter turnouts for micro layouts seemed to be a driver for many at Reading Yesterday - perhaps for starters and second in house plank Quickie... The Terrier and 08 make for a mini accessible for all range and the short wheelbase vans/ wagons seems the way to go - new brakevan to finish perhaps a UK product of the near future? . Robert
  8. Great looking model, just a bit big for me Mike , but hopefully an N version will now be easily possible for Bachmann to release before 3 long!! See you tomorrow Whizz
  9. Crikey, that takes me back - I have a model railway constructor article tucked away about cut and shunting Kitmaster kits and did two or three - a scale length Brake gangway and a buffet or two in maroon. Still have loads of parts tucked away and an ebay bargain of the year recently - 8 coaches and some Triang wagons for a tenner - only bidder... One chassis has triang bogies fitted with metal scale wheels and runs a dream so certainly worth looking at if the kitmaster bogies disappoint but these fitted with brass bearings and metal wheel sets do quite a few of mine and seem ok. Robert
  10. Hi, not spotted the shade change certainly RR expected them to be the same as spec closely controlled ... but a bit of weathering covers many sins . To add that Hattons today advised NSE BSKs on the way along with the RR one , so now easy to do a Cambrian summer Saturday scene 31s in many colours off Bescot and RR 37s spring to mind but of course Large logo tops the list. Robert
  11. I guess the box allows for bigger wagonry/ locos in the future and is a thus big for a small truck but with just a print variation allows for packing standardisation which might help keep unit costs down for likes of the awaited 17/ 23 ......( add other announced projects here!) collectors will hopefully flat pack card as a futures investment for flea bay in 2121... !
  12. Hi, Looks like delivery very soon matter of weeks as balance invoices sent out this week. bubbles to follow summer 2017 and Tara mines wagons slated for next release and future releases info to come -as a tease ! Robert
  13. Hi , Looks like you had fun ! the 9f as might have been is really good! and the 37 likewise, loved the sound of wheel on rail very evocative of the era. Robert
  14. Well that looks lovely - I will get one to sit with my TT one just to show how good both are and how far the hobby has come. I think if a poll existed in the early 60s then the Castle would be in the top model of the year ! I have a new Hornby 31 to go with the TT one so it will look both ways from TT and sadly as we know the Hornby 31 has needed some attention. next pay day will see me buy perhaps only my 3rd GW N steam loco ! Next ought to be the S&D 7F -well you never know! Robert
  15. Hi Nice pile of mk1s landed to day : 374-167 Reg rail FK - very nice,B4 bogie its got a yellow line with cantrail orange but no number ones , fleet no 13225 374-016 NSE MK1 SO - VG! Com bogies, early blue , orange canrail fleet no 4945 376-017 Reg Rail TSO lovely, B4 bogies, fleet no 4854. All look the part, they are that good only a pedant like myself would point out that the door bumpers might be error - now that is micro nit picking and could be individual coach changes. Thus all one can say perfect as can be. Pretty certain of specific coach details as reg rail FK has triangle no smoking and sausage first class signs a lovely touch but will need to check against pictures of coach and others to see if typical - I Know some of the TS based sets that ventured as the final summer Saturday in the early - mid 90s on Cambrain and Skeggs will have been subject to C&W work to keep them rolling just - most could only muster a few working toilets on rakes of 6 -8 coaches! lights - optional extra !! so older labels quite possible... Robert
  16. Well that is good to see and hopefully payments will fund more or your retirement !! Looking forward to 2mmfs a couple of my order from Rails of Sheffield Thanks Dave
  17. Hi Good pics of NMT showing the variation in sunshine yellow and panel yellow , thanks Robert
  18. Lovely layout , hope the model Xc170s work better than the real things and have a good show - will see at TINGS! Robert
  19. Well after chasing UPS over the west midlands for a few days mine arrived at work today . All had open day on work layout (training you understand! locos have a good printed /painted finish with plates all level and no glue showing, all run well and taking off the lid the chassis is a dense plastic with a PCB at one end and the other a single 4 way link plug to body with headlamp only connections - gone are the roof wipers and glued in mass of wiring, only the two wires to LED. Body clips in like before and a good runner - My fault pushed the buffer/sideframe plate in too hard and trapped a bogie on the little lugs on the inside, a quick tweak and all fine. On a 2nd radius curve happily pulled 4 megafrets, 3 steel wagons and 2 nuclear flasks - it was slipping but ran at a good speed. It would also crawl with this load , but on its own it was a real creeper! It will be fine on 4 or 8 coach loads on the flat but hill climbing not tested, the plastic chassis block is to my mind too light, but at least it keeps cost down and does make a lighter dummy if motor removed. Colouring on models fine the IC livery has gained a much darker grey from samples the SWT swoosh livery has a muted orange section which is fine on the model with its matt finish but my mind is saying it was a brighter orange - but this is without considering scale colours. The First livery is well done but numbers feel just a little large - easily fixed if I feel like it but is fine and the real one did have big numbers when it was named on the tour to the WSR., IIRC. For 73 fans well worth the punt if any left at £70 - gone bonkers on Ebay already for the alex 73101 version. Robert
  20. I recall a Cambrian driver getting a "ticking off" - an OTR download showed a horn operation and the DM worked out mileage and as no whistle board or report of trespass/ animal incursion/ PW on site...asked why . It turned out a young lady waved at him as he passed. A case of big brother is watching you . Good models- hopefully Dapol will do an N one to save as you say the piggery of the masking. Robert
  21. Hi , Great phots and news - on my birthday as well ! Looking forward to 2mmfs conversions Robert
  22. Hi good to see more reports of good models - I was in Cheltenham models and other than 3 in the case all were off and going -in 4 for one soul with sound - almost more than I earn in a month ! If you want one of the last get in quick is all I can say. I am really looking forward to the slightly smaller but perfectly formed N version. Re any of the few returns you do need to be a member of the Dapol collectors club and be ready for a fun day in the Autumn at the openday - tours, build your own wagon, talks and traders, show you hows and layouts plus some sale items - not that many as some might have you believe. Club details on the Dapol website . I suppose the only downside is you might get to see me with N gauge show you hows! Robert
  23. Despite your reservations it looks very good in pics- hopefully finished soon and a great conversion Robert
  24. Hi, As a slight off topic the FFWHR is the shortest TOC - the crossing at Porthmadog required the status and as such some staff are PTS . However to be "track safe" qualified on the narrow lines is more arduous that going on a £600 course. The Crossing keeper at Bl Ffestiniog when tour trains are in is a case in point. As I am non PTS I am now unable to take that role but before the crossing at Port I could and did. Entertainingly in RT days some clipboarded suits did come and say about a fence and the engineer of the day did advise if they wanted to buy a key to let the std trains in as FR owned the whole site, having bought its land from BRB but BRB not yet paid for its bit of FR land- BR lines laid on route of old FR line in cutting and up to where foot bridge crossed over! Back in the day when daily summer loco hauled trains graced the STD gauge I recall a 25 taking a nose dive off the trap points- Chester BVs attended in the evening. I took a FR line token to protect works as brakedown crew were using FR track as a useful shelf for packings and were surprised when I confirmed that protection was in place - foreman was a little redfaced ! but it did mean making friends- such is the railway family. - the 25 not the only engine to attempt to join the 2 foot as it happened. Finally on topic good to see the normal weather so well photographed looked a lovely day. As ever a great thead and to add a 2mm motorrail vehicle on Shapeways as a 3D print. Robert
  25. Great to see the 25 and the grills do look the part. Any thoughts on the underframe and tanks. I have had several N gauge prints where the axis has been skewed and it makes prints look like they are of wood -with a pleasing grain effect ! - much easier to clean up it has proved. happy modelling ! Robert
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