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Everything posted by tender

  1. Im at a stage where i need either to upgrade my TC version or look at another system. In view of the recent TC pricing structure I'm inclined to call it a day and move on before investing any more in a product that's rapidly becoming poor value for money. I've had a quick look at iTrain but couldn't find out if it supports NCE equipment. I have both a PowerCab system and a PowerPro system. Any advice appreciated. Ray.
  2. Hi Peter, hope Wendy's knee injury isn't too serious and makes a quick recovery. Merry Christmas. Ray.
  3. Trouble with Insurance is you only find out if it's any good when you make a claim. If they're rubbish your stuffed, just like a Turkey. Hope you get it sorted soon Andy. Merry Christmas.
  4. The Scale Four Society do a nice lever frame kit or if you're feeling flush DCC Concepts do some nice Levers, both will operate the Tortoise Motors. I've got two of the Scale Four Lever Frames ready for my layout.
  5. I'll be seriously looking at the competition before spending any more money with Mr Friewald.
  6. tender


    Was good to see the layout one more time today before it leaves for destination anew.
  7. Nice Richard, I really like the goods shed interior. I'm using the Tetbury building as representative of the GWR, the layout won't be a model of Tetbury.
  8. While waiting for the painting to be done on the Parcels office (could be a long wait), I've made a start on the Station building roof and canopy, again using laser cut MDF and ply parts. The glue pots nearly empty now so will have to wait for a refill to arrive before any more progress.
  9. Hi Andy, i've been using the Gaugemaster Autofrog since they first came out. Not had any problems with them at all. Does the job at a fraction of the price of frog juicer.
  10. Made a start on the first of the buildings for the new layout. This will be the Parcels Office, made from laser cut/engraved MDF and Ply parts. Next job is to paint the building (that's a job for her in doors) before adding the roof boards, slates, windows and doors.
  11. Well i missed that, but must admit to not speaking to Dave for some time. Looks a bit expensive though for 4 channels, half the price of the 12 channel controller and its not clear if the relay board is included. He says it is in the video, but not in the online shop.
  12. ...... and Semaphores. Come to think of it, I've got a Megapoints board lurking in a box somewhere. I might put it to use on my new o gauge layout.
  13. tender


    Will try and get along too.
  14. Same question for the 64xx? I normally buy ZIMO for Steam as i've had issues with Loksound in the past but when i was at Telford i listened to the 64xx with ESU Loksound on display at the SouthWest Digital stand. I was that impressed with it i bought one. Recently fitted it to my O Gauge Dapol 64xx with a 23mm QSI speaker and i must say that its the most realistic sound i've ever heard coming from a toy train I mean model locomotive. They certainly have the GWR small tank down to a tee.
  15. The slight down side with the Megapoints system is that it controls 12 servos, ok if you have a lot of turnouts on one board but thats unlikely in O gauge. So you end up with either wasted channels or a lot of long inter-board connections for the servos which can sometimes be problematic with noise pickup causing the servos to twitch. I keep asking Dave to bring out a 4 channel version but it falls on deaf ears.
  16. Dapol List. Product Code Description MRP 7F-200-001 B951771 Grey CAO £79.95 7F-200-002 B952182 Grey £79.95 7F-200-003 B953095 Grey £79.95 7F-200-004 B951224 Bauxite CAP £79.95 7F-200-005 B952042 Bauxite £79.95 7F-200-006 B952978 Bauxite £79.95 7F-200-007 Unnumbered Grey £79.95 7F-200-008 Unnumbered Bauxite £79.95 I'm only interested in early BR so fear none of the above would be suitable, unless someone with more knowledge than i knows better.
  17. Everywhere seems to be advertising this as 'Bauxite' including the Dapol catalogue, maybe its the notification email that's wrong?
  18. Shame you missed Wigan Andy, for O gauge modellers it was a real treat. Some of the best layouts we've seen in a long time.
  19. We were tempted by the Large Prairie at Wigan show but decided it was a bit too large. Will wait for the baby 45xx.
  20. Hi Neil, if you didn't know we have now sold CQ and started work on a new O Gauge layout. Will start a new layout thread shortly when we've got something to show.
  21. Hi George, Why don't you make the turnout then stick a sheet of 2mm ply underneath the whole turnout after, save yourself some time and a whole lot of ballast?
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