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Status Updates posted by cornamuse

  1. learning to make rivets. why isnt it riveting?

    1. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      I suppose 'riveting' is actually using the rivets than making them? :)

  2. learning to make rivets. why isnt it riveting?

  3. learning to make rivets. why isnt it riveting?

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      It'll be if you solder on! :-D

    2. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      I've been told it's a bit of a bind.

  4. learning to make rivets. why isnt it riveting?

  5. having difficulty contacting the organisers of the Soennymoor show. anyone got any contacts?

    1. BoD


      They are in the first post in the topic about the exhibition.

  6. having difficulty contacting the organisers of the Soennymoor show - anyone got any contacts?

  7. having difficulty contacting the organisers of the Soennymoor show - anyone got any contacts?

  8. finally making progress on the micro layout - now set in the 1850s

    1. Londontram


      Modern image then

  9. finally making progress on the micro layout - now set in the 1850s

  10. thinking a major layout rebuild is in order.... well as major as a micro layout can get !

    1. 69843


      Move some points around (it's major enough)!

  11. painted etched brass nameplates - feel like a proper modeller for a change - Ta, Rob!

  12. lesson for today : teething babies are NOT impressed by Thomas the tank :)

    1. Job's Modelling

      Job's Modelling

      that's how they explore the tiny railway world

    2. cornamuse
  13. I need to finish at least 1 project before starting at least 5 other tempting ones. Jim - you are making this very hard to achieve - many thanks :)

  14. Charlie's Yard has a baseboard... Yay for cardboard boxes!

  15. hearse van finished. now for a bug box for the live uns

  16. well, what do you know? playing recordings of steam trains sends my 9mnth old son off to sleep.... so far, he prefers ffestiniog :) should I be pleased or worried?

    1. pH


      Just thankful!

    2. Ramblin Rich

      Ramblin Rich

      I think it kind of cool. Our 18 month old lad was making "whoo whooooo" noises when we walked under bridges along an old trackbed athe weekend!

  17. hearse about finished. just looking for some very small customers..........

  18. hearse now has body... too easy to make a humourous comment? :)

    1. mozzer models

      mozzer models

      just a body or is it body & soal


    2. cornamuse


      sole / soul bars are the next challenge :)

  19. the hearse van now has half a body :)

    1. DonB


      Featured in a blog or thread?Are you posting pictures?

    2. cornamuse


      in a thread:http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/51869-7mm-narrow-gauge-in-card/

      will be drawings / parts available if it is any good :)

  20. hearse van planned out. time to put scalpel to card and see how wrongg I am :)

    1. Horsetan


      Time for a post-mortem?

    2. cornamuse


      thank you :) had run out of dead jokes...

  21. paint the slate waggons, or cuddle my baby son while he sleeps and surf idly through my favourite website? no contest - so here I am with a tiny bundle curled up in my left arm. happy days :)

  22. hearse van at a dead stop today

    1. beast66606


      No body to help you ?

    2. Tim Hale

      Tim Hale

      How's the cat?

  23. hearse van : nearly finished designing the body - or should that be corpse?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. cornamuse


      i recon it will take me a week or so to sort this wagon. can I manage / face a suitably awful pun each day?

    3. cornamuse


      dead right I can

    4. Horsetan


      Anyone fancy doing the dance routine for "Thriller"?

  24. progress on the hearse van is dead slow....

    1. Debs.


      A grave state of affairs!

  25. decided - hearse van next...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kelly


      I always wanted to do a micro layout/diorama of the Necropolis.

    3. mozzer models
    4. cornamuse


      yet again I discover that I am not worthy - nice model mozzer

      another prototype I never knew existed, and another layout idea I didn't need to get lodged in my brain :D

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