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DJM Dave

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Everything posted by DJM Dave

  1. Just finished with the 5 days 'safari' with the Grizzly bears. Now for 3 days 'down time' in Vancouver to recover :-)))

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. gridwatcher


      Get around the Skytrain and get off at Braid. Busy junction for traffic, BNSF, Amtrak, CP etc etc. Great!!

    3. Horsetan


      Is that fur real?

    4. DJM Dave

      DJM Dave

      I split my trousers and for a while had a 'bear' behind ;-)

  2. Here today, bears tomorrow! Well as its still Friday here I guess I mean Today (uk time) :-)

    1. pH


      Confusing, isn't it?

    2. DJM Dave

      DJM Dave

      That's for sure ;-)

    3. Horsetan


      Have you taken up the idea of Completely Bear, then? :-D

  3. Off to Canada for 2 weeks photographing Grizzly bears! I hope momma bear doesn't mistake hairy old Dave for one of her cubs! :-)))

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. OnTheBranchline


      You would be welcome to stop by if you are in Ontario.

    3. OnTheBranchline


      You would be welcome to stop by if you are in Ontario.

    4. DJM Dave

      DJM Dave

      Sorry, Vancouver this year, but its appreciated.

      As for the mental image of me, I agree, no one needs that! :-)))

  4. Just seen a Ferrari 'California' in pixelated / disruptive red,green,lime,yellow and blue squares. Hmmmmmmmm different, that's for sure!

    1. Horsetan


      That may be a pre-production test run. Imagine if new model locos were turned out the same way for testing.....

  5. The day of reckoning is upon us!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DJM Dave

      DJM Dave

      Illegitimum non carborundum, a great phrase don't you think?


    3. DJM Dave

      DJM Dave

      Oh,and thanks guys :-)

    4. Mallard60022


      Go for it mate.

  6. The time, it has come, to destroy your supremacy!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      You have taken your medication today haven't you?

    3. DJM Dave
    4. coachmann


      Supremacy... Are you about to produce '00' chaired points?

  7. This used to be a fun house, but now it's full of evil clowns!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mallard60022


      You've read that status update too then.....?

    3. Sam*45110*SVR


      DapolDave you're always going to get n*bs on any site from time to time, it just sounds like you've found a couple of really inconsiderate ones you don't realise everything you do to give them the high quality models Dapol makes.

    4. Sam*45110*SVR


      whoops! who don't realise...

  8. One look? ONE LOOK? I'll show them one look!!!

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Now look at that!

  9. It's the end of the world as we know it, but i feel fine................

  10. Sherlock Holmes alone preferred a little toke of love

    1. M.I.B


      Bang Bang.

    2. M.I.B


      While the Marquis D'Sard preferred a little stroke of love.

  11. I think I'm drowning, asphyxiated.........

  12. You better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone!

    1. grandadbob


      For the times they are a-changin'

    2. beast66606


      Come writers and critics

      Who prophesize with your pen.

    3. DJM Dave

      DJM Dave

      very prophetic huh?

  13. 1-0 yaaaaaay , sets the rest up nicely and it's always nice to slap some arrogance out of the Aussies ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DJM Dave

      DJM Dave

      Nah, prefer a far nicer green and pleasant land with proper history ;-))

    3. 69843


      We have green-somewhere.

    4. DJM Dave

      DJM Dave

      Lol I've been to the blue mountains so will gladly corroborate your comment :-)))

  14. Ear worm alert. I've got 'Final Countdown' running through my head from the group Europe, and i cannot think how it got there, but it's now irritating.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Jawfin


      Getting "Bird is the word," stuck in your head isn't actually that bad until you forget part of it and start adding bits in!

    3. Hugh Flynn

      Hugh Flynn

      Im Free - the who is great for a friday ,wait, dam it im on call?

    4. Horsetan


      Move Like Jagger?

  15. Apparently i've got no selling skills. Shhhhh dont tell my clients ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hornbyandbf3fan


      It might be too late for that :D

    3. Ozexpatriate


      So you're not a scratch golfer then?

    4. Mallard60022


      That's why you are a good bloke......


  16. I quite like te idea if a DEMU after show tailgate party and barbecue for 2014!

  17. DEMU, cracking show and lots of friendly faces. Shame about the heat but at least I'm losing a pound or 2 in the model railway sauna :-)

    1. Redford73


      Yes, was a great show but I have to admit the hot weather stopped me from staying as long as I normally do. Got some good book bargains but gave up trying to get to the DEMU Sale stand which was chocker all a.m. I still think the town hall's a bit cramped but it'll never stop me going to my favourite annual exhibition! Well done chaps!

  18. And the German F-4 phantom today fades into History. Glad I was there to see it.

    1. Hugh Flynn

      Hugh Flynn

      you missed the flyovers at Scarborough today - bombers, spitfires etc. God it was packed?

    2. DJM Dave

      DJM Dave

      Nice but in all honesty, an A-4 sky hawk flying, and 4 phantoms with 2 eurofighters in formation beats that for a kerosene head like myself.




  19. Northern Germany is wet wet wet :-(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DaveyH


      So is Northern Staffordshire!

    3. Hugh Flynn

      Hugh Flynn

      Not another concert?

    4. DJM Dave

      DJM Dave

      Lol no, I'm in Wittmund at the airbase to see the last weekend of the F-4 phantom in German service :-)))

  20. A phantastic time in Northern Germany awaits, silver bird then car then 2 days of aviation fuel smell. Yummy

    1. steve fay

      steve fay

      Phantom farewell by any chance?

  21. Hi guys, sorry to hijack this rather excellent thread, but I need some help with my ageing mind please. in 1995 I had the fortune to be on the class 33 (double headed) + 56036 (on the tail) 'Gladstone Bag' railtour to the area taking in Gladstone Dock through the 'Bootle bomb alley'. I remember we visited a coal staithes/sidings area near Edgehill and went to the end of what was allowed on the line. I cannot remember exactly and hope one of you might be able to rescue my be-fuddled memory? cheers and sorry once again. Dave
  22. Hope its not raining Monday!

    1. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      You told me it was going to be bright sun and 85 degrees! ;)

    2. DJM Dave

      DJM Dave

      i'm going to fix it, don't worry :-)

  23. use 0.00 seconds of roaming and get charged 25p, use 1 second of roaming and get charged

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      Suggest leaving phone at home, or maybe local SIM next time?

    3. Swifty11


      Jesus!! What a rip-off!! EE where fine for me when I was in Portugal, just put your phone in a specific setting (can't remember now) and it dosent charge you

    4. Stu from EGDL

      Stu from EGDL

      Sounds like a change of contract is required...

  24. Yes I'd does, looks like a cobweb streaming from the back of the chimney. Oh and dust! Tut tut Carl, standards slipping? ;-)
  25. Might just pop across to Wigan on Sunday.

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