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Status Updates posted by Kelly

  1. managed to clear my workspace/desk at last...

    1. Grafarman


      \o/ always a good feeling...

    2. mike tugsandsheds

      mike tugsandsheds

      It'll soon be messy again , I've been a continual clear and mess up cycle for 10 years lol !

  2. feeling a bit imroved from yesterday. but still not great. hate 'flare' ups :( daren't go near a scalpel as my cooridination is woeful atm :(

    1. Mallard60022


      Sounds like lots of good reading until you strengthen up; that would be my excuse anyway. Good luck.

    2. Kelly


      Mallard: that is what I am doing really, that and watching a lot of telly! maybe i should put those new Right Track DVDs on, but then I'd be even more itching to go near a scalpel, do'h!

  3. had a nice geeky evening out, involving pizza and the local LUG social meeting.

    1. Allegheny1600


      Pizza is always good!

    2. AngusDe


      LoL, I looked up LUG as I thought it might be a Lupus thing as my wife has Lupus/Fybromyalgia, but should have clicked with the "geeky"...

  4. time for tea and that cheese toastie, got side tracked... then photo sorting!

    1. aberdare


      I need to stop drinking tea and do something constructive!

    2. Kelly


      drinking tea isn't constructive?? since when! it is constructive in that it wakes me up and keeps me going! ;)

  5. forgot this site existed...

    1. halfwit



    2. Kelly


      Halfwit - I know! I got sidetracked by other stuff and health being bad.... am back now lol

  6. back home after a long fun day at stafford. Managed to slip down Natalie's stairs afterwards tho and now have a sore hip and foot!

    1. BlackRat


      All the excitement of the day got to much for you! ;)

    2. Kelly


      will be limping more than usual, but i'm ok otherwise i think...

  7. I seem to be looking at some of the Revell railway kits... 1/87nd Big Boy strangely appeals... as do some of the German black/red steam locos (possibly to go with a Me-109/V1/V2/Fw-190 for a diorama

    1. halfwit


      I like the BR131/231 diesel kit. Must resist...

    2. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      I've been looking at the 1/72 scale F-22A Raptor and the Typhoon kits, also must resist

  8. so soldering iron ordered, solder/flux ordered and two SR CCT kits (plastic) ordered, will order a brass kit another day i think

    1. Stubby47


      Don't use the soldering iron on the plastic kits..., just in case

    2. DonB


      That Stubby knows a thing or two! You can't go wrong following his advice!

  9. Put petrol in car and got snack food/sarnies for tomorrow. Hopefully weather will be as good as today, but perhaps hopefully a touch on the cooler side with nice breeze! exhausted now...

    1. modernimagemodeller


      petrol in your car, i remember a time i could afford to do that

    2. Kelly


      I can only just afford it, sadly it is an essential requirement for me cos of my health.

  10. My wrist is finally feeling like it is on the mend, so after Railex is out of the way, modelling may yet resume...

    1. Pete 75C

      Pete 75C

      No heavy lifting! Baseboards and coffee mugs excepted, of course...

    2. Kelly


      I try to avoid lifting altogether usually, as I have a very bad back. I was more referring mind to getting back to working on the networker and epb builds I had on the go though :) theres always a pint mug of tea on the go, sometimes a 1L mug...

  11. I keep meanign to write a blog post (or several) of what plans I've got to work on, except i keep forgetting or getting side tracked by life and health, damn!

    1. class"66"


      Thats life for you,no what you mean,never get 5 mins .....

  12. Getting fed up with continuing sleep problems, though at least managed some last night for a change

    1. Londontram


      I went to the doctor and said "I'm having a problem with insomnia what can you suggest?" He said "A good nights sleep" ..........Sorry Kelly. Hat, coat, exit!

  13. Feeling sad at the passing of a friend.

    1. OnTheBranchline


      I think I can speak for everyone at RMWeb when I say you have our sympathies.

  14. Ally Pally was great today. Worn out and going to pay the price most of the next week. Worth it though.

    1. Timara


      That makes two of us....!

  15. having been ill all of last week and not really looking online much as a result. Was a surprise to find rmweb under new ownership, but the statement bodes well I think.

    1. Matloughe


      Yes Kelly, I just stumbled on in my zombified half-asleep state with tea in one hand. Saw the colour scheme and assumed I hit the wrong bookmark, so I closed the page & then reloaded it. :-D

  16. A sad day. RIP Sir Terry Pratchett. A wonderful athur who will be sadly missed.

    1. darren01


      have all his books and one signed by as well, very upset to hear he's gone :(


  17. ankle coped well enough with Ally Pally yesterday. Painful as expected, but enjoyed the day on the whole a lot. Lovely to meet various people too!

    1. Kelly


      Tony: I sprained it monday afternoon, so was almost a last minute decision about going to ally pally. In the end, whilst painful I coped just about, without my stick I don't think I'd of coped though as that took weight off of bad ankle (and bad back too).

  18. Had a good afternoon/evening yesterday with Natalie visiting. Now for more tea, and to head out and get essentials, etc. Later I might try to clear space and build one of the pile of kits...

    1. AndrewC


      Good to see you back.

  19. finally uploaded: http://tinyurl.com/69nspvn - being processed now

    1. Bangor Lad

      Bangor Lad

      That's really neat Kelly


  20. hmm, seems soldering iron will take longer to get here than thought first of all, just as well i'm not in a rush

    1. Sylvian Tennant

      Sylvian Tennant

      I'm too terrified to solder :(

  21. grrr sleep is seemingly being elusive...

    1. KevinWalsh


      Join the club Kelly, insomnia has a firm grasp yet again.

  22. slowly trying to wake up ... and not really succeeding...

  23. finally uploaded ally pally pics... and was going to scan some documents in, but printer/scanner seems to be hating me!

    1. halfwit


      All technology hates me...

  24. after a poor nights sleep last night, spending the afternoon and early evening with a nice mug of earl grey and a good book was most welcome

    1. TheFonz1


      cant beat a good cuppa!

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