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Everything posted by devonseasider

  1. I think you probably mean this one (Reeve & Nicholas rather than Hawkins, but let's not be pedantic!): http://tinyurl.com/noatnq5 This was vol.2 of the series. Vol 1 = Basingstoke - Salisbury, Vol 2 = Salisbury - Yeovil, Vol 3 = Yeovil - Exeter. Vol 4 has just been released, covering the branches & also containing some additional material (& corrections, possibly - don't know, haven't had chance to look through a copy).
  2. If you did decide to take the "prototype location" route, Axminster would have a lot going for it. Similar range of services to Seaton Junction (OK, no dairy, but much more general goods traffic) but less complex trackwork.
  3. You think you've got problems - I'll be in year 61! (well, I would be if there was one!) Hi Ray - are you keeping dry? It's a bit soggy round here & the electricity keeps going off . . . .
  4. OK, perhaps time to put head above parapet & own up to living within 10 minutes walk of Seaton Junction or, at least, what's left of it. Some "now" photos here if anyone's interested: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/59126-seaton-junction/?hl=%2Bseaton+%2Bjunction
  5. Good Lord. Someone else ex- Imperial! In my case, physics rather than aero-engineering. Mind you, you're much older than me - it wasn't until October '67 that I rolled up there fresh-faced & quite naive in the ways of the big city. Another inmate at that time - although on a different course - was a certain Brian May, who also went on to make a name for himself. I didn't! Like you, that was my introduction to KX models - and W&H, and Hamblings and, a little later, Chuffs. a real Aladdin's cave somewhere up near Marylebone. LIttle was affordable on a grant, even supplemented with many hours of holiday work, but they were nice places to go & dream for a while and to escape the realities of atomic structure, thin film deposition, interminably-long thermodynamics equations and all the other delights (?) of a degree course. I think I remember more about the model shops than I do about the lectures (although there was a rather nice young lady from Leeds who used to sit near us, but that's another story . . . .) Digs for 2 years were in White Hart Lane - that's Barnes, not Tottenham - and the (very) occasional purchase from said emporia was funded by walking between there & South Ken., rather than taking the bus/tube. I was a lot younger & fitter then than now! Happy days (in some ways) but I'm not sure I'd want to do it again . . . .
  6. Good man! Think I'm going to issue you with a season ticket . . . .
  7. Another view of the K's Fowler Dock Tank on "Tormouth Quay". See post #60 in this thread for more info on the loco. Still lots to do to it, including rebuilding the chassis - again! (although, to be fair, it's well over 30 years old by now).
  8. I'm just a singer (in a rock & roll band) - Moody Blues
  9. Bring a little water Sylvie - Lonnie Donegan
  10. Give Buffers a ring beforehand & I'm sure they'll bring one along for you.
  11. Mike - any chance of you heading even further east into deepest, darkest Dorset on November 9th? Could make you an offer you'd find hard to refuse . . . .
  12. 3 weeks this coming Saturday, Simon - loads of time . . . . .
  13. That would have been "Villier Street" at Thorncombe. Very simple but very different and very well executed. I know you're bringing Orchard Road next year, so can I pencil this one in for 2015?
  14. Add Thorncombe as a definite for next year. November 8th. Just haven't got round to sending out the paperwork yet.
  15. Illuminations visitors to Blackpool Central (aka Rigby Road) MPD over the weekend of 26th & 27th September 1964. Sorry the quality isn't brilliant, but hope they're of interest despite the technical shortcomings. It's worth remembering that the shed (and station, and lines in from Blackpool South) closed 5 weeks later - obviously insufficient traffic to make it pay. Or am I being cynical? Oliver Cromwell Un-named '47 46160 Queen Victoria's Rifleman 75041 D7590 alongside the alfresco sand drying furnace.
  16. Some more visitors to (Blackpool North), Easter Monday 1965. Charles Dickens, with a yard lamp growing from his chimney . . . . Caprotti 5 73134 Sir William Gray and at the end of the day, with safety valves blowing, 45191 heads for home (with the Symbol Biscuits factory in the background).
  17. Event Name: Thorncombe Modelex 2013 Classification: Exhibition Address: The Village Hall & SchoolThorncombeNr ChardTA20 4NE Day 1: 09/11/13 Opening times Day 1: 10:00 - 16:30 Prices: Adult
  18. and on the following day, Easter Monday, the visitors included: Apollo (interestingly, with the same reporting number as carried the previous day by D299) (the two young lads must give lots of opportunity for a caption competition . . . .) Sassaby another Brush 2 and one of the later-built Black Fives (with Charles Dickens waiting his turn behind)
  19. Visitors at Blackpool (North), Easter Sunday (18th April) 1965. "The Plonker" on the turntable. Brush 2 round the back of the coal-hole. Ayrshire Yeomanry driver aks shed foreman for directions. "Peak" D125 EE4 D299
  20. Contrasts at Hull (Dairycoates) MPD - 5th September 1964 V2 2-6-2 60961 EE type 3 D6740 0-6-0 diesel shunter 12122
  21. By the end of 1966, 68095 had made its way south to Lancashire and was at the premises of Helical Springs Ltd. in Lytham, twixt Blackpool & Preston, where it was intended to establish a railway museum. I helped with some of the initial "muck-scraping" in those early days and took this photo' on a very murky day in December of that year.
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