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Status Updates posted by ess1uk

  1. sat at manton junction freezing

  2. sat at manton junction freezing

  3. sat at manton junction freezing

  4. sat at manton junction freezing

  5. has worked 13 days in a row and needs a rest

  6. Is off to work, again

  7. today i have mostly been looking at SPTs around Chipping Sodbury

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Hope all are in good working order now!

    2. ess1uk


      so do i

      i've only been looking!

      surveys are just so much fun

  8. has a new purchase :)

    1. Re6/6


      Do tell us! The joy of ownership is a wonderful thing!

    2. ess1uk


      second hand Lima class 33

  9. look out The Festival of British Railway Modelling, Ruby is on her way!

  10. look out The Festival of British Railway Modelling, Ruby is on her way!

  11. is ready to spend some money on trains!

    1. jessy1692


      far too easily done..


  12. back to Reedham in the morning

  13. tickets for show next weekend have arrived

  14. is off to Romford until Friday

    1. witherbrow


      one of my fave places :) have fun!

  15. is off to Romford until Friday

  16. it's busy at Saltley PSB

  17. will all my railway stuff fit in the car?

  18. will all my railway stuff fit in the car?

  19. off to Yarmouth Vauxhall

  20. off to Oxford signal box

  21. off to Oxford signal box

  22. is listening to some Two-Tone

  23. back to work in the morning

  24. back to work in the morning

  25. it's time to saddle up and head to Trains4U

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