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Everything posted by ess1uk

  1. There were a few if I recall. Shame there couldn't be a proper effort to photograph this area before the building work started
  2. I'd have thought that there would be more of these on modern image layouts as they have been around for ages now and there are not many places that don't have one somewhere nearby
  3. Something else to add to the to do list, but I like doing rolling stock so don't mind
  4. Dad had a Viva must get one and change the reg plate to match!
  5. oh well i wanted a new one anyway, but the old one can have a bit of detailing i guess Headlamp, head code box etc. A part refurb. my railway, my rules etc......
  6. So as it is the Lima version should not be in large logo?
  7. now i've got my mk2 bogies sorted thanks to Chard, I need mk1s ! and the coaches Flood offered would be great too. Edit for spellings.
  8. i've got a couple of those that are crying out for detail first thing i did was take off the lines down the sides
  9. Wife is out and RMweb is on

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ess1uk


      Beer in fridge, sorted

    3. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      Surely beer in ess1uk would be better?

    4. ess1uk


      it's going in now :)

  10. Love this thread Quality models
  11. I find myself coming back to this thread for ideas a lot recently, the detail is brilliant. Whilst I doubt I'll achieve anything near as good, you give me something to aim for for my small shed
  12. a great view from the roof of Waterloo station today

    1. Horsetan


      I was probably walking underneath it at the time...

  13. On my travels I often see small huts on the lineside that have seen better days. I know some of them would be plate layers huts or lamp huts or similar but often they are miles from anywhere. I'm guessing they are there for just that reason when there were more on the payroll and before railway staff became issued with vans to shelter in? When did their use begin to decline? Most I see are concrete but do see the odd wooden one, though they are usually in far worse condition. Most just seem full of Pway rubbish or have trees growing through them now. i've been wondering what style of buildings to use for Ruby Road, Western or Southern? what says south west best? Is the Ratio hut a fairly generic version of these huts or were there big regional differences? i've got a couple of generic Hornby huts but not really sure if even with weathering they will be any good If fact not even sure what they are supposed to be. Plan is a lamp hut by my signal box and thinking a Peco lamp hut and distressing it. Also I will be getting a Hornby R8675 relay room to go next to the level crossing. relay room next to Three Horse Shoes Signal Box in Turves. Any other ideas on which huts would best fit with my area and time? i'm thinking i may go with the Roxey Mouldings Platelayers and Tool hut set
  14. I'd go with the high level station buildings on the bridge
  15. trying to use RMweb on a blackberry is like using a choclate teapot, nothing works properly

    1. Grafarman


      get an ipad2 !!

  16. Is the A1 etch that bad? Scratch building is not really my thing, happier to just glue
  17. Looking at my Lima 50 and thinking I need to sort the front end out. The multiple working gear and ETH needs painting orange, but what shade should it be? Also, when did 50s get a large head lamp? sure it should have one fitted if in large logo? also the headcode box would have marker lights by this time? any ideas? I also like the idea of a new roof fan so having never attempted this before is it easy to do with limited modelling skills?
  18. guess i cheat even more, i just stick the track down and then cut the rail and slide it off the sleepers! chuck the rail as a pile of scrap somewhere else!
  19. Been to all of these to commission the gsmr, and in the case of Kennett, to decommission it as well! pictures of some of them in my gallery
  20. Read the article yesterday and thought this sounds familiar, now I remember why!
  21. if you want to borrow stock then just ask, loads of it only thing is no DCC locos, only Zero1
  22. it's foggy at Box tunnel

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