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Everything posted by ess1uk

  1. don't worry about cracking plaster, i had a layout where it did that. just use water based paint with pva added to cover it and it will be fine, can add scatter as the paint stars to dry and itsticks and covers cracks
  2. Now as the trainset came with a trakmat included i've been using this on the floor for the few times the train has made it out of the box. I have plenty of old rusty track and a few old points left over from childhood plus the new track from the set. Trouble is i don't have enough track to do anything good at the moment so have been playing at different layouts each time i set up. basically just trying to lay enough track to make sidings for the wagons and single coach. now wondering if to just follow the track mat plan for now to get the hang of it all again. i've been doing this on and off since i can remember, even whilst at college in the late 80's. This is the era i want to model as most of my stock was bought around that time when i had a disposable income and I spent many an hour watching trains pass whilst sat in a BRUTE. No point in wasting all that money is there? any way back to the point. think that i'll slowly replace the battered track with new and keep the old rusty stuff just for a yard off the loop. first off though must get some 9mm ply to glue it all to. trackmat. some of the old rusty track being used for sidings. once happy with results new grownup layout to be planned properly.
  3. I thought i'd join in and document my slow voyage from OO train set to model. This is going to be a slow evolution so bear with me. So starting with a Hornby train set picked up from Argos Clearance for £40 and bits and bobs from my childhood trainsets left at my Dad's. The plan is to enable my daughter Ruby and I to run all my old stock from when i was a kid, plus what ever else i pick up along the way. Then in time it will become a more serious model based around the late 1980's (the time i was at secondary school) located somewhere in the south west as i seem to have locos from that area. I want it to be able to run MoD trains to and from Salisbury Plain/Marchwood with my vans. the 50s from Waterloo and Paddington with my mk2 coaches 33s on Wales runs with the mk2 coaches 56 or 33 with the Yeoman PGAs oil trains with the TTAs engineers trains a HST now and again. Prototype locations in the south west are being looked at that will allow a small yard for shunting as I have loads of wagons and very few coaches though I am looking at getting a few more. A layout name has yet to be chosen, so as this is not worthy of it's own layout thread, updates will randomly appear here. All stock to be weathered and modified in time starting with the wagons. Renumbering of duplicate stock is also planned. So as it stands this is a box opening layout for fun. sorry if this upsets anyone. photo quality so far not brilliant either. please feel free to chip in with help and advice for improvement. thanks for looking.
  4. nice model can't wait to see it finished
  5. i can confirm it made no difference to my journey east on the A14 this morning, still the same amount of traffic and stood still at Godmanchester. i turned off and went cross country through St Ives instead and never saw a bus there either!
  6. it is on BBC Breakfast now http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-14401265
  7. opening this weekend apparently http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-14418525
  8. just seen on the BBC web site http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-14198888 more problems!!
  9. usually the bared wire bit is on the inside so that you are already trespassing when you get injured so you can't claim for the injury !! that's the reason military bases have razor wire inside the fence and not the outside
  10. i'd pay to see that at a show very impressive
  11. this thread expains more than the wikipedia page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ERTMS
  12. wish my layout was this good
  13. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-13876393 the phrase "everyone off and push" springs to mind
  14. looking good here is a picture taken at Falkland Yard for comparison
  15. all i can find at the moment is 6mm or 18mm ply is 6 too thin??
  16. appreciate that gangs are smaller and time is tight, but how do you explain leaving piles of scrap in access areas, and the piles of rail and sleepers on the trough route and in front of location cab? no need for it, it just make life harder for every one else rant over
  17. i'll second that my all time favourite is rail or piles of sleeper on the trough route lazy p way
  18. needs a holiday

  19. they do still have to work to planning rules, they can't just plonk a mast any where they like they have changed from taller masts to 15m masts though to appease the locals, meaning there are now more of them needed to get the coverage required
  20. cheers for that time to get the transfers on order then and keep a look out for some ladders etc
  21. I'm not 100% sure that is Network Rail kit
  22. the masts vary due to planning rules but the REB is the same for a GSMR site, see my pictures the other REBs (also made by Elliot) are for the FTN (fixed telecom network) and do vary in size depending on how much equipment needs to be housed
  23. Relocatable Equipment Building, made by Elliot did you scratch build the mast too?
  24. very impressive mast very good not quite the right type of REB (too big) but I like it where did you get it from?
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