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Everything posted by pheaton

  1. AIUI they were normally removed (from closed stations) to reduce the likelihood of the unmaintained platform fouling the loading gauge, which is what they found at Cheltenham Racecourse platform 2, the foundations were sinking which had rotated the coping stones close to fouling the loading gauge (which is why the platform had to be rebuilt)
  2. But look at those appeals closer.... all valley railway....realistic target (to the joe public) and a defined outcome.....we need 100k to fix our viaduct....all the hallmarks of a successful appeal... WSR our business isn't viable in the long term.....we need a massive cash injection on top of what we had from he government.....finger in the air....million quid should do it....in the midst of some very very very public spats with other groups.... not only can you not see a difference when you put your money in the tin.....which means if you think its not going to make a difference you won't donate.....but also.....theres no indication of what it will be spent on...if im not mistaken the WSR had one the largest wage bills in preservation.....by an incredible margin... its all very well bleating you might close....but llangollen has already proved......the preservation movement will tolerate it....... fact remains they haven't invested in the infrastructure...and its come back to bite them...ive taken 26043 over some very dodgy track....but ive not taken it to any other railway that has double digit tie bars over the next 4 track panels you about to travel over!
  3. which is why i posted the link and not the photos but apologies didnt see you wanted them for publication
  4. Everyone on a preserved railway has there own agenda....you all get along fine until your agenda interferes with theirs.... Having seen it first hand its a very brave loco owner who thinks that dictating terms on a preserved line will not end in a messy divorce at some-point.....and i have seen steam locomotive owners ejected (even while their locomotive was in ticket) you can push your luck to a point and then something breaks and it ends up with a "Dear john" letter. its not normally difficult to find a loco to replace the one your kicking out.... there are portions of the preservation sector that are just like you say northmoor....and these are generally people there from the start thankfully they are rare, and thankfully the incoming generation thats replacing them seem to be a bit more pragmatic....in my experience the original steam preservationists are very resistant to change......like everything it goes in cycles...and im sure the diesel preservationists of my time will be just as cynical when some new youngster gets his bid accepted on a class 66
  5. I would say that its more likely that the support to the heritage railway sector is suffering from appeal fatigue rather than an issue squared at the WSR itself.
  6. https://www.flickr.com/photos/70023venus2009/8179828428 https://twitter.com/_doublearrow/status/791410051772780550 not my photo, but there is the coaching stock..... and there it is in glorious technicolour
  7. Bachmann supplied this Andrew https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/44-041-OO-Gauge-Scenecraft-Sanding-Plant-/253301751917 most places are out of stock but you may find some on ebay...
  8. Hi Andrew, no it wouldn't be for compressed air, the vents indicate they are for bulk liquids only.
  9. I Read that thread, but why was it called the white wash coach?
  10. Extremely crude electronics compared to a class 47....and the english electric engine is far easier to get parts for...it came into being with the class 20 and ended with the class 56. Simplicity and parts availability is why 37s have carried on for so long.
  11. Not at all Phil.....it still lags behind some of there other models ...the 128 is proper leds throughout
  12. the circuitry basically hasn't changed so i doubt there is a bicolour LED fitted....because 33s were supposed to be able to switch a lens over the lower markers to change them red, AFAIK this is was abandoned quite early on, they remained white afaik for quite a while but i know some 33s didnt use them in-favour of 2 white/red squares in the route indicator box.
  13. Look closely....its not a bulb its actually a 5mm LED or atleast in 33025 it is anyway other give away is the blanking plug now has an SM resistor on it. Thankyou Heljan now hopefully i can run lights with loksounds without the risk of them burning out
  14. SSF equipment is why the lights are different, it sits where the headcode box used to be, the lenses lift up the bulbs can be changed where as at the other end the lights sit in the former headcode box structure. the small rectangles are ident plates for various outlets/underframe equipment, all 47s would have had them at some point and a lot more of them but many went missing over time or were not re-applied after a repaint.
  15. haven't opened mine up yet have they transitioned to LEDs yet?
  16. i see what you mean i just checked a recent purchase 33025 and i had to look twice to see them....previous batches the grill was a little oversize so to there credit Heljan have listened and tried to fix
  17. I think the issue is on SouthernMafias grills is that they are not straight which makes the mesh a lot more noticeable....its a different mesh to what was supplied on the first of the retooled models. Looks like the grills have had an issue at the factory and someone has had a go at trying to correct it.
  18. it is the new mould the printed on plates below the radiator grills are the giveaway, on the older mould these were moulded raised detail
  19. Thats a very modellable spoon I take it the cab side stripes were unique to RTC locos?
  20. But with respect mike are you not comparing apples with oranges....the HST was a commuter train, the blue pullman was a niche service...so it would make sense to invest to resolve the HSTs issues....could br have withstood another APT style failure....such was the publicity of the HST at the time.... in other words...did the HST become to large to fail.... is it not safe to assume as well...such a prominent niche service was subjected to much higher maintenance regimes...than your average commuter train.....which skewed its reliability somewhat?
  21. good practice not to turn too often to make sure wear on wheelset profiles and flanges is kept to a minimum, not turning the locomotive evens the wear out and maintains the profile for longer.
  22. The motor control is a little more refined on a ZIMO decoder, however ive no doubt that with the correct setup on an ESU decoder the same could be achieved. Zimos are slightly cheaper than an ESU, but tbh there isn't much in it.. Not sure about the much wider range of UK sound sets though dpgibbons, almost every uk diesel loco is available on an ESU (no idea about steam). for me it comes down to the project im interested in....if the project Is better quality on zimo I will choose zimo....if its better quality I will chose ESU.... if you are into creating projects then there are a number of differences between the two, and there is a tradeoff in advantages and disadvantages in there project creation methods... other than a larger memory capacity however its difficult to see the out of the box technical advantage an ESU v5 has over a zimo mx645 though. I know Paul Chetter is working hard in the background to achieve different features in his zimo projects however.
  23. Hi All, Looking to expand my 4tc to an 8tc....but what formations did they run in....was it 2x 4tc or was it a single set with 8 coaches and one Brake? thanks simon
  24. Im sure i read somewhere that its been bought for preservation, but there were difficulties encountered trying to extract it.... ISTR it was dumped there after running a hot box i wonder if this is the very very last piece of plain bearing rolling stock left on the mainline??
  25. Here here....you know what when I go to Warley (remember that) the layout I used to make a beeline for was the triang societies layout....one year it was massive....12 of those death-trap Meccano controllers in row and the shredding din of al the locos going round the layout....no scenery nothing just exactly as the manufacturer intended ready to plant buildings......I could watch it for hours....because there was nothing to judge it was exactly as the manufacturer intended....your imagination did the rest....nowadays it's almost like your life depends on it....So what.....I use set track or ready plant buildings....does that make me less of a modeller....I think the hobby these days seems to be too much about trying to impress others then having fun....
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