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Tony Davis

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Everything posted by Tony Davis

  1. Best Doctor; William Hartnell, best writer; Terry Nation.
  2. Yes, I gave up watching when Peter Capaldi assumed the mantel, not because he isn't a good actor but because I found the scripts uninteresting. Someone else on RMWeb made the comment "it's a children's show", so I assumed that I had finally grown up! (my wife assures me that I am still as infantile as ever, so it must be the script-writing - phew!)
  3. I am in the process of fitting kadee's to my British outline wagons to use on my Inglenook shunting layout. I am cutting off the old tension lock mountings, filing the chassis flat and screwing the kadee's into the bit of hole that remains. The problem I am finding is that the screws supplied with the original tension locks aren't always long enough so I need to either get longer screws or glue the boxes to the underframe. I would rather screw than glue, but I don't know which screws to use, so I was hoping someone could advise thread size and length, please? Thanks
  4. Wouldn't you (or "they" rather) need opposable thumbs to develop and operate spaceflight technology?
  5. I doubt it, but I might just leave them visible and put it down to "failing eyesight" :-)
  6. This is how I intend to fit the magnets, I will try and disguise them a bit, and I know I should have fitted magnets before everything else but, well, we live and learn.
  7. Attached photo shows a birds eye view of my in progress Inglenook layout. After considering various options I have elected to fit Kadees to my stock. I obviously have to dig up bits of ballast and remove bits of sleeper to accommodate the magnets, so I want to get it right first time. I would assume they should be fitted just to the left of each set of points, is the right? TIA Tony
  8. Thanks Neil, unfortunately I didn't see your post until after we had booked. It does look a lovely place, if we visit that part of Cymru again ( fingers crossed). we will definitely be looking to stay there. Cofion, Tony
  9. Thanks for that, Barry, we were really looking for a self-catering place.
  10. Many thanks for all this info, we booked earlier this afternoon a cottage a couple of miles outside of Dolgellau town as we wanted some night skies to look at. Thanks as well for your kind invitation, I shall certainly be in touch closer to the time of our visit (September next year), and, hopefully, something can be sorted out. Cofion, Tony
  11. The wife, the dog and I are going to Cymru next year, I want to re-visit the Talyllyn, the Welsh Highland and probably the Corris, but we are not sure where to stay, so I was hoping for some recommendations, please. We are, as mentioned above, bringing our seven-year-old Staffy with us, and are thinking of a cottage somewhere between Porthmadog and Tywyn. We will be going around the end of September. We will be driving, but have penciled in a trip on the mainline between Porthmadog and Tywyn as we understand the route is very scenic. Mrs. D is currently looking at a property in Dolgellau, and bearing in mind she isn't a railway enthusiast and would like something other than trains to look at, would that be a good place to base ourselves. We both love great scenery (another reason for a visit) and empty skies. Thanks Tony
  12. That brought back to mind the disgusting taste of paper chains with awful clarity!
  13. Thanks everyone, so many solutions, I do favour the p clips, just my personal preference though
  14. Thanks, LongRail, exactly what I meant. Regards, Tony
  15. I’m sure I’ve seen layouts were the builder has affixed the wire run to the underside of the layout using what looks like a plastic tape folded over the wires and held in place with a screw. I’ve tried looking for such a thing in my local shops but the nearest I can find are cable ties which a) are too thin to put a screw through and, b) bl**dy difficult to get undone again without recourse to cutters. Is the thing I have tried to describe really a thing, or have people just adapted something else? Ta
  16. So, is it a law, that, once you have solved an electrical problem on your layout, another problem, usually something that has worked reliably up to this point, will now fail?

    1. Platform 1

      Platform 1

      Probably a corollary of Murphy's Law.  But see Cunningham's Law ;)


    2. Compound2632


      All local manifestations of the Universal Law of Sod.


      Ward Cunningham is a known individual. I'm not sure if the identity of Murphy is known. Sod was an Old Testament Patriarch, the chief contractor for the Tower of Babel. 

  17. I am in the planning stages of my next layout and would like have dcc control. The proposed trackplan is attached and I would be obliged if you could look over it and point out any obvious pitfalls or warnings about wiring for dcc. I am planning on using an NCE powercab, I will have a three loco's on the layout. The points will be servo powered via a merg version megapoints controller (which will be controlled by switches, not dcc). The trackplan is only a rough guide to how the final layout will look as I am still (obviously) in the early learing stages of Scarm (running on Ubuntu 19.10), so please ignore the bad connections and poor execution. Thanks Tony
  18. Just caught up with the first two episodes on the internet, great stuff! Really enjoyable. Thanks for posting the info about it on here.
  19. It did sell though, are they really that sought after (it would seem so). Why though? That is a lot of money.
  20. But he does supply freebies; "Sent item in old food container with some sauce still in it and charged £4 post" Not good for the recipient, obviously, but it made me laugh
  21. Down came the rain - Mister Murray
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