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Everything posted by jcarta

  1. Lee There is only one loco in this trio that oozes character ..... Long Live the Tractor Jim
  2. Lee Now these look brilliant..... Someone out there is going to be seriously pleased when they receive a cracking whistler .... Absolutely spot on.... Jim
  3. Spot on weathering matey..... What Matt varnish do you use to seal your weathering? Jim
  4. I will have a word with the employee about his appearance ....
  5. Morning from tropical Milton Keynes... Well when I started my thread it was to gain experience building my JLTRT 37 that I purchased part made... I tapped into a few other RM webbers to get their experience so thanks for your help. Well the 37 just sat on the shelf for 2 years so a little while ago I decided that it should take pride and place on the work bench and carry on building it and now we are nearing the end of this stage. I know that I have the cant rail to put on as well as numbers so these have been placed on order and then all that is left to fit is a sound decoder and a few other detailing parts... Jim
  6. I do believe it was only on the No1 end... Great work on your class 27 Lee... superb Jim
  7. Morning Great weather we are experiencing at the moment except it is playing havoc with the track as you will see So I spent the whole evening once it cooled down sufficiently to take up the track and relay it, this time with bigger expansion gaps, god knows what will happen over the wintertime!!!! Sunday, we had a running session but as we approached midday the track was getting too hot and then the loco's refused to move due to the wrong kind of heat..... sounds like an excuse British Rail would have used..... So yesterday was spent sourcing gazebo's and parasol's which sorted the issued as well as giving my old mucca an upgrade from the sole parasol he once hid under. There is a strong rumour that this weather is set to remain for a while, lets hope so.... Jim
  8. Ray The scenery is starting to take shape... I have found a picture on the web that illustrates that garages sometimes started painting the wood in in different colours i.e. green, white .... I suppose what ever was lying around..... Jim
  9. Rob I have just sent you a PM Jim
  10. Rob Thanks for advice ..... I will be following your photo's as I carry out the procedure.... Michael I will be placing an order with you shortly Jim
  11. Evening First of all ...... The coaches are absolutely cracking.... Great work on them. I have just purchased a MKII off of ebay and I am looking to do a cut and shut job similar to you.... Can you please let me know some of the pit falls to expect as well as where you purchased the window frames from? Lastly, the underframe..... Did you have to add parts to it? ... If so where did you purchase the from.... Regards Jim
  12. Steve Glad to see you back and on the road to recovery...... Good to hear that the DMU's are running a little bit better than they were.... Before you know it all will be well in the Steve world... Anyway... it's great to see you on RMweb again..... Jim
  13. Evening Been a lovely couple of days, weather wise...... So a quick photo shoot with the 'Grid' on shed at Knowmoor in the morning then this evening making it's way back to Ayr Road MPD.... Jim
  14. Seeing as the season has reverted back to wintry weather it was time spent wisely in the garage area of Ayr Road. The Dogfish wagons have now been weathered and will take pride and place running around in the near future when the sun decides to show its face. The builders have been out again to erect an old factory / warehouse which I believe fits quite well into its surroundings complete with the diesel clag leaving their particles all over the building. I purchased some yard lights many months ago but never got round to fitting and wiring them up..... another job finished Even included a night shot... Well lastly the snowploughs have taken there place on the layout in readiness for the next flurry on white scenery (hopefully not this year) Right back to the drawing board with the architects to design and erect another building on to the back scenery...... Jim
  15. I concur with Andy P..... It's great that you can operate a railway with steam and diesel on different days as it bring a layout to life.... On another note it also brings some operating issues to the fore front but it makes the operator think more about the moves... Totally changes the layout.... Brilliant Jim
  16. Well after a couple of nice sunny days and now the grass has now dried out so a couple of hours have been spent on the railway.... First up the diesel depot at Knowmoor had to be rebuilt as the original was far too big for the area so a cut & shut was required and it has now been added to the railway Then I decided to update the signal frame at Ayr Road with lever numbers And finally a sunset picture of the box at Ayr Road Sidings Jim
  17. oooooh I love when you get dirty........ They do look very good.... Jim
  18. Now there's a challenge ...... You two are excwptional at weathering and I would love to be at your levels..... Would love to have both of these running around my layout Keep up the great work chaps Jim
  19. A little project that I have been working on ..... This meant getting my guru Ray out of his comfort zone, along with his soldering iron, to put a snow plough together for moi..... mighty fine job he has done. I already had a plough but both are different versions ..... The first one I had to totally respray it as the yellow & black were the wrong way round and I actually used yellow masking tape instead of painting, only time will tell whether it will stay in place.... The next little project was I bought two GUV's off of ebay for under £50..... Bargain Here is the before and after shot and to be honest the first picture show it as near on perfect in RES colours.... To be honest they needed new sides made up as well as complete under frames. So a call was put into Shaun at Easybuild for the underside parts and the sides were designed and cut by my mate Ray on his special cutter and he managed to completely make them to represent Motorail GUV's .... This man has exceptional talents. All in all I think these have come out rather well.... Mind you I still have another GUV to put together..... Jim
  20. Paul A few more rails down then will we see the big boys out....Class 37 or 40.... Anyway it's taking shape & looking good Jim
  21. I prefer to look at the old weathered masterpiece behind Bruce or Cybill .... Jim
  22. From a Facebook post - a response to an enquiry as to why they didn't cancel. Quote It's all me me me.................
  23. I have been a member of the GOG for a few years now and I have always been proud of the assistance that the railway community has given me in answering any questions that I pose.... What doesn't help is when you get a person whom makes no bones that they "may be" representing the GOG and stating that some enthusiasts are no more than "free loaders" ....... We are all on these websites because we all have one love..... Model Railways Dava, You could have voiced your opinion(s) a little be better but your actions have left a lot of enthusiasts whom may have joined the GOG now to seek an alternative. Personally, I will not be attending the show tomorrow and this is not due to the weather nor will I be renewing my membership to the GOG ..... Attitudes need to change I wonder if the GOG members that have pre-purchased their advanced tickets and are unable to attend the show ..... Will GOG allow these tickets to be used at another GOG event?
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