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Everything posted by jcarta

  1. James Looking good.... If you use wood for the flooring, can't you use the original screw fixings from the old chassis? Jim
  2. I was also watching this on ebay and for the asking price you can't go wrong..... I for one are going to watch to see how your project progresses. Good luck Jim
  3. 37521 back in May 2013 .... Looking rather neglected
  4. 50 + year old loco's ....But still don't look out of place in today's railway .... Obviously we still need them. Thumbs up to the team that have returned them to this condition.... Stunning Jim
  5. I have to admit.... perfect ... superb .... Thumbs up
  6. Didn't both of these Class 40's live to fight another day...... Both entered into departmental use as 97407 (40012) & 97408 (40118) for the Crewe new layout. Jim
  7. Good point.... I suppose anything that has worked less that 18-20 years cold have been counted as a negative in the cost factor..... If that was the case then the Baby Deltic would have be seen as a failure although I do like them ..... and the Class 76 as a success... Interesting
  8. How did 47115 (I think that's the number) sustain it's damage? The loco looks as though it only just been through an over haul..... Cracking photo's..... Jim
  9. When your out an about pop into a Costa's coffee shop they will always have some Jim
  10. Blimey Einstein's,,,,,, I have trouble working out how many tiles I need to do the bathroom .....
  11. Brilliant photo's .....especially the Newcastle one's Jim
  12. Failed D&A = Job Centre & at the very most severe case, possibly a Prison term ..... The railway scene has changed significantly nowadays..... Jim
  13. Phew..... I had this horrible feeling that he may had been transferred to Coventry ?????
  14. Has anyone seen the "Bogie Inspector" (posh title for lazy )..... He's been missing since Wednesday and I'm getting worried that he may have been abducted!!!!! Jim
  15. You're not wrong there ..... The derelict building looks a work of art. It will be in keeping with the rest of the layout. Jim
  16. I thought my mutt had a luxurious king size dog bed....... clearly not Let Buttons have a lie in.... Jim
  17. Damn ...... Primark took over the BHS in Milton Keynes
  18. Perusing through the web I found this picture by "Lewis Bevan" and some of the comments gives an insight why Gateshead Depot utilised them ocassionally.... Prior to 1978, a visit of a class 31 to Edinburgh was very rare, but became quite a regular occurance from then on. They regularly appeared on the stopping trains from Newcastle or relief trains from the ECML. I think Gateshead favoured using them because they could not be used by Haymarket for any other duty apart from the planned return working with a Gatehead driver as ScR drivers weren't trained on them, thereby guaranteeing fhe safe return of their loco! Jim
  19. Happy New Year To the Edmondson clan I hope you will still inspire us with your projects throughout 2020 Jim
  20. Glad to hear your home ..... keep them painkillers close to hand. Chill out and Merry Christmas to you. Jim
  21. Roll on February / March ........ It'll be like Christmas all over again !!! Jim
  22. Look at the ones behind that have sacrificed parts to keep the rest of the fleet operational.... Jim
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