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Gravy Train

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Everything posted by Gravy Train

  1. Hi everyone, has anyone got any ideas on how I can develop the scene, to the right of the bridge, as this was only a temporary idea for an exhibition show? many thanks
  2. Hi Mick, It’s looking the part without doubt, you have done a great job on the roof, it’s never easy to disguise joins but you have overcome that, transferring your excellent ‘metalworking’ skills, to the plastic building approach.
  3. Hi Mick, that really is looking the part, I never realised there were no canals in Hull, that is fascinating for sure as I thought they were literally everywhere. Peter
  4. Hi Mick, down pipes and gutters really add to the overall presentation, for sure, what did you use for the drainpipes? Pete
  5. Thanks for your posts, very interesting reading for sure. Peter
  6. Hi Mick, that’s looking really good, for sure, I like the slate roof Looking forward to seeing it in place on the layout. peter
  7. Hi Montyburn, thanks re comments. yes, I too got mixed up a few times whilst constructing the station model, had to keep checking the photos ha ha. Peter
  8. Hi Papyrus, thank you for the kind comments, I have a detached house near the station to construct, could be the same house. Peter
  9. Hi Mick, very nice to see the warehouse coming along nicely, looking forward to seeing it when it is plumbed in on the layout. peter
  10. I’m surprised Holt don’t do this model anymore, as mentioned earlier, I bought one from a friend who acquired it, I think from Norman Wisenden back in the day and was a Mike Sharman model. I later bought the exact same one from Holt Models. this is said model, except I didn’t add the lantern.
  11. I’m pretty sure it was an exact Sharman model I used On Wainthrop Bridge, as it was identical to The one I used on Shaw Bridge. pete
  12. It’s looking the part now Mick, just needs to sit snug on the layout.
  13. Hi Mick, nice to see you cracking on with the layout project and looking forward to watching it develope, nice to see the H&BR getting a look in in the modelling front. The Wills girder parts are excellent and work well, into a bridge like this.
  14. Thanks, Sasquatch, next job is a detached house that is close to the embankment. cheers Peter
  15. Hi Jeff, thanks for the kind comments, very much appreciated. peter
  16. Superb is that Phil, is it a Fender Backscene? seriously that looks so realistic.
  17. RJS, Sounds very interesting, have not looked at that, Im certainly no expert on the Midland, But it’s amazing what information you pick up when working on a railway related subject matter and it’s always so interesting. Peter
  18. Hi Jim, thanks for your input here and yes I would think it would have been done sooner. It was surely a lovely structure and a shame it had to be demolished. Peter
  19. Hi Keith, thanks, I have replied to your message. thanks Peter
  20. No 100 Unfortunately, but yes He has a few back issues of said magazine. thanks again for the lead, will keep looking? peter
  21. Thanks Andy, will give him a call cheers Peter
  22. I will have a look there, I Was disappointed I didn’t win on eBay for said magazine, ran out of time. cheers
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